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Portuguese to English Accounting Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
apropriada owned / collected
Apuração de Impostos Tax Assessment
Apuramento de Resultados verification of results
arcando com (in this context) absorbing
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
Arquivamento de dados contábeis e operacionais na SUSEP the operational and accounting data are filed with SUSEP
arrasto carry-over, carryover
Arrendamento Mercantil a Pagar commercial lease payable
arresto seizure (of properties)
articulado wording (of a non-government bill)
Entered by: Tina Delia
assuntor devedor assumer / debtor assumptor
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Ata de Deliberação dos Sócios minutes of a shareholders' meeting
Entered by: Martin Riordan
Atendimento a fiscalizações submit to auditing / appear for audit
ativação activation
Ativo circulante disponivel Available current assets Bank checking accounts
ativo gerencial managerial asset(s)
Ativo imobilizado e retorno de capital sem cobertura cambial Fixed assets and capital return without exchange coverage
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Ato de Integração on entering
atos e fatos administrativos administrative acts and facts..
Entered by: airmailrpl
Auditor-Fiscal da Receita Federal Federal Revenue Tax Auditor
auditoria contábil financial audit
avançada de 5°grau (no contexto) advanced/top fifth level accounting structure
à obrigação de não fazer a prohibitive (restraining) injunction; negative covenant; forbearance
ágio agio / premium
ágio / deságio an accrued asset / accured liability, premium/discount
álcool etílico anidro carburante anhydrous ethanol fuel
área de avaliação assesment field OR area
ênfase emphasis of matter
órgão de controle control office / control body
baixa de clientes client removal (from the database)
Baixa manual de estoque manual inventory/stock write-off
Baixa Residual Imobilizada residual asset value write-off
baixada nos órgãos excluded/deleted from the records
balanço especial special-purpose financial statement
Balanço Patrimonial Individual Separate (or Individual) Financial Statements
balanço social social accounting
balancete trial balance
balancete do razão Ledger trial balance
bem juridico legal asset
bem lançado parecer well-stated opinion
bem patrimonial capital assets
Entered by: Carla Lopes
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