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Portuguese to English Insurance Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
remições as in pensões e remições redemption
RISCOS CONTIGENTES DE VEÍCULOS TERRESTRES MOTORIZADOS Contigent risks of motorized terrestrial vehicles
"seguro real" general insurance OR non-life insurance
a bonificacao no-claims bonus
Entered by: Natalie
A indenização é devida por morte Indemnity is due to death
a soma dos percentuais de divisão the sum of the allocated percentages
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
a troca do benefício (until) the benefit is changed.
açao de regresso recourse, appeal
ação regressiva third-party claim
ações de regresso recovery actions / suits to recover
ações ou processos criminais criminal lawsuits or proceedings
ACID. accident
Entered by: John Eastham
Acta de Presença dos Bombeiros Fire Brigade Report
Actos de Seguro (carry out) insurance activities
aderente subscriber/member
aditivo (de renovação) (renewal) amendment
afastados on leave of absence/on sick leave/on maternity leave/on vacation leave - depending on the specific context
afecto a allocated to
agravo surcharge
agremiaçao confederation
Entered by: airmailrpl
Alagamento ou inundação Inundation or flooding
aludir (a) make reference (to); refer (to); mention
amparo securitário insurance coverage
angariação de riscos to include the respective risks (in the costs)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
anuências approval, consent
anuitização yearly equivalent cost
Ao contrário do que possa constar... Notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary
Apólice participada claims-made policy
apólice/sub de origem das vidas original life insurance policy/subpolicy
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Apolice de RC de E&O Civil Liability and E&O Policy
assistência public assistance
assistência 24 horas 24 hour \ round the clock service \ available 24/7
assunção de obrigações e outras avenças assumption of liabilities/obligations and other agreements
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Ato Viciante vitiating act
aumento de sinistralidade / sinistralidade increase in the accident/claim rate / accident/claim rate
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
é só sair para contar go out and count
Entered by: Heloisa Ferreira
Bónus/Málus bonus/malus
Bens de alto valor agregado - Mercadorias high added-value assets - goods
Entered by: Mario Freitas
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