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32 years translating Engineering, Legal/Contracts and Businees documents with high accuracy.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator.
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Translation Volume: 75000 words Completed: Dec 2024 Languages: English to Portuguese
Hour of Code - Computer Programming
Computer programming, learning, low- and high-school level
Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500000 words Completed: Dec 2024 Languages: English to Portuguese
SonicWall NsSp Firewall Site and Documentation
Translation of the site and documentation on SonicWall's firewalls and threat detection systems.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 200000 words Completed: Dec 2022 Languages: English to Portuguese Portuguese to English
Vale - Pöyry - Pratico Oman Project
Briquetting Plant - Desing Criteria
Engineering (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 150000 words Completed: Dec 2022 Languages: English to Portuguese
Heidleberg - Prinect - 2021/2022 product line
Description and features of new Heidleberg-Prinect products - 2021
No comment.
Translation Volume: 300000 words Duration: Jun 2020 to Dec 2022 Languages:
SNC-Lavalin - Níquel Piauí Project
Translation of technical specifications and design criteria
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500000 words Completed: Dec 2024 Languages: English to Portuguese
Knight Piésold, Aurizona Gold and Chapada TSF Projects
Knight Piésold - Aurizona Gold mine Vené Tailings Storage Facilities elevation raising project to El. 35 m, 2017-1019. Technical specifications and all related construction documents.
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 300000 words Completed: Dec 2020 Languages: English to Portuguese Portuguese to English
Translation Volume: 150000 words Completed: Dec 2020 Languages: English to Portuguese
Million Dollar Round Table
Several documentos of this worldwide association of insurance consultants
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100000 words Completed: Dec 2024 Languages: English to Portuguese
Mokveld Valve Systems for Oil & Gas Industry
Typhoon and other O&G valve systems - Specifications, Manuals, Procedures, Marketing documents.
Petroleum Eng/Sci
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100000 words Completed: Dec 2020 Languages: English to Portuguese
Damen Industrial & Military Boats and Dredges
Industrial boats, specifications, marketing, reports on the success of the mobilized units, other documents
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100000 words Completed: Mar 2020 Languages: Portuguese to English
Vale-Samarco Bidding Process
Bidding process documentation for international vendors of telecomm equipment for industrial/mining plants.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 180000 words Completed: Dec 2018 Languages: English to Portuguese
CyberGhost VPN - Software Documentation
Translation of entire CytberGhost VPN Software, including site contents, terms of use and licences, privacy policy, manuals, instructions, marketing texts, etc.
Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 24000 words Completed: Oct 2018 Languages: Portuguese to English
LavaJato Case Proceedings - Joesley M. Batista and others
Translation of court records of the judgement of Joesley M. Bastista and others, in the LavaJato Process, Brazil, 2018.
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 250 pages Duration: Dec 2018 to Dec 2019 Languages: English to Portuguese
Book "Finding My Invincible Summer", Muriel Vasconcellos
Translation of the book (biography) Finding My Invincible Summer, by Muriel Vasconcellos
Poetry & Literature
No comment.
Translation Volume: 150000 words Duration: Oct 2014 to Aug 2019 Languages: English to Portuguese
Tetra Tech - Engineering Documents/Periodicals
Translation of Tetra Tech's portfolio presentation documents to be published in the company's periodicals and for marketing purposes worldwide.
Engineering (general), Marketing
No comment.
Translation Volume: 50000 words Duration: Jun 2016 to Apr 2017 Languages: English to Portuguese
Kinross Tailing Dam expansion
Kinross tailing dams expansion
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 40000 words Completed: Sep 2016 Languages: Portuguese to English
Vale/SMDS Project and Bidding Procedures
Engineering and Bidding Procedures
Engineering (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500000 words Duration: Jan 2016 to Oct 2016 Languages: Portuguese to English
Samarco - Fundão Dam Maintenance 2013-2015
Assessment, maintenance, civil workds, earthworks, tests and instrumentation of the Germano, Fundão and Santarém tailings dams, including technical reports, evaluation sheets, lab tests and other documents.
Metallurgy / Casting, Mining & Minerals / Gems
No comment.
Translation Volume: 45000 words Duration: Mar 2015 to Jul 2015 Languages: English to Portuguese Portuguese to English
Anglo American BVFR
Anglo American Brazil BVFR Project Close-out Report. Translation and revision of over 200 pages describing all project activities, from kickoff to handover.
Mining & Minerals / Gems
No comment.
Translation Volume: 65000 words Duration: Mar 2015 to Jul 2015 Languages: English to Portuguese
Book Translation - Easily Understand Islam
Translation of Fual Kamad's "Easily Understand Islam"
No comment.
Translation Volume: 175000 words Completed: Jun 2015 Languages: English to Portuguese
Itron - OpenWay Collection Engine Manuals
Itron – OpenWay collection Engine - Operation and Installation guides for public utility energy, water and gas meter reading system, to be acquired by Brazilian utility companies in 2015.
Electronics / Elect Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 90 days Completed: Dec 2014 Languages: English to Portuguese
General Electric - Steam Tubrine Generators
Translation of technical specifications, product desctiption, manufacturer instructions, installation, maintenance and operation manuals for GE Steam Turbine Generators, equipment, devices and instrumentation thereof.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500000 words Completed: Jul 2014 Languages: Portuguese to English English to Portuguese
Vale SPE Specifications & Procedures (Progen)
Technical specifications & procedures for mining & metallurgy equipment and civil construction, for capital projects in Brazil.
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PayPal, Wire transfer, Money order, Skrill, Payoneer, Wise, Bank transfer to USA, UK, Cana
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Portuguese: Exhibit A - Independent Auditor Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Parsippany, New Jersey
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of [confidential] and subsidiaries (the
"Company") as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income,
equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2012. We also have audited the Company's
internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2012, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated
Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. The Company's management
is responsible for these financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its
assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management's Report
on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and an
opinion on the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in
all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting
included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness
exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our
audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.
A company's internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the company's
principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, and effected by the company's
board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial
reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. A company's internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the
maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of
the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are
being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable
assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's assets that
could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Because of the inherent limitations of internal control over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper
management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may not be prevented or detected on a timely
basis. Also, projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting to future periods
are subject to the risk that the controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Ao Conselho Diretor e aos Acionistas da
Parsippany, Nova Jersey
Os Balanços Patrimoniais Consolidados, anexos à presente, da [confidencial] e suas subsidiárias (doravante simplesmente "Empresa") foram auditados a partir de 31 de dezembro de 2012 e 2011, bem como as Demonstrações Consolidadas de Receitas, Receitas Abrangentes, Mutação Patrimonial e Fluxos de Caixa correspondentes a cada um dos três exercícios findos em 31 de dezembro de 2010, 2011 e 2012. Também foi auditado o controle interno da Empresa sobre as Demonstrações Financeiras, a partir de 31 de dezembro de 2012, com base em critérios estabelecidos pelo documento Internal Control - Integrated Framework (Controle Interno - Estrutura Integrada), emitido pelo Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Comitê de Organizações Mantenedoras da Comissão Treadway). A diretoria da Empresa é responsável pelas Demonstrações Financeiras, pela efetiva manutenção do controle interno de relatórios financeiros e pela avaliação da eficácia do controle interno sobre os relatórios financeiros, que fazem parte do Relatório da Diretoria anexo sobre o Controle Interno de Relatórios Financeiros. A responsabilidade da [confidencial] é a de expressar sua opinião, com base em auditorias, em relação a essas Demonstrações Financeiras, e avaliar o controle interno da Empresa sobre seus relatórios financeiros.
As auditorias foram conduzidas de acordo com as normas do Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (Conselho Supervisor de Auditoria das Empresas de Capital Aberto dos Estados Unidos). Essas normas exigem que os auditores planejem e executem auditorias de forma a obter garantias cabíveis de que as Demonstrações Financeiras não apresentam distorções substanciais e de que tenha sido mantido controle interno efetivo sobre os relatórios financeiros em relação a todos os aspectos relevantes. As auditorias da Deloitte & Touche feitas nas Demonstrações Financeiras abrangeram exames, com base em testes, das evidências que respaldam os montantes e resultados das Demonstrações Financeiras, avaliando os princípios contábeis aplicados e as estimativas feitas pela diretoria, e avaliando também a apresentação global das Demonstrações Financeiras. A auditoria do controle interno de relatórios financeiros inclui a compreensão do controle interno sobre os relatórios financeiros, avaliando o risco da existência de uma debilidade substancial, e testes e avaliações da eficácia de projeto e execução do controle interno, com base no risco avaliado. As auditorias abrangem também outros procedimentos julgados necessários conforme as circunstâncias. A Deloitte & Touche acredita que suas auditorias proporcionam a base para suas opiniões.
O controle interno da Empresa sobre relatórios financeiros é um processo elaborado pelo executivo principal e pelos dirigentes financeiros principais da Empresa, ou sob sua supervisão, ou ainda por pessoas que executem funções semelhantes, e ratificado pelo Conselho Diretor, pela diretoria e por outros funcionários, de forma a proporcionar a segurança cabível em termos de confiabilidade dos relatórios financeiros e da elaboração das Demonstrações Financeiras para fins externos, de acordo com os princípios contábeis geralmente aceitos. O controle interno da Empresa sobre relatórios financeiros envolve as políticas e procedimentos que (1) dizem respeito à manutenção de lançamentos que reflitam, com nível razoável de detalhamento e de forma precisa e justa, as transações e a destinação dos ativos da Empresa; (2) apresentem garantias cabíveis de que as transações estão sendo devidamente lançadas de forma a permitir a elaboração das Demonstrações Financeiras, segundo os princípios contábeis geralmente aceitos, e que os recebimentos e as despesas da Empresa estão sendo realizados somente de acordo com as autorizações dos gerentes e diretores da Empresa; e (3) apresentem garantias cabíveis de em relação à prevenção ou detecção de aquisições, utilização ou destinação não autorizadas de ativos da Empresa que possam afetar as Demonstrações Financeiras de forma relevante, em tempo hábil.
Devido às limitações inerentes ao controle interno sobre relatórios financeiros, incluindo a possibilidade de conluio ou ingerência, e sobreposição de controles, distorções substanciais decorrentes de erros ou fraude não podem ser evitadas ou detectadas em tempo hábil. As projeções de qualquer tipo de avaliação quanto à eficácia do controle interno sobre relatórios financeiros para exercícios futuros estão também sujeitas ao risco de os controles se tornarem inadequados, por força de mudanças nas condições, ou de o grau de observância das políticas e procedimentos se deteriorar.
Portuguese to English: Equipamentos - Mecânica General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
1.1 Geral
Os seguintes requisitos mínimos deverão ser observados no projeto e montagem dos equipamentos mecânicos:
Código da fonte - B
• Os equipamentos deverão ser dimensionados em conformidade com as condições do uso, no caso, uma mineração, serviço extra-pesado, em ambiente com poeira, umidade e aberto, sujeito a intempéries.
• A padronização dos equipamentos deve ser feita na fase de engenharia pela projetista, assim também como pelos fornecedores de equipamentos, no sentido de haver uma intercambiabilidade e poder minimizar o inventário de peças de reposição.
• Todos os equipamentos compactos deverão ser fornecidos com sua fiação elétrica completa e com marcas que permitam sua fácil identificação. De mesma forma os terminais deverão localizar se numa caixa de terminais, adequada para executar as conexões externas requeridas e que serão executadas por terceiros.
• Os fabricantes deverão sinalizar os riscos e perigos iminentes tais como: temperatura alta, energia, radioatividade, vasos de pressão, entre outros para garantir assim uma operação confiável e segura, eles deverão constar do manual do equipamento e no próprio equipamento.
• Equipamentos auxiliares para o controle de processo devem vir acompanhados de certificados de aferição e de procedimento de controle de calibração e aferição, além dos padrões necessários junto do escopo de fornecimento.
• Os fabricantes deverão informar as necessidades de utilidades, ar e água além dos requisitos de controle dos mesmos.
• Bandejamentos, como também tubulação de água de limpeza e incêndio, não devem impedir o acesso da manutenção de componentes (Ex.: TC’s)
Código da fonte - A/ B
• Com o objetivo de conseguir bons resultados operacionais, o projeto deve levar em conta a experiência obtida, dos equipamentos testados em condições de operação similar.
• Todas as tubulações deverão estar instaladas na unidade e serão projetadas de forma a minimizar as conexões externas a serem executadas em obra por terceiros, prevendo todas as condições que permitam um fácil acesso para efeitos de uma boa manutenção. Nos locais onde haja transposição de tubovias deverá ser previsto plataformas com guarda-corpos, escadas, tudo conforme NR 22 e normas especificas da XXXXX.
• Todas as partes móveis e/ou rotativas (ex: mancais e transmissões por correia) deverão possuir proteção adequada contra acidentes.
• As proteções de segurança deverão estar em conformidade com os requisitos de segurança da NR 12 do TEM. Deve ser assegurado que todos os equipamentos com riscos de segurança durante a partida ou desligamento simultâneo por um único comando estejam equipados com um som de alarme que possa ser ouvido em toda a área onde opera.
• Os fatores de serviço dos sistemas motrizes do projeto serão calculados tomando em consideração a potência de placa do motor de acionamento.
Código da fonte - D
• Os fabricantes deverão prever proteções e bloqueios de segurança projetados para garantir que manutenção possa executar eficientemente sua função, sem danos ao equipamento nem riscos ao pessoal.
• Os fabricantes deverão projetar limitações específicas de vibração, temperatura ou pressão na operação normal dos equipamentos, estas deverão ser implementadas e supervisionadas para garantir assim uma operação confiável e segura.
Código da fonte - F
• Os fabricantes deverão atender as normas regulamentadoras conforme portaria 3214 do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego.
1.2 Transportadores de correia
Código da fonte - B
Os transportadores de correia serão pré-dimensionados conforme os critérios estabelecidos abaixo.
1.2.1 Capacidade Volumétrica Máxima da Correia Transportadora
A capacidade volumétrica máxima será baseada nas recomendações da ABNT ou CEMA, sem provocar transbordamentos.
A área transversal da carga na correia determina a capacidade do transportador.
A área transversal é baseada no ângulo de inclinação dos roletes, limite da distância padrão do material até a borda da correia e o ângulo de acomodação do material na correia do transportador.
1.1 General
The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the project and assembly of mechanical equipment:
Source Code - B
• The equipment shall be dimensioned in accordance with the conditions of use, in this case, extra heavy duty mining services, in a dusty, moist and open environment, subject to weathering.
• Equipment standardization shall occur during the engineering phase, by the designer, as well as by the equipment suppliers, allowing exchangeability and minimal inventory of spare parts.
• All compact equipment shall be provided with full electrical wiring and marks that allow their identification. Likewise, terminals shall be placed in a terminal box, adequate to carry out the required external connection, to be executed by third parties.
• Manufacturers shall indicate the imminent risks and hazards, such as: high temperatures, energy, radioactivity, pressure vessels, among others, to ensure a reliable and safe operation; such risks and hazards shall be included in the equipment’s manual and in the very equipment as well.
• Auxiliary equipment for process control shall be delivered with the gaging certificated and the procedure of gaging control, in addition to the standards required, all included in the of supply.
• Manufacturers shall inform the needs of utilities, air and water, in addition to control requirements thereof.
• Cable trays, as well as water and clean-up piping, shall not hinder component maintenance access (Ex.: BC’s)
Source Code - A/B
• With the purpose of achieving good operating results, the design shall take into account former experience with equipment tested in similar operating conditions.
• All pipelines shall be setup within the unit, and shall be designed to minimize external connections that require execution by third parties on site, including all conditions to allow easy access for maintenance purposes. In areas where there is any pipeway transposition, platforms shall be included, with guardrails, ladders, etc. all in compliance with NR 22 and specific XXXXX standards.
• All mobile and/or rotary parts (e.g. bearing mounts and belt transmissions) shall be fitted with the adequate protection against accidents.
• Safety protection devices shall be in compliance with the safety requirements of NR 12 of the Ministry of Labor. Any equipment that presents any risks to safety during simultaneous startup or shutdown by a single command shall be fitted with an alarm sound that can be heard throughout the entire operation area.
• Design drive system service factors shall be calculated taking into account the drive's power rating.
Source Code - D
• Manufacturers shall design safety protection and blocking to make sure the maintenance staff is able to efficiently execute their role, without causing any damages to the equipment or personal risks.
• Manufacturers shall design specific limitations for vibration, temperature and pressure during regular operation of the equipment; such limitations shall be implemented and overseen to ensure a reliable and safe operation.
Source Code - F
• Manufacturers shall comply with the regulating standards, in accordance with Ordinance 3214 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
1.2 Belt Conveyors
Source Code - B
Belt conveyors shall be pre-dimensioned in accordance with the criteria set forth below.
1.2.1 Maximum Volumetric Capacity of the Conveyor Belt
The maximum volumetric capacity shall be based on the recommendations issued by the ABNT or CEMA, without allowing overflows.
The transversal load area of the belt determines the conveyor’s capacity.
The transversal area is based on the troughing angle of the rollers, the standard distance limit of the material to the edge of the belt, and the surcharge angle of the material on the conveyor belt.
Graduated as English>Portuguese>English translator technician from the American School of Brasília in 1986, Mário Freitas has developed his career working for 32years as a translator and interpreter; beginning at the Federal University of Brasilia, from 1987 to 1990, translating academic documents and thesis for students, above all in the technical/engineer, business/finance and law/contracts areas, and graduated as a Bachelor in Finance and Accounting in 1990. As of 1991, he worked for 20 years in large-size multinati0nal companies, namely AmBev (Brazil – business manager), Telelistas (Brazil – operations manager), Albany International (UK - operations manager), SNC-Lavalin (Canada, Business Manager, including translation team), and WorleyParsons (Canada - Project Manager, including translation team) thus acquiring a vast experience in business, commerce, logistics, sales, procurement, lawsuits, contracts, engineering documents, procedures, and several other business and project areas.
Currently, Mario works exclusively as a freelance translator, with positive feedback from every single customer, as available in the “References” link above. Very well-acquainted with the engineering, business/finance, and legal jargons, Mario is a highly qualified translator for documents such as contracts, patents, legal proceedings, procurement processes, technical specifications, basic and detailed design, procedures, accounting statements, insurance policies and contracts, and many other types of documents in these areas.
- 32-year freelance and in-house experience as translator and 20 years as business/operations/project manager in large multinational companies.
- Positive feedback from all clients; please click on “positive entries” above.
- Native Portuguese and English speaker, graduated as translator technician, with seven years in American Schools, and traveling worldwide.
- Experienced in transcreation and localization with excellent feedback.
- I do not translate text. I translate messages, with euphony and naturality. One who reads a document I translated does not believe it is a translation from another language, yet a text originally written in the target language.
- Average 3000 words per day. Up to 5500 words per day in urgency jobs. Work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays when required.
- Exclusive dedication to translation, with no other professional commitments.
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