The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
a indenização prévia à CESSIONÁRIA the previous compensation to the ASSIGNEE (TRANSFEREE)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
CASTELO PERFILADO ribbed button and bonnet
ação declaratária de inoponibilidade de patente action for declaratory judgement of the indisputable nature of the patent
acórdão decision / ruling or judgement (by majority)
Acidente de Consumo Product Liability Accident
Entered by: liz askew
ACTOS DOS ADVOGADOS Activities/actions carried out/exercised by lawyers
Agravo Interno no Agravo em Recurso Especial Interlocutory appeal as part of a special appeal
ambas as partes desistem, de comum acordo, ao direito de interposição both parties mutually agree to waive their right to intervene; both parties mutually waive their right to sue/file/bring action
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Andamento dos pedidos de patente de Invenção Course of the invention patent applications
Anterioridade prior art
apresentações comparticipadas Generic Drug Reimbursement
arcabouço institucional-legal institutional legal structure/framework
Aromatizado artificialmente (contains) artificial fragrance/ artificially scented
arrecadação colletion
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
artefatos de armarinho sewing notions and supplies
assinalar designate / distinguish / mark
atacada pelos próprios fundamentos The judge decided to uphold the decision challenged on the grounds of the selfsame decision.
Autores/Reconvindos - Ré/Reconvinte cross-complainant / cross-defendant
autoria (information) source
caráter irrevogável irrevocable manner
Entered by: Katja van Hellemond
Entered by: airmailrpl
Câmara do Ministério Público Federal Chamber/Group of the Federal Prosecution Service
Cessão de direito de uso Cession/Assignment of Right of Use
Ciência de parecer acknowledgement of the opinion (First Office Action)
colacionadas attached to the court records
Colorido Artificialmente Artificial coloring/artificial color(s)
Comissoes de credores creditors\' meetings
como acto juridico recepticio as a legal act that takes effect on receipt
como medida da mais ampla Justiça as a measure of full justice
Concessão the grant (of the industrial design)
condicionalismo Restriction
Configuração aplicada em embalagem configuration applied to a packaging design
conforme havia protestado fazer as he/she had promised to do.
Consta does the label display..does the label contain..
Entered by: airmailrpl
consubstanciada confirmed by/backed up by/represented by/based upon
Contra-Razões counter-arguments
contrato de encomenda de obra intelectual work of authorship order agreement / work-of-authorship commission agreement
conversão do feito em diligência The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office recommended that certain legal measures be taken.
CPNJ Corporate Taxpayer’s Registry
criação de espírito intellectual creation
Entered by: Ana Vozone
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