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Spanish to English Government / Politics Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
"cantar" temas to show their stuff / present topics orally
Administradoras del Régimen Subsidiario (ARS) Subsidy Regime Administrators
coptar a policías estatales y municipales co-opt/enlist state and municipal police
hallar un límite que puso freno a la tendencia distributiva (soon) reached a limit, which curbed the wealth distribution trend
les otorga una minoría de bloqueo since it gives them a blocking minority / since it enables them to form a blocking minority
lo que alguna vez han recibido everything they ever received
los Repertorios de Recomendaciones Prácticas y las Directrices ILO Codes of practices and guidance documents
no consigue rentabilizar su consenso has not yet succeeded in reaping the benefits of its level of support
oficialistas (partidos oficialistas) pro-government
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
Programa de Prevención de Consumo Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Registro de Salida Issue Reference (Number)
Entered by: Edward Tully
" recogía exigencias mínimas..." did not include minimum requirements
Entered by: patinba
"alcalde de mar" "water bailiff" subdivision of power in Cuba 1850s
"bandas" and "naciones" (Dominican Republic) gangs and families
"Castilla y León regional government" Regional Government of Castilla y León / Castilla y León Regional Government
"comercio solidario" fair trade
Entered by: William Pairman
"Consejo Nacional de la Judicatura" The National Council of the Judiciary
Entered by: Edward Tully
"Delegación" Office/branch
Entered by: Edward Tully
"fuerzas vivas" regionales regional driving forces
"la prensa mediocre y malsana" gutter press
"Línea de ayuda" grants-in-aid / aid grant / financial aid
"levantar el corte o endurecer las medidas" Latinamerican expression(see below)
"productos solidarios" Fair trade products
Entered by: William Pairman
"Sufragio efectivo, no reeleccion" "Real Democracy, No Reelection"
"tarifazo" price hike
Entered by: Edward Tully
$ millones (de pesos colombianos) COP 31.11 billion (Colombian pesos) [USD 10.25 million] (the extra \"millones\" is a mistake)
(abordar ) please see context board
***indicador de **** servicio militar selectivo Selective Service Number
... de armas tomar, literalmente. a fighter, literally
... su estrecha cooperación en las altas finalidades de la cultura humana. their close cooperation in the high purposes/aims of human culture
...el sueño liberador... the dream of freedom
...No hay victoria más maravillosa que la anticipación... There is no greater victory than anticipation
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
1001 It's the name of a trial
25 de mayo - dia de la patria 25th May - Argentina National day
Entered by: Edward Tully
a caballo de on the heels of, in the wake of
a ello se le agregan los pronunciamientos added to which are the (numerous) pronouncements
a la primera segura a la figura: contempt of the person
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
a la tan reclamada long awaited / much sought after /
a lo que se tiene derecho y que ya es propio that which is yours by right
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