Glossary entry

Chinese term or phrase:


English translation:

view; perspective; angle

Added to glossary by orientalhorizon
Nov 6, 2007 05:51
17 yrs ago
Chinese term


Chinese to English Social Sciences Other formal op-ed style
The context: describing a framework for disclosing financial/market information ...架框係形式取角;...
Change log

Nov 8, 2007 14:14: orientalhorizon Created KOG entry


Malcolm Mayfield (asker) Nov 6, 2007:
make that "國之資訊揭露框架係形式取角;...", sorry.
Malcolm Mayfield (asker) Nov 6, 2007:
Like I say, the context is just "[ ]國之資訊揭露係形式取角;..." (the bit after the semicolon is a separate thought. The only 取角 I find is 後取角 (back corner).
orientalhorizon Nov 6, 2007:
"anlge" should be "angle", sorry.
orientalhorizon Nov 6, 2007:
This sentence doesn't seem sensible standing alone, more context will be helpful. 取角 may mean "to view from a specific perspective or anlge", but I'm not quite sure here.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

view; perspective; angle

資訊揭露框架係形式取角: information disclosure framework focuses just on formalistic perspectives, or is form-oriented, from the angle of formalism, not necessarily get to the very nature underlying.
Peer comment(s):

agree franksf : Point of view?
3 hrs
somewhat, but more to the "angle of view" or way of approaching. Thanks a lot!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I'll try something like "oriented" or "(tends to take a ...) perspective""
3 hrs
Chinese term (edited): 取向

(formalistic) approach

I believe it should be 取向.
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