Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by mac9lxx (X)
Jun 30, 2005 21:25
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Croatian term


Homework / test Croatian to English Social Sciences Government / Politics
Hrestomatija Liberalnih Ideja

Proposed translations

8 mins


chresˇtomˇaˇthy (kr-stm-th)
n. pl. chresˇtomˇaˇthies
1. A selection of literary passages, usually by one author.
2. An anthology used in studying a language.


[Greek khrstomatheia : khrstos, useful (from khrsthai, to use; see gher-2 in Indo-European roots) + -matheia, body of learning (from manthanein, math-, to learn; see mendh- in Indo-European roots).]


chrestoˇmathic (krst-mthk) adj.

Note added at 9 mins (2005-06-30 21:34:52 GMT)

Note added at 12 mins (2005-06-30 21:37:53 GMT)

Hrestomatija prezentira političke ideje eminentnih liberala, ... Prvi je dio Hrestomatije, koji se odnosi na 19. stoljeće, strukturiran u tri podcjeline: ... - 9k - 29 lip 2005 -

[DOC] Russian Department, Founders Hall 416
Format datoteke: Microsoft Word 2000 - HTML verzija
A Chrestomathy of Russian Ideological Fiction and Criticism ... Read Berlin’s “Fathers
and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament” (Berlin, pp. ... 272/R272_syllabus_Spring2003.doc -

Katalog knjiga
... Tihomir Cipek – Josip Vrandečić: READER OF LIBERAL IDEAS IN CROATIA ... - 46k - 29 lip 2005 -

Note added at 14 mins (2005-06-30 21:39:57 GMT)

Tihomir Cipek – Josip Vrandečić


/284 pp., 17 x 24 cm, hard cover, 2004/

ISBN: 953-6770-5-3

Bookshop price:
160,00 kn

Direct order:
128,00 kn + postage

The Reader presents and systematizes relevant materials from the history of the liberal idea, i.e. liberal contents in the political thought in Croatia from the period of Enlightenment to the present day. It contains 60-odd political texts of the liberal content by 40-odd political thinkers in Croatia, beginning with the leaders of the Croatian Revival Movement to the most prominent Croatian liberal of the end of the 20th century, Vlado Gotovac. The texts range from programmatic manifests, legal drafts, newspaper articles, memoir records, political and theoretical studies to political speeches. Every featuring author is introduced with a brief bibliographic reference. Three treatises introduce the materials (those by T. Cipek\', H.-G. Fleck and J. Vrandečić) considering the conceptual determination of liberalism, development in the European political history and its Croatian historical determinants.
Through selected documents and introductory studies the editors of the Reader show that the Croatian liberalism and liberal nationalism of the 19th century were compatible ideologies since the Croatian liberals of the time, following the European model, believed it was impossible to create a political community founded on the political and civil rights in the state governed by a foreigner. Liberal ideas were in the function of creating a sovereign Croatian state which could not be conceived without grounds in the liberal values: national sovereignty, tripartite government, protection of civil rights, independent judiciary, etc. The presentation of the political documents of the 20th century, on the other hand, depicts a weakened liberal position which (unsuccessfully) strove to resist totalitarianism which had affected the Croatian society.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Mark Daniels : I am sure this the exact same technical term, but I doubt many native speakers of English know that word! I have certainly NEVER encountered it in English...
3 mins
well. that's why it was translated as above "READER OF LIBERAL ..." ... however, the explanation was given by an original English Dictionary ...
agree Will Matter : I know and use this word. The fact that most speakers may or may not know this word bears no relationship to the validity of this answer. Good job, BUZOV.
11 mins
Thanks, Willmatter !
agree Mihailolja : True I've never heard of the word either but as Will says above that's neither here nor there ;-)
49 mins
agree RINA LINGUISTIC SERVICES, Katarina Radojevic- Mitrovic : Postovani kolega, to sto neki neuki nisu culi za ovu rec je njiihov propust, a Vama svaka cast za odgovor.
6 hrs
Zahvaljujem, poštovana koleginice !
agree Nives : Kolega, slažem se, prijevod treba biti što vjerniji originalu, bez obzira hoće li široke narodne mase znati za njega. Uostalom, uvijek postoji neka eng. varijanta Klaića :-)
16 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
9 mins


chrestomathy (of liberal ideas)
link koji prilazem ujedno daje i definiciju pojma
Peer comment(s):

neutral Mark Daniels : ditto
2 mins
agree Will Matter : This is the literal translation.
6 mins
agree Mihailolja
49 mins
agree ivanamdb
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 mins


A "reader" is, well, something intended to be read, but it's not a novel, more like a textbook.

In Russian a "hrestomatija" is like a compilation of excerpts from well known works of literature.

By the way, you have the site below.. :

Tihomir Cipek – Josip Vrandečić

Peer comment(s):

neutral Will Matter : It's a "chrestomathy", it's a cognate and some of us know and use this word. "Chrestomathy" is clear, unambiguous and precise.
11 mins
Something went wrong...
12 mins

collection of selected texts/reading

..that's the meaning.
Peer comment(s):

agree Will Matter : Yes, that's the meaning. If someone doesn't know what a "chrestomathy" is this answer is more helpful than the others.
4 mins
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2 days 12 hrs


Nikad cuo nisam za chrestomathy, dakle anthology je uobicajeniji izraz
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