Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

sanační materiály

English translation:

repair and maintenance materials

Added to glossary by Sarka Rubkova
Nov 21, 2008 16:45
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Czech term

sanační materiály

Czech to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Sanační materiály pro betonové konstrukce pro ostatní použití v pozemních a inženýrských stavbách na bázi minerálních pojiv
Change log

Nov 26, 2008 06:43: Sarka Rubkova Created KOG entry


Kateřina Suchánková (asker) Nov 22, 2008:
remediation (or repair and maintenance material) Unfortunately I don't have more context than what I have mentioned. This is a translation of a certificate of a product and then just the type of the materials is mentioned. In my opinion it is some surface coating used in interiors of buildings e.g. for floor and it should be harmless to health for indirect contact with food.
Sarka Rubkova Nov 22, 2008:
remediation I think that this is the best solution
Dylan Edwards Nov 22, 2008:
remediation (in some contexts) 'remediation' is a useful word sometimes for sanační, sanace, but it's used mainly in environmental contexts, where it's necessary to clean up / remedy the effects of pollution.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

repair and maintenance materials

or sanitation materials
V češtině má dvojí význam. Definice I:Sanace (oprava, aby stavba nespadla, např. zabránění pronikání vlhkosti) nebo definice II (
the act of cleaning in and around buildings and landscapes)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Díky, Šárko."
2 hrs

rehabilitation materials

sanace budovy = rehabilitation
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3 mins

renovation materials


Note added at 1 day35 mins (2008-11-22 17:21:46 GMT)
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