Oct 1, 2009 12:48
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Czech term

zaručený elektronický podpis

Czech to English Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology)
Jelikož nejsem IT expert, netroufám si střílet od boku. Jde mi o přívlastek "zaručený". Děkuji předem za pomoc

Proposed translations

1 hr

authorized digital signature

šlo by také použít "certified digital signature"
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivan Šimerka
5 mins
agree Jana Bedanova
5 hrs
agree Blanka Salkova
17 hrs
agree Sarka Rubkova
18 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Děkuji, bylo to docela prosté, ta čeština mě trochu zmátla :)"
9 mins

trusted digital signature

Something went wrong...
43 mins

Undeniable signature

This may be the one, I'd need more context...
Something went wrong...
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