Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Danish term or phrase:
English translation:
equity funds
Added to glossary by
Jun 3, 2006 17:23
18 yrs ago
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Danish term
Danish to English
Finance (general)
En anden fordel er at kapitalfondene rusker op i den gængse opfattelse af, hvordan man driver virksomhed. Når kapitalfondene er villige til at betale en høj overpris, så er det fordi, de tror, at de kan tjene deres investering ind igen og lidt til. De ser altså værdier i virksomhederne, som virksomhedsledelserne og analytikerne ikke selv ser, eller ikke selv finder mulige, når virksomheden er børsnoteret. Det tvinger andre børsnoterede virksomheder til at se på, om de nu er organiseret, drevet og ledet på den rigtige måde. For hvis de ikke gør det, så bliver de selv overtaget. der er forskel på analytikeres og kapitalfondes investeringshorisont, og det afspejler sig i prisfastsættelsen. -Kapitalfonde har en investeringshorisont, der hedder tre til syv år, mens aktieanalytikere typisk vurderer kurspotentialet 12 mdr. frem i tiden. Derfor betyder det heller ikke noget på lang sigt for kapitalfondene, hvis en virksomhed underperformer to år i træk. Derimod vurderer aktieanalytikere det som et negativt signal.
What term would you use, and please shortly explain why. der er forskel på analytikeres og kapitalfondes investeringshorisont, og det afspejler sig i prisfastsættelsen. -Kapitalfonde har en investeringshorisont, der hedder tre til syv år, mens aktieanalytikere typisk vurderer kurspotentialet 12 mdr. frem i tiden. Derfor betyder det heller ikke noget på lang sigt for kapitalfondene, hvis en virksomhed underperformer to år i træk. Derimod vurderer aktieanalytikere det som et negativt signal.
What term would you use, and please shortly explain why.
Proposed translations
4 | equity funds | Clare Barnes |
4 | venture capital funds | Suzanne Blangsted (X) |
Proposed translations
15 hrs
equity funds
Long-term investments that are typically in shares (rather than bonds or notes) in a range of companies.
There is a Danish ref with kapitalfond below, involving this comany, Apax Partners:
About Apax Partners
Apax Partners is one of the world’s leading private equity investment groups, operating across the United States, Europe and Israel. Apax Partners has raised or advised approximately $20 billion around the world. With more than 30 years of direct investing experience, Apax Partners’ Funds provide long-term equity financing to build and strengthen world-class companies. It pursues a multi-stage equity investment strategy, investing in late venture, growth capital and buyouts.
Note added at 1 day20 hrs (2006-06-05 14:06:46 GMT)
With your additional context - particularly the final sentence - I would say that equity funds feels most likely. Venture capital is high risk and placed in newly-started ventures (thus the name) which may have no cash flow to speak of. Equity funds come in at a later stage and do also - as it says it the quote I put in above - invest in buyouts of other companies.
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There is a Danish ref with kapitalfond below, involving this comany, Apax Partners:
About Apax Partners
Apax Partners is one of the world’s leading private equity investment groups, operating across the United States, Europe and Israel. Apax Partners has raised or advised approximately $20 billion around the world. With more than 30 years of direct investing experience, Apax Partners’ Funds provide long-term equity financing to build and strengthen world-class companies. It pursues a multi-stage equity investment strategy, investing in late venture, growth capital and buyouts.
Note added at 1 day20 hrs (2006-06-05 14:06:46 GMT)
With your additional context - particularly the final sentence - I would say that equity funds feels most likely. Venture capital is high risk and placed in newly-started ventures (thus the name) which may have no cash flow to speak of. Equity funds come in at a later stage and do also - as it says it the quote I put in above - invest in buyouts of other companies.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Tak!"
47 mins
venture capital funds
in this instance with the text that you provided I believe this is an investment fund.
Note added at 1 day20 hrs (2006-06-05 14:09:19 GMT)
I believe this is the right term because it is about taking over other companies by purchasing them, and these funds will also make money available for investing in new companies.
Note added at 1 day20 hrs (2006-06-05 14:09:19 GMT)
I believe this is the right term because it is about taking over other companies by purchasing them, and these funds will also make money available for investing in new companies.