Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
extra-statutory concession
Croatian translation:
izvanzakonska porezna olaksica
Added to glossary by
Vladimir Mavar (X)
Oct 13, 2006 05:31
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term
extra-statutory concession
English to Croatian
Law: Taxation & Customs
taxation terms
Remisija dohodaka koja predstavlja poreznu olakšicu svim poduzećima koja pripadaju određenim relevantnim kategorijama u specifičnim okolnostima, a nisu obuhvaćena tekućim poreznim zakonom. Ovlašćuje se onda kada bi stroga primjena tog zakona stvorila nepogodnost ili nenamijenjeni učinak nekom poduzeću.
Ekstra-statutorni porezni ustupak?
Ekstra-statutorni porezni ustupak?
Proposed translations
3 | izvanzakonska porezna olaksica | Davorka Grgic |
Proposed translations
1 hr
izvanzakonska porezna olaksica
....pojam "zakonske porezne olaksice" se koristi , ali ovaj koji predlazem nisam uspjela pronaci u na mrezi.
If they are unwilling to change the law, we believe the the Revenue should issue an extra-statutory concession. This type of ruling is:
‘a relaxation which gives taxpayers a reduction in tax liability to which they would not be entitled under the strict letter of the law.’
One of the uses of the extra-statutory concession is:
‘to meet cases of hardship at the margins of the code where a statutory remedy would be difficult to devise or would run to a length out of proportion to the intrinsic importance of the matter.’
Note added at 5 hrs (2006-10-13 10:50:41 GMT)
Branka: 'iznimno ', izgleda, ne ide; 'dodatno' ne reflektira znacenje. Nasla sam frazu "izvan zakonskog/pravnog okvira". Mozda manje kriminalno zvuci. Nisam sigurna.
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2006-10-14 07:45:06 GMT)
Nasla sam "porezno izuzece". Pogledajte str. 2, markirano zutim:
If they are unwilling to change the law, we believe the the Revenue should issue an extra-statutory concession. This type of ruling is:
‘a relaxation which gives taxpayers a reduction in tax liability to which they would not be entitled under the strict letter of the law.’
One of the uses of the extra-statutory concession is:
‘to meet cases of hardship at the margins of the code where a statutory remedy would be difficult to devise or would run to a length out of proportion to the intrinsic importance of the matter.’
Note added at 5 hrs (2006-10-13 10:50:41 GMT)
Branka: 'iznimno ', izgleda, ne ide; 'dodatno' ne reflektira znacenje. Nasla sam frazu "izvan zakonskog/pravnog okvira". Mozda manje kriminalno zvuci. Nisam sigurna.
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2006-10-14 07:45:06 GMT)
Nasla sam "porezno izuzece". Pogledajte str. 2, markirano zutim:
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Miomira Brankovic
: Moglo bi se pogrešno protumačiti kao da je protuzakonita (uguglajte riječ izvanzakonski pa ćete vidjeti što se dobije). Možda dodatna ili vanredna por. olakšica?
3 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Hvala vam."