May 6, 2014 07:43
10 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

no action lies at the suit of....

English to Czech Law/Patents Law (general) legal theory
The text is an article from a law journal dealing with the theory behind reflexive loss and the part I am interested in is taken from a historic text by Lord Bingham stipulating three propositions of law:

... where a company suffers loss caused by a breach of duty owed to it, only the company may sue in respect of that loss. No action lies at the suit of a shareholder suing in that capacity and no other to make good a diminution in the value of the shareholder's shareholding where that merely reflects the loss suffered by the company...

Would anybody hear know what exactly is meant by the phrase "no action lies at the suit of..." in the above extract or what its Czech equivalent would be? I have ideas of my own but am looking for verification. Lenka

Proposed translations

21 mins

právo žaloby nesvědčí ve prospěch...

neboli lidsky akcionář nemůže podat žalobu, pouze společnost, tak tomu rozumím

Note added at 22 mins (2014-05-06 08:05:47 GMT)

nebo právo podat žalobu, právo žalovat nesvědčí...

Note added at 35 mins (2014-05-06 08:19:06 GMT)

v českém právu se myslím používá ekvivalent "není aktivně legitimován"

Note added at 38 mins (2014-05-06 08:21:26 GMT)

Takže by to bylo asi "Akcionář není aktivně legitimován podat v této věci žalobu..."
Note from asker:
Děkuji :-) já si právě také myslím, že se jedná o aktivní legitimaci - nicméně jsem si "nelajsla" to tam dát bez konzultace, protože to anglicky vypadá jazykově dost jinak :-) Jsem ráda, že nejsem sama, kdo takto uvažuje.
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Reference comments

31 mins

At one time, it was more correct to speak of actions at law and of proceedings or suits in Equity. The distinction is rather technical, however, and not significant since the merger of law and equity.

Note added at 33 mins (2014-05-06 08:17:14 GMT)

viz taky ATS zde:
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