Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Danish translation:


Mar 9, 2009 19:25
15 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Danish Science Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Definition from Biochemical Society:
Property of some proteins by which spatially separate functional sites in the molecule can communicate with each other via movements transmitted through the structure.
Example sentences:
Oligomerization enables cooperativity between multiple binding sites, a property referred to as allostery or allosteric regulation of enzymes (yet again, single polypeptide, multi-domain proteins show allosteric behavior). (
The sequential model of allostery holds that subunits are not connected in such a way that a conformational change in one induces a similar change in the others. Thus all enzyme subunits need not exist in the same conformation. (
It also follows that allostery is common and that homologous proteins can have different allosteric mechanisms. (
Proposed translations (Danish)
4 +2 allosteri
Change log

Mar 9, 2009 16:12: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 9, 2009 19:25: Mauricio Zoch changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 12, 2009 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Mar 12, 2009 20:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

39 mins


Se "allosterisk regulering" i Medicinsk Ordbog, Gyldendal: Indvirkning på f.eks. et enzyms el. et andet proteins aktivitet af en aktivator el. hæmmer der bindes til enzymet på et andet bindingssted end det aktive center
Definition from
Allosteri er et enzyms egenskab til at skifte reversibelt mellem en aktiv og en inaktiv konfiguration. <br />Se også &quot;allosterisk regulering&quot;.
Example sentences:
- forklare, hvorledes enzymers aktiviteter reguleres, herunder allosteri og effekten af protoner (Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU)
Allosteri: Ændring af affinitet for substrat ved binding af ligand et andet sted end aktive site. Kan være substrat, inhibitor, aktivator. (Københavns Universitet)
Note from asker:
Da hier verschiedene Finanzinstrumente aufgezählt werden, würde ich darauf tippen, dass hier Positionen in mit Sicherheiten hinterlegte Wertpapiere (eben CBO oder CDO) gemeint sind. "Credit" kann je nach Kontext auch "Unternehmensanleihe" oder ganz allgemein "Schuldtitel" heißen, "collateralized" bezieht sich auf "collateral" = Sicherheiten.
Vielen Dank!
Peer comment(s):

agree Suzanne Blangsted (X)
17 mins
agree Alice Wolfe, DDS (X)
3 days 19 mins
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