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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Danish: IVD - Genotyping General field: Medical
Source text - English The Cystic Fibrosis Genotyping Assay is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic device used to genotype a panel of mutations and variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene in genomic DNA isolated from human whole blood specimens.
The Cystic Fibrosis Genotyping Assay is designed to genotype the normal and mutant alleles at 30 loci of the CFTR gene using purified human genomic DNA.
Genomic DNA is prepared from whole blood by standard purification methods, or extracted by adding EDTA-anticoagulated blood to the diluent buffer provided with the kit, or extracted from whole blood spotted and dried onto Guthrie cards.
Translation - Danish Analysen til genotypebestemmelse for cystisk fibrose er et kvalitativt in vitro-diagnostisk redskab, der anvendes til at genotypebestemme et panel af mutationer og varianter i genet CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) i genomisk DNA isoleret fra humane fuldblodsprøver.
Analysen til genotypebestemmelse for cystisk fibrose er fremstillet til at genotypebestemme normale og mutante alleler på 30 loci af CFTR-genet ved hjælp af oprenset humant genomisk DNA.
Genomisk DNA forberedes fra fuldblod ved hjælp af almindelige oprensningsmetoder eller ekstraheres ved at tilsætte EDTA-antikoaguleret blod til diluentbufferen, der leveres med kittet, eller ekstraheres fra dråber af fuldblod, der er tørret på Guthrie-kort.
English to Danish: Nerve stimulator - catheter insertion General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Where possible, e.g. in the interscalene area, use the supplied cable to clip the active lead of nerve stimulator to proximal bare area of needle. Use the needle to “map” out the nerves percutaneously prior to skin penetration. Use a nerve stimulator output between 3 and 15 mA and 1 Hz (3 - 5 mA for the thin patient and 10 - 15 mA for the larger patient with more muscle or subcutaneous adipose tissue). If fully conscious, pre-warn the patient of the muscle twitching following nerve stimulation. (...)
Advance needle with the nerve stimulator set to 0.5 - 2 mA until the appropriate muscle twitches are encountered. These are, for example, the biceps, deltoid and/or major pectoral muscles in the case of the interscalene approach to the brachial plexus; the muscles around the wrist and elbow in the case of more distal brachial plexus blocks; the quadriceps muscle in the case of psoas compartment lumbar plexus blocks and the ankle muscles in the case of sciatic nerve block.
Translation - Danish Hvor det er muligt, f.eks. i området ved scalenusmusklerne, anvendes det vedlagte kabel til at sætte nervestimulatorens aktive elektrode fast på det proksimale, bare stykke af nålen. Brug nålen til at ”kortlægge” nerverne perkutant inden punktur. Brug en udgangseffekt for nervestimulatoren på mellem 3 og 15 mA og 1 Hz (3-5 mA for tynde patienter og 10-15 mA for større patienter med mere muskelvæv eller subkutant fedtvæv). Advar patienten – hvis han/hun er helt ved bevidsthed – om den muskeltrækning, der følger efter nervestimulation. (...)
Fremfør nålen med nervestimulatoren indstillet til 0,5-2 mA, indtil den korrekte muskel trækker sig sammen. Disse er f.eks. biceps, deltoideus og/eller m. pectoralis major ved interscalener adgang til plexus brachialis, musklerne omkring håndled og albue i tilfælde af mere distale plexus brachialis-blokader, m. quadriceps femoris i tilfælde af psoas compartment lumbal plexus-blokade samt ankelmusklerne i tilfælde af blokade af ischiasnerven.
English to Danish: Medical device - MiniHolter General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - English The MiniHolter Event ECG recorder works with the CardioPerfectTM Workstation Software to let you manage patient data in either a stand-alone system or in combination with other modules such as resting ECG, stress ECG, spirometry, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Using the unique advantages of digital event ECG storage, the MiniHolter Recorder provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional Holter monitoring. The recorder can be worn in a continuously looping mode for approximately one week.
The ergonomic design is robust yet elegant, and the patient buttons are easy to find even when worn under clothing. The high ECG capacity of the MiniHolter Recorder ensures there is always enough information captured to make an informed diagnosis.
MiniHolter Event ECG Recorder
Continuous Looping (Retrospective)
Retrospective mode is for the patient with intermittent symptoms. The recording periods can be programmed from 5 seconds to 20 minutes with a looping memory of up to 10 minutes so it can be customized for the needs of your patients.
Dual-Channel ECG
The MiniHolter uses two independent channels (5 electrodes) for better arrhythmia and ischemia discrimination.
Translation - Danish MiniHolter-optager til EKG-hændelser anvendes sammen med CardioPerfectTM arbejdsstationens software til administration af patientdata, enten som enkeltstående system eller i kombination med andre moduler såsom hvile-EKG, arbejds-EKG, spirometri og ambulant blodtryksmåling.
MiniHolter-optagerens unikke fordele i form af digital lagring af EKG-hændelser gør den til et omkostningseffektivt alternativ til konventionel Holter-monitorering. Optageren kan bæres i kontinuerlig loop-tilstand i ca. en uge.
Det ergonomiske design er robust men elegant, og patientknapperne er nemme at finde, selv når optageren bæres under tøjet. MiniHolter-optagerens høje EKG-kapacitet sikrer, at der altid er tilstrækkeligt med optagne oplysninger til at stille en informeret diagnose.
MiniHolter-optager til EKG-hændelser
Kontinuerlig loop-optagelse (retrospektiv)
Retrospektiv tilstand er til patienter med intermitterende symptomer. Optagelsesperioderne kan programmeres fra 5 sekunder til 20 minutter med en loop-hukommelse på op til 10 minutter, så de kan tilpasses den enkelte patients behov.
MiniHolter-optageren anvender to uafhængige kanaler (5 elektroder), så der bedre kan skelnes mellem arytmi og iskæmi.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Århus Universitet
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Nov 1999. Became a member: Apr 2007.
Medical Translation & Interpretation English/Danish Clinical Trials, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Device
Freelance Translation & Interpretation, 1998-present. English into Danish: Translation, Interpretation, Editing/Review, 3rd Party Review, DTP Proof/LSO, QC, MT Post-Editing, Software Testing, Alignment, SME Review, Back Translation, Reconciliation, Harmonization, Multilingual QC.
Areas of expertise: Medical Devices, Medical General, Medical Advertising & Marketing, Medical Software Localization, Life Sciences, In Vitro Diagnostics, Microbiology, Biochemical, Pharmaceuticals, Linguistic Validation, Surgical, Biotech, Medical Software/Hardware, Clinical Trial Protocols, Patient Information Brochures, Informed Consent Forms, GP Letters, Synopses, Patient Diaries, Patient Cards, Questionnaires, COA/eCOA, Package Insert Leaflets, Summaries of Product Characteristics, Labelling, QRD template specialist, Instructions for Use, Manuals, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Psychological Tests. Respiratory, Dental, Veterinary, Oncology, Cardio-Vascular Disease, Diabetes, Hematology, Hepatology, Surgery, Dialysis, Apheresis, Blood Analysis, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, and more.
Account Optimization Plans & Language Quality Plans
Linguist Training (e.g., Pharmaceutical following EMA requirements & QRD templates, Clinical Research documentations)
CV screening & Life Sciences/Medical Consulting to Vendor Management
Test Translation Review & Feedback
Creation of industry/subject matter-specific test translation source text
Please contact me for references.
Other relevant experience: 10+ years of in-house positions across multiple companies in the US, the UK, Denmark, and Canada in Localization Project Management, Account Management, Quality Management, Localization Process Consulting, Supply Chain, and Training.
Education: B.A. in Russian translation and literature, Aarhus, Denmark. M.A. studies in Media Production and Creative Writing, Baltimore, MD, USA. Psychotherapy (4-year program), Gråbrødre Instituttet, Copenhagen, Denmark. Anatomy & Physiology, Frederick, MD, USA. Positive Psychology, Harvard Medical School. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Denmark. Localization Project Management courses from the Project Management Institute, courses in Six Sigma, Quality Management, People Management. In addition, a wide range of university classes in various areas.
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