Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
weighted target
Dutch translation:
gewogen richtbonus
Added to glossary by
Katja van Hellemond
Apr 10, 2010 15:22
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term
weighted target
English to Dutch
Finance (general)
Term uit materiaal over een incentive:
• Weighted Target – Incentive Target multiplied by the Performance Factor weight. For 2010, EBITDA is weighted at ___%, Working Capital Turns is weighted at _____%, and each of the EHS Performance Factors is weighted at ___%.
• Weighted Target – Incentive Target multiplied by the Performance Factor weight. For 2010, EBITDA is weighted at ___%, Working Capital Turns is weighted at _____%, and each of the EHS Performance Factors is weighted at ___%.
Proposed translations
3 +1 | gewogen richtbonus | Ron Willems |
Proposed translations
34 mins
gewogen richtbonus
en voor Incentive Target dan gewoon "richtbonus", zou ik zeggen.
volgens je extra context is het inderdaad een bedrag dat (een bonus die) je krijgt, en niet een doelstelling die je moet behalen.
(bij "at Target", helemaal aan het einde van je context, betekent "target" overigens wel weer gewoon doelstelling: "__% bij prestaties op doelstellingsniveau")
volgens je extra context is het inderdaad een bedrag dat (een bonus die) je krijgt, en niet een doelstelling die je moet behalen.
(bij "at Target", helemaal aan het einde van je context, betekent "target" overigens wel weer gewoon doelstelling: "__% bij prestaties op doelstellingsniveau")
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Kitty Brussaard
: 'Incentive target' zou ik zelf eerder als 'normbonus' vertalen (cf. Google). In dit geval gaat het hierbij om een bepaald percentage van het functieloon vermenigvuldigd met het relatieve gewicht van de prestatie-indicatoren .
1 day 20 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Bedankt voor de hulp Ron."
Weighted Target – Incentive Target multiplied by the Performance Factor weight. For 2010, EBITDA is weighted at ___%, Working Capital Turns is weighted at _____%, and each of the EHS Performance Factors is weighted at ___%.
Attainment Level – The Weighted Target is multiplied by the Attainment Level, which reflects actual performance for a particular Performance Factor. No incentive is earned at less than the Threshold level of attainment. Attainment is pro-rated for performance between Threshold and Target levels and between Target and Challenge levels for each of the Performance Factors. For both Performance Factors, the Attainment Level is ____% at Threshold, _____% at Target and _____% at Challenge.
Working Capital Turns – Working Capital is defined as Current Assets minus Current Liabilities (as defined by our financial reporting standards). It measures how well we are managing our inventories, receivables and vendors. Working Capital Turns (or Turnover) is the ratio of revenue to Working Capital. It is an indicator of how efficiently we are using Working Capital to generate revenue.
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) includes two components – the Recordable Incident Rate and a measure based on completion of EHS employee training plans.
Recordable Incident Rate is the number of significant occupational injuries or illnesses per 100 employees over the course of a year. It is a common measure of the effectiveness of safety management. Diligent adherence to safety standards can result in a reduction in the number of significant injuries and improve the effectiveness of our workforce.
Completion of EHS Training Plans is based on the percentage of completion of comprehensive employee training plans that are developed by each business segment and reviewed and validated by the Corporate EHS function.
Incentive Calculation
Your incentive opportunity is expressed as a percentage of eligible earnings (base salary paid during the calendar year) and is computed using several factors:
Incentive Target - an incentive percentage based on your position. Your incentive target is _____% of eligible pay.
Performance Factors - specific, key performance indicators aligned with Dresser, Inc. global objectives. Each Performance Factor has a different weight depending on its importance. Following are the Performance Factors that are components of your incentive opportunity:
EBITDA - As you know, EBITDA is a key measure of the cash generated by our business, and generally represents the money that is available to pay interest, taxes and to reinvest in the Company.
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