English term
donor transfer cover investments in network expansion and renewal
I KNOW I'm over the ONE-WORD limit, but I just don't make sense of string of words.
Can anybody help me disentangle this "ball of yarn"?
The context is: Sustainable cost recovery for urban water and sanitation reforms
Many thanks in advance.
3 +2 | les dons couvrent les investissements en faveur de l'expansion et du renouvellement du réseau | Françoise Vogel |
Dec 3, 2013 15:20: Yolanda Broad changed "Language pair" from "English to French" to "English"
Dec 3, 2013 19:47: Françoise Vogel changed "Language pair" from "English" to "English to French"
Dec 3, 2013 23:34: Nicolas Roussel changed "Language pair" from "English to French" to "English"
Dec 4, 2013 08:20: Christophe Delaunay changed "Language pair" from "English" to "English to French"
Dec 4, 2013 10:38: Nicolas Roussel changed "Visibility" from "Visible" to "Squashed"
Dec 4, 2013 14:29: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Visibility" from "Squashed" to "Visible"
Proposed translations
les dons couvrent les investissements en faveur de l'expansion et du renouvellement du réseau
je pense que c'est la bonne lecture, la formulation pouvant être améliorée ;-)
Once you have the explanation in, say, EN, you can then see if you still need to ask EN>FR questions about any of the individual terms arising. The explanation may in fact have obviated the necessity.
I've had already a few issues about this one-term policy with Proz. You only need take a look at the kudoz board to see how many times this rule just does not work and is therefore not respected. Besides you can see that some people were wondering what my post was doing in the EN>EN pair.
The fact is that Françoise offered me an explanation in French and help me a great deal. And it was also quicker :-)
In this instance, your question exceeds the 'one term' limit, so the moderator will have changed it to EN monolingual — it is acceptable to post such a question in EN>EN, to ask for an explanation of the term in the source language; once the explanation given, you can then post any problem terms individually in EN>FR, for example.
This policy is preferable to simply squashing the question because there are too many terms.
When another user changed the language pair, another moderator corrected the action, to make the question acceptable.
Otherwise, the question would have to be squashed.