English term
immediate/ root / underlying cause
Immediate cause: the most obvious reason why an accident / incident happens
Root cause: an initiating event or failing from which all other causes or failings spring
Underlying cause: the less obvious “system” or “organisational reason for an adverse event to happen.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Nov 1, 2007 19:16: Steffen Walter changed "Term asked" from "Immediate/ root / underlying cause" to "immediate/ root / underlying cause"
Proposed translations
unmittelbare, mittelbare, zugrundeliegende Ursache
unmittelbarer / mittelbarer / organisatorischer Grund
agree |
Steffen Walter
: "organisatorisch" entspricht der angegebenen Definition - ohne Erläuterung wären "root" und "underlying" für mich erstmal dasselbe.
18 mins