Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
two-hour window
Indonesian translation:
rentang waktu dua jam
Added to glossary by
Oct 18, 2012 06:34
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term
two-hour window
English to Indonesian
Choose the lowest cost flight within a two-hour window for flights up to five hours (one hour before or after the preferred departure time) and a four-hour window for flights over five hours (two hours before or after the preferred departure time).
Mohon pencerahan
Mohon pencerahan
Proposed translations
4 +3 | rentang waktu dua jam | Aditya Ikhsan Prasiddha |
4 | tidak lebih dari dua jam | bayu diantoro |
3 | jeda dua jam | Arif Rakhman |
Proposed translations
2 mins
rentang waktu dua jam
penjelasan menyusul :D
Note added at 8 mins (2012-10-18 06:42:30 GMT)
definisi window di sini adalah "an interval of time during which an activity can or must take place". Sumber:
Note added at 8 mins (2012-10-18 06:42:30 GMT)
definisi window di sini adalah "an interval of time during which an activity can or must take place". Sumber:
Note from asker:
Berarti tebakan saya udah cocok, Thanks mas |
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks"
2 hrs
tidak lebih dari dua jam
sesuai referensi.
4 hrs
jeda dua jam
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