Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Russian translation:

мультипараметрическая (модель)

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2012-07-28 03:54:07 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jul 24, 2012 11:21
12 yrs ago
English term


English to Russian Tech/Engineering Geology Geostatistics
Next would come two-free-parameter models such as the Gaussian distribution. The indicator approach considers a K-free-parameters model for the ccdf (II.2) if K different threshold values z are retained. Hence the terminology "parameter-rich" model should be retained for indicator based models instead of the traditional but misleading qualifier "non-parametric". Of course, a parameter-rich model is relevant only if the corresponding parameters can be confidently inferred from the available data.
ccdf conditional cumulative distribution function

Proposed translations

24 mins

мультипараметрическая (модель)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Спасибо! Правда я сам додумался ещё вчера =)"
24 mins

многопараметровая (модель)

многопараметрическая (модель), как вариант
Peer comment(s):

agree Tatyana Leshkevich : МНОГОПАРАМЕТРИЧЕСКАЯ модель, модель с большим количеством параметров.
19 hrs
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