Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
floor operations
Russian translation:
производственные операции
Added to glossary by
Sergii Serogin
Sep 27, 2012 20:42
12 yrs ago
English term
floor operations
English to Russian
The text is from a secure identity solutions (identity cards, logical and physical access, identity assurance, etc.).
Increase productivity and quality in manufacturing operations! Use your contactless card to help improve factory **floor operations**.
Increase productivity and quality in manufacturing operations! Use your contactless card to help improve factory **floor operations**.
Proposed translations
5 +2 | производственные операции | Natalia Schlapak (X) |
Change log
Sep 28, 2012 23:34: Sergii Serogin Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
8 mins
производственные операции
'factory floor operations' - 'производственные операции' Think there are not many other options.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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