Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
sub-sole plates
Russian translation:
пластин под опоры/лапы
Added to glossary by
Alexander Grabowski
May 28, 2020 13:10
4 yrs ago
17 viewers *
English term
sub-sole plates
English to Russian
The second type is relevant to the installation on a concrete foundation of the machines skids before the final grouting of anchor bolts and sub-sole plates.
Proposed translations
3 | пластин под опоры/лапы | Enote |
Proposed translations
14 mins
пластин под опоры/лапы
Рамы будут стоять не на бетоне/стр. растворе, а на металл. пластинах, заложенных в бетон/раствор
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