Sep 24 13:54
5 days ago
38 viewers *
French term


French to English Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping Smart roads / solar roads
From a procedure for repairing elements of smart roads and pedestrian crossings

"Cette procédure reprend les étapes de réparation du bandeau fluide fissuré sur saignée XXX et YYY et bandeau fluide dégradé sur languette XXX."

where XXX and YYY are manufacturers of solar road surfaces and smart road surface slabs respectively.


Johannes Gleim Sep 27:
tongues-and-grooves Among them, the load transfer method of tongue-and-groove mortise and tenon can effectively improve the load transfer capacity of the joints and the uniformity of force transfer. However, when some panels need to be replaced for maintenance, it is difficult to take out the road surface due to the tight mortise and tenon joints between the panels.
[0051] refer to figure 1 , figure 2 , Figure 4 with Figure 5, a novel tongue-and-groove assembled road panel of the present invention has a rectangular board body 20 assembled to form a road surface. Dowel bars 30 are buried at intervals along the width direction at the two lengthwise side walls 21 of the rectangular plate body 20, and the dowel bars 30 of two adjacent rectangular plate bodies 20 in the length direction are correspondingly welded and connected to realize the rectangular plate body 20 in the road.

This clearly shows that the ‘tongues-and-grooves’ are used for bracing while the electrical connections are welded. Modules are always welded together instead of plugged together as connections must always remain secure.
Johannes Gleim Sep 26:
The article, a part of which is quoted below, contains a large number of extensive and interesting illustrations and details on the production of solar cells.
Johannes Gleim Sep 26:
Continued … , the solar cells (36, 60, or 72) are to be interconnected in series and parallel configurations. To connect the solar cells, an interconnect ribbon that is a conducting material is used. In a p-type Si crystalline solar cell, the top side contact is negative and the bottom contact is positive. To form a string with a series of cells, the top contact of the first cell is connected to the bottom contact of the neighboring solar cell as shown in Fig. 5.13. … To connect the substrings and to bring the output of the strings to the junction box, a wider ribbon is used as a connector; this is called the busbar wire. The series and bussing connections are shown in Figs. 5.13 and 5.14.
Tabbing ribbon front side – backside ribbon
Fig. 5.14. Solar cell interconnection with a bussing ribbon.
Thus, there are two main types of PV ribbons: interconnect ribbon and busbar ribbons
4. One of the possible ways to assemble the cells is to bond first the interconnect wire strips to the substrate using a glue material, then the solar cells are bonded to the wires from the back side by conducting silver paste.
Johannes Gleim Sep 26:
Terms for interconnections und busbars To avoid hot spots, each cell should be connected in parallel with a bypass diode; if the battery fails or the cells are shaded, the bypass diode will bypass the problem cells

5.1 The I–V Characteristics of the Module
A series-connected group of cells are called a solar cell string. Actually, the strings are connected in parallel as shown in Fig. 1.31.
5.2.6 Solar ribbon
Continued ...
To get proper voltage and current, the solar cells (36, 60, or 72) are to be interconnected in series and parallel configurations. To connect the solar cells, an interconnect ribbon that is a conducting material is used. In a p-type Si crystalline solar cell, the top side contact is negative and the bottom contact is positive. To form a string with a series of cells, the top contact of the first cell is connected to the bottom contact of the neighboring solar cell as shown in Fig. 5.13.
5.2.6 Solar ribbon
Johannes Gleim Sep 26:
I cite the French version Onglets
Les cellules photovoltaïques solaires doivent être connectées en série, formant des rangées, pour obtenir des tensions appropriées.
La languette est brasée manuellement ou automatiquement sur le jeu de barres des cellules solaires, qui connecte les cellules individuelles en série avec une résistance en série faible.
Le fil de languette est également fabriqué à partir de fil de cuivre rond, par un processus de laminage et est recouvert d'une couche de soudure pour permettre une soudure facile.

Fils de bus
Des groupes de chaînes de cellules câblées à onglets sont connectés en parallèle par des fils de bus qui transmettent ensuite le courant cumulé de toutes les cellules à la boîte de jonction PV.
Etant donné que le fil de bus doit supporter plus de courant que le fil de languette, il doit également avoir une épaisseur et une largeur supérieures pour permettre une résistance moindre par unité de longueur.
Le fil de bus est également fait du même matériau que le fil de languette.

I note that ‘tab wire’ is translated as ‘onglet’, raising concerns on translation quality. Deleted therefore?
Mark Bossanyi (asker) Sep 26:
@Johannes Gleim It's been removed, but this was the link:
Johannes Gleim Sep 26:
@ Mark Where is Emmanuella's discussion entry?
Mark Bossanyi (asker) Sep 25:
@philgoddard "Bandeau fluide" appears to be the bituminous sealing strip for joints in asphalt and concrete, as for example here: (the attached picture is from the file being translated:
Application method inset). The "saignée", I think, is the groove or gutter for draining away rainwater.
It occurred to me in the meantime that, as we're dealing the photovoltaic road surface panels, the "languettes" sound like the electrodes that connect them. How does that sound to you?
Mark Bossanyi (asker) Sep 24:
@philgoddard "Bandeau fluide" appears to be the bituminous sealing strip for joints in asphalt and concrete, as for example here: (the attached picture is from the file being translated:
Application method inset). The "saignée", I think, is the groove or gutter for draining away rainwater.
It occurred to me in the meantime that, as we're dealing the photovoltaic road surface panels, the "languettes" sound like the electrodes that connect them. How does that sound to you?
philgoddard Sep 24:
Thanks I think 'languette' could mean anything - the dictionary says strips or tabs. Unless there's more context, I wouldn't say electrodes. Have you looked at XXX's website?
Mark Bossanyi (asker) Sep 24:
@philgoddard "Bandeau fluide" appears to be the bituminous sealing strip for joints in asphalt and concrete, as for example here: (the attached picture is from the file being translated:
Application method inset). The "saignée", I think, is the groove or gutter for draining away rainwater.
It occurred to me in the meantime that, as we're dealing the photovoltaic road surface panels, the "languettes" sound like the electrodes that connect them. How does that sound to you?
Mark Bossanyi (asker) Sep 24:
@philgoddard "Bandeau fluide" appears to be the bituminous sealing strip for joints in asphalt and concrete, as for example here: (the attached picture is from the file being translated:
Application method inset). The "saignée", I think, is the groove or gutter for draining away rainwater.
It occurred to me in the meantime that, as we're dealing the photovoltaic road surface panels, the "languettes" sound like the electrodes that connect them. How does that sound to you?
philgoddard Sep 24:
Could you tell us what the 'bandeau fluide' and 'saignée' are? Also, you wouldn't be giving too much away by saying what company XXX is.
philgoddard Sep 24:
Smart roads Wikpedia:
Smart highways and smart roads are highways and roads that incorporate electronic technologies. They are used to improve the operation of connected and autonomous vehicles, for traffic lights and street lighting, and for monitoring the condition of the road, as well as traffic levels and the speed of vehicles.

Proposed translations

42 mins

component / element

I am unable to find any reference for languette, but as per my knowledge, I would prefer to keep it as it is and then add a description in the brackets as.... degraded fluid strips on XXX languette (a specific component of the smart road system)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Schtroumpf : Si on ne sait pas comment traduire languette, est-ce utile de répondre ?
2 days 6 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs


It refers to slabs that fit together rather like 'tongue and groove' floor-boards (fr.: rainure et languette).
See here:

Note added at 6 hrs (2024-09-24 20:27:30 GMT)

Note that the ST extract refers to structural elements used in conventional road construction: any electrical connections between slabs will be separate (and probably flexible), to allow for slab movement due to heavy vehicles and/or thermal expansion.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bourth : I didn't agree to start with, then found the term is used for roads too.
2 hrs
agree Yvonne Gallagher
14 hrs
agree Schtroumpf
2 days 56 mins
disagree Johannes Gleim : The ‘tongue and groove’ described here is purely mechanical and unsuitable for electrical connections. Cf. the context cited in the discussion from the patent translated from Chinese into English.
2 days 13 hrs
agree Kim Metzger : Yes, mechanical. See Post Reference.
2 days 17 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 day 18 hrs

reed (contact) or (pin type) terminal

‘This procedure covers the repair of the cracked fluid strip on the XXX and YYY grooves and the degraded fluid strip on the XXX terminal.

languette f … (elect) | blade terminal, flat pin terminal
(Comprehensive Dictionary of Engineering and Technology)

a terminal having a contact pin that penetrates the conductor insulation in order to make contact with the current-carrying conductor
Term: pin type terminal
(no French equivalent term)

R147 reed (tron), e.g. of a dry-reed relay) | languette f (p.ex. d’un relais hermétique à gaz inerte)
(Dictionary of Data Processing)

EL2642 | EtherCAT Terminal, 2-channel reed output, multiplexer, 48 V AC/DC, 0.5 A, potential-free, 1 x 4

4-pole 5mm-pitch reed terminal block for printed circuit boards

The reed switch[i] is an electromechanical switch operated by an applied magnetic field.

Area Elementary relays / Output circuits
IEV ref 444-04-22
en reed contact
contact, the contact members of which are blades either fully or partly of magnetic material and which are moved directly by a magnetic force
fr contact à lames souples, m
contact dont les éléments sont des lames souples en partie ou totalement en matériau magnétique et dont le mouvement est provoqué par une force magnétique agissant directement sur ces lames

Term: reed contact
Definition: ensemble de deux lames en matériau ferromagnétique qui sont scellées à l'intérieur d'une ampoule de verre et qui peuvent assurer un contact électrique lorsqu'elles se déforment sous l'action du champ magnétique créé par un enroulement placé autour de l'ampoule
Term: contact à lames souples
Peer comment(s):

disagree Schtroumpf : "Reed contact" est impossible. Le texte français traite du support du fameux bandeau, qui n'a rien à voir avec un "contact". Se référer aux réponses des collègues, bien mieux avisées.
12 hrs
J'ai proposé « reed » ou « terminal ». (« contact ») et (pin type) ne spécifient que la fonction et la forme pour contacter. Pour les synonymes avec « ou », vous ne pouvez logiquement évaluer que les deux propositions ou aucune.
Something went wrong...
2 days 20 hrs

tabbing ribbon (stringing or interconnect ribbon) or simply "interconnect"

I had already posted the first two links in the discussion, but I would now like to summarise them with other comparable links, excerpt and quote them as a further anser. The reason for this is the rapid progress in PV manufacturing and the resulting lack of a standard terminology for the connection methods.

To avoid hot spots, each cell should be connected in parallel with a bypass diode; if the battery fails or the cells are shaded, the bypass diode will bypass the problem cells

5.1 The I–V Characteristics of the Module
To get proper voltage and current, the solar cells (36, 60, or 72) are to be interconnected in series and parallel configurations. To connect the solar cells, an interconnect ribbon that is a conducting material is used. In a p-type Si crystalline solar cell, the top side contact is negative and the bottom contact is positive. To form a string with a series of cells, the top contact of the first cell is connected to the bottom contact of the neighboring solar cell as shown in Fig. 5.13.
5.2.6 Solar ribbon
… , the solar cells (36, 60, or 72) are to be interconnected in series and parallel configurations. To connect the solar cells, an interconnect ribbon that is a conducting material is used. In a p-type Si crystalline solar cell, the top side contact is negative and the bottom contact is positive. To form a string with a series of cells, the top contact of the first cell is connected to the bottom contact of the neighboring solar cell as shown in Fig. 5.13. … To connect the substrings and to bring the output of the strings to the junction box, a wider ribbon is used as a connector; this is called the busbar wire. The series and bussing connections are shown in Figs. 5.13 and 5.14.
Tabbing ribbon front side – backside ribbon
Fig. 5.14. Solar cell interconnection with a bussing ribbon.
Thus, there are two main types of PV ribbons: interconnect ribbon and busbar ribbons
4. One of the possible ways to assemble the cells is to bond first the interconnect wire strips to the substrate using a glue material, then the solar cells are bonded to the wires from the back side by conducting silver paste.

Photovoltaic ribbon also known as PV Ribbon, PV bussing ribbon, solar tabbing ribbon or Solar Ribbon, is a hot-dipped tinned copper flat conductor that collects the current from the photovoltaic cells

This ribbon carries the current from each PV cell to a bus, a larger tabbing ribbon that carries power from the PV cell clusters to the module's junction box (power output). There are two types of tabbing ribbon, both shown in Figure 3. Photovoltaic cell interconnect ribbon, called stringing ribbon, connects individual PV cells to one another in a cluster and delivers current to the bussing ribbon. Stringing ribbon is typically 2-mm wide. For PV module assembly, interconnected PV cell clusters are joined together using 5-mm-wide tabbing ribbon, called bussing ribbon (Figure 4). For PV module assembly, interconnected PV cell clusters are joined together using 5-mm-wide tabbing ribbon, called bussing ribbon (Figure 4).
Tabbing ribbon (Figure 2), sometimes called PV ribbon, is the interconnect material used throughout this process. PV ribbon is made from solder-coated oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) copper ribbon which is "dead soft."

NEOCAB® NEOCAB PV Interconnect® is a copper-based flat wire used to connect silicon cells electrically and to carry out current in crystalline silicon and thin-film photovoltaic modules.
Extra soft NEOCAB PV Interconnect® reduces cell breakages and reduces electrical resistance in modules. Combined with consistent quality, excellent spooling and straightness.

▸Cell Ribbon
Interconnect ribbon is a hot dip tinned copper conductor installed in photovoltaic/solar panels. The interconnect ribbon is soldered directly onto silicon crystal to interconnect solar cells in a solar panel. The interconnect ribbon carries the current generated in solar cells to the PV bus bar
Note; TSEC is the biggest solar player worldwide

The interconnect-shingling process increases the module efficiency by avoiding the gaps between the solar cells. The process is applicable to bifacial cells and uses well-proven interconnection technologies. In contrast to previous adhesive-based shingled modules, the current transport is supported by interconnects, thus reducing the silver consumption for the cells’ metallization and avoiding cell overlap.
(Found these terms in 120 similar patents and scientifical articles)
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

keyed joint, keyway joint

There are various ways for forming the construction joints so necessary in concrete roads.
If the concrete is poured continuously or over lengths exceeding the distance at which a joint is required, the answer is to 'saw' a groove across the slab to a certain depth. This creates a weak point at which the concrete below the groove will crack as it needs to. The 'aggregate interlock' in the cracked part is deemed sufficient to prevent one side of the joint rising above/dropping below the other. The groove is filled with a bituminous material, in this case the bandeau fluide, to prevent water getting into the joint and wreaking general havoc. The groove is your saignée (sawn joint).
The same result can be achieved by pressing (these days) plastic strips into the concrete before it hardens, removing them when it has, and filling the resulting groove with the same sort of bituminous product. In theory this groove would not be a saignée.
Alternatively, the pavement may be poured as separate slabs separated by a strip of wood (traditionally), plastic or metal which is subsequently removed. The bottom part of the joint will be packed with a filling material and the top sealed with a bituminous substance. There is no aggregate interlock in this case.
Another, more complicated option for separate slabs is to create a 'keyway' at the joint, effectively a tongue and groove connection which will also have sealant the top. This is your languette situation. I note that one of the illustrations I have found uses the description 'tongue and groove joint'; in my experience 'keyway/keyed joint' is the trade term (I've run the two terms past Google, with 'keyed/keyway' being four times more common. You live and learn).
"Both types of longitudinal joints are hinged joints that depend on a key (tongue and groove) or aggregate interlock to maintain structural capacity and serviceability. On most highway pavements, the joints are restrained from lateral movement by deformed steel bars (tiebars or tiebolts)."

"Load transfer between lanes is usually provided by the aggregate interlock which develops below the surface groove. Some states have used a deformed metal plate for this joint to provide a keyway or tongue and groove for load transfer."

Note added at 8 hrs (2024-09-24 22:24:27 GMT)

Note added at 8 hrs (2024-09-24 22:35:58 GMT)

Note the difference between saignée (sawn joint (meulé)) and entaille (moulded joint) in the second illustration, though I suspect saignée may well be used when the joint is in fact an entaille.

Note added at 3 days 2 hrs (2024-09-27 15:56:13 GMT)

I'm assuming these are the thin Wattway 'panels' by Colas which are basically glued to the road surface. How these integrate with the smart road (Euravia?) I have no idea, but it seems to me you are looking at two types of joint in the road material (most likely concrete?).
Note from asker:
Thanks Alex. Yes, "swan joint" for "saignée" works. As for the "languette", I would have agreed in full except for the wording "bandeau fluide dégradé sur languette XXX", where XXX is the manufacturer of solar road surface panels. So as we're not dealing with a conventional road surface, but with solar panels, this suggests that the definition in Emmanuella's link in the discussion ("tab" or "tab wire") is the applicable one.
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Reference comments

3 days 9 hrs

Mechanical connection

Both smart and simple nodes have the same shape when placed on the roadway. The difference between them is in the electronics: the smart nodes contain the circuitry inside, along with twelve solar panels, while the simple ones have catadioptric stickers on top. To link each element of the speed bump to the next, a dovetail-type tongue and groove system was implemented
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