Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
canne à anneaux à emmanchement/télescopique
Romanian translation:
undiţă cu îmbinare/telescopică, cu inele
Added to glossary by
Elena-Simona Craciun
Oct 6, 2009 14:36
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term
canne à anneaux à emmanchement/télescopique
French to Romanian
necesară, pe lângă mulinetă, în "pêche à l'anglaise" (corespunde, cred, pescuitului la Sheffield.
Proposed translations
2 +2 | undita cu imbinare/telescopica, cu inele | Sandra & Kenneth Grossman |
Proposed translations
1 hr
undita cu imbinare/telescopica, cu inele
- Most fishing rods are made up of two or three blanks, allowing the rod to be disassembled for ease in storage and transportation. Usually the blanks are attached together with connectors known as ferrules.
- Guides are small rings which are attached along the length of a fishing rod in order to control the line during casting.
Les cannes anglaises mesurent entre 3,60 mètres (12') et 4,50 mètres (15'). De nos jours, elles sont en carbonne et trés souvent à emmanchement. Elles comptent généralement entre 11 et 15 anneaux, parfois d'avantage.
"Lanseta telescopica Hemingway .... Compusa din 3 segmente, cu imbinare inversa de tip spigot, inele tip Fuji A ALCONITE: din ..
"Canne à emmanchements inversés"
Note added at 1 hr (2009-10-06 16:23:31 GMT)
Citatul din explicatie de aici:
Note added at 1 hr (2009-10-06 16:26:59 GMT)
Sau lanseta, bineinteles.
- Guides are small rings which are attached along the length of a fishing rod in order to control the line during casting.
Les cannes anglaises mesurent entre 3,60 mètres (12') et 4,50 mètres (15'). De nos jours, elles sont en carbonne et trés souvent à emmanchement. Elles comptent généralement entre 11 et 15 anneaux, parfois d'avantage.
"Lanseta telescopica Hemingway .... Compusa din 3 segmente, cu imbinare inversa de tip spigot, inele tip Fuji A ALCONITE: din ..
"Canne à emmanchements inversés"
Note added at 1 hr (2009-10-06 16:23:31 GMT)
Citatul din explicatie de aici:
Note added at 1 hr (2009-10-06 16:26:59 GMT)
Sau lanseta, bineinteles.
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Comment: "Mulţumesc!"
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