Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

bain shughra

English translation:

minor irrevocable divorce

Added to glossary by David Andersen
Apr 22, 2012 20:13
12 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Indonesian term

bain shughra

Indonesian to English Other Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Perceraian yang ke: 1 (satu) Bain Shughra
Kalimat ini ada di Akta Cerai. Menurut Talak Bain Sughra adalah talak yang telah diucapkan oleh suami kurang daripada tiga kali, tetapi pasangan tidak boleh "Rujuk" kembali melainkan dengan pernikahan yang baru, walaupun isterinya di dalam iddah.
Bagaimana kira-kira bahasa Inggrisnya?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

minor irrevocable divorce

There are two types of talak bain (irrevocable divorce): talak bain sughra (minor) and talak bain kubra (major).
Peer comment(s):

agree ErichEko ⟹⭐ : shugra/shagira = little, minor in Arabic
27 mins
Terima kasih, Mas Erich..:)
agree Rosmeilan Siagian
2 hrs
Terima kasih, Mbak Ros..:)
agree Wiyanto Suroso
4 hrs
Terima kasih, Pak Wiyanto..:)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Helmy and Erich, for the helpful explanation."
26 mins

irrevocable divorce

Saya rasa lebih baik ditulis dalam bahasa Arabnya, dan kemudian terjemahannya ditulis dalam kurung.
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2 hrs

Divorce that occurs less than three times but is irrevocable even during idah.

Talak Bain
Talak Bain falls under two categories:
1) Talak Bain Kubra
2) Talak Bain Sughra
Talak Bain Kubra is a situation where a divorce has taken place on three occasions - in other words, the husband has divorced his wife three times. The divorce is irrevocable. The husband may re-marry his ex-wife only if, subsequent to the third divorce, the ex-wife has married another man and the marriage has ended in a divorce.
Talak Bain Sughra is a divorce that takes place less than three times but is irrevocable even during idah. A couple divorced under such a circumstance must go through the process of nikah if they want to live as husband and wife again. Talak Bain Sughra occurs in the following situations:
1) Divorce decided by Hakam
2) Khulu' (Divorce by Redemption)
3) Decree of fasakh issued by a Judge.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Catherine, for the detailed explanation. I felt in the context of a certificate a shorter equivalent would be more appropriate.
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