Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Indonesian term or phrase:
penanggungjawab kegiatan
English translation:
the party responsible for the activity
Jul 3, 2011 04:53
13 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Indonesian term
penanggungjawab kegiatan
Indonesian to English
Law (general)
Kementrian Lingkuagan Hidup dengan ini, memberikan izin pengolahan limbah b3 kepada penanggungjawab kegiatan:
nama perusahan: pt. xyz
alamat : xxx
lokasi kegiatan : yyy
nama perusahan: pt. xyz
alamat : xxx
lokasi kegiatan : yyy
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
40 mins
the party responsible for the activity
UU 23/1997, Pasal 1, Ayat 23 (see web ref 1 below: Audit lingkungan hidup adalah suatu proses evaluasi yang dilakukan
oleh penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan untuk menilai tingkat ketaatan terhadap persyaratan hukum yang berlaku dan/atau kebijaksanaan dan standar yang ditetapkan oleh penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang bersangkutan;
English translation (see web ref 2 below): An environmental audit is an evaluation process performed by those responsible for a business and/or activity to assess the level of compliance with applicable legal conditions and/or policy and standard set by the party responsible for the business and/or activity concerned;
Note added at 51 mins (2011-07-03 05:45:37 GMT)
See also
"Conduct of environmental audit under the Indonesian Law Concerning Environmental Management
Encouragement for business to conduct environmental audit
- Article 28 of the Indonesian Law Concerning Environmental Management states that in the scheme of improving business and/or activity performance, the Government encourages the party responsible for a business and/or activity to conduct an environmental audit.
Environmental audit as an instrument for activity efficiency
1. An environmental audit is an important instrument for the party responsible for a business and/or activity to increase their activity efficiency and performance in complying with environmental conditions which have been stipulated by laws and regulations. In this sense, an environmental audit is conducted voluntarily to verify compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and with policy and standards which have been applied internally by party responsible for the business and/or activity concerned."
Note added at 2 hrs (2011-07-03 07:08:01 GMT)
Note: In a plural context, 'the party responsible for (the business and/or) activity' would become 'those responsible for (the business and/or) activity'.
Note added at 9 hrs (2011-07-03 14:36:12 GMT)
By the way, 'limbah B3' is 'limbah bahan beracun dan berbahaya', regulated by Peraturan Pemerintah No. 85 Tahun 1999
Tentang : Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah No. 18
Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya
Dan Beracun
oleh penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan untuk menilai tingkat ketaatan terhadap persyaratan hukum yang berlaku dan/atau kebijaksanaan dan standar yang ditetapkan oleh penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang bersangkutan;
English translation (see web ref 2 below): An environmental audit is an evaluation process performed by those responsible for a business and/or activity to assess the level of compliance with applicable legal conditions and/or policy and standard set by the party responsible for the business and/or activity concerned;
Note added at 51 mins (2011-07-03 05:45:37 GMT)
See also
"Conduct of environmental audit under the Indonesian Law Concerning Environmental Management
Encouragement for business to conduct environmental audit
- Article 28 of the Indonesian Law Concerning Environmental Management states that in the scheme of improving business and/or activity performance, the Government encourages the party responsible for a business and/or activity to conduct an environmental audit.
Environmental audit as an instrument for activity efficiency
1. An environmental audit is an important instrument for the party responsible for a business and/or activity to increase their activity efficiency and performance in complying with environmental conditions which have been stipulated by laws and regulations. In this sense, an environmental audit is conducted voluntarily to verify compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and with policy and standards which have been applied internally by party responsible for the business and/or activity concerned."
Note added at 2 hrs (2011-07-03 07:08:01 GMT)
Note: In a plural context, 'the party responsible for (the business and/or) activity' would become 'those responsible for (the business and/or) activity'.
Note added at 9 hrs (2011-07-03 14:36:12 GMT)
By the way, 'limbah B3' is 'limbah bahan beracun dan berbahaya', regulated by Peraturan Pemerintah No. 85 Tahun 1999
Tentang : Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah No. 18
Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya
Dan Beracun
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thank you."
19 mins
(the) authorized party
Sepengetahuan saya, "penanggung jawab kegiatan" ini merupakan "pihak yang diberi kuasa" oleh pemilik kegiatan (pihak pertama) untuk melakukan kegiatan. Dengan kata lain, "penanggung jawab kegiatan" bukan hanya berupa perorangan, melainkan dapat pula berupa badan usaha.
TerraChoice agrees to authorize the Authorized Party to reproduce graphics or content from either of the Sins of GreenwashingTM Studies in journal articles, posters, magazines, on websites, books and other printed materials that are describing the Studies.
TerraChoice agrees to authorize the Authorized Party to reproduce graphics or content from either of the Sins of GreenwashingTM Studies in journal articles, posters, magazines, on websites, books and other printed materials that are describing the Studies.
3 hrs
[the company] in charge of the activity
Semoga membantu.
4 hrs
23 hrs
responsible party
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