Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Indonesian term or phrase:
English translation:
communal quran reading
Indonesian term
3 | communal quran reading | ErichEko ⟹⭐ |
4 | Quran recital | Wiyanto Suroso |
4 | Muslim forum | Siti Nur Aini |
May 21, 2011 05:30: ErichEko ⟹⭐ Created KOG entry
Jan 30, 2013 01:30: ErichEko ⟹⭐ changed "Field (specific)" from "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters" to "Religion"
Proposed translations
communal quran reading
Kalau model "kontemporer", tempat hanya 3-5 ayat dibaca, selebihnya ceramah, ya beda lagi terjemahannya.
Quran recital
Like Hendy, another pilgrim, Musriyatun, 48, who arrived at the cemetary with her pengajian (Koran recital) group, said she and her family had been blessed after praying at the cemetery before Ramadan had become their tradition.
This Pengajian golden week can be divided into 4 kinds of activities. The first one is lecture from resource person such as Ustadz Mansyur. The second one is Quran Recital. The third is Islamic movie screening and its discussion. The last one is general activities such as communicating with each other, having meal, sport.
Managed to squeeze my time to go and search for the religious books needed for Yna's classes at the Quran recital class.
kata teman saya pengajian bukan cuma ngaji tapi juga ada pembahasan/diskusi kecil
Setelah beberapa hari terkumpul barulah mereka jual kepada pedagang pengumpul di desa mereka. Selain itu, layaknya kaum perempuan yang menjadi ibu rumah tangga, mereka menjalankan pekerjaan rumah tangga seperti membersihkan rumah, mengurus anak, memasak dan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan sosial, antara lain: pengajian dan arisan.
Kayaknya terjamahan mas Erich lumayan cocok.