Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

"Importa a demonstração de resultado..."

English translation:

Concerns the Income Statement...

Added to glossary by Mario Freitas
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Nov 15, 2014 02:03
10 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Portuguese term

"Importa a demonstração de resultado..."

Portuguese to English Bus/Financial Accounting Demonstração de Resultado
A frase completa: "Importa a demonstração de resultado com lucro de R$... de acordo com a documentação apresentada"
Preciso de ajuda com este "Importa", por favor.
Change log

Dec 28, 2015 01:04: Mario Freitas Created KOG entry


sibanhez (asker) Dec 4, 2014:
Sorry for the delay, guys, and thank you for your help. Unfortunately there is no previous context to this. It is a cover sheet for a company's balance sheet prepared by an accountant, and the text I provided is all I have.
Mario Freitas Nov 16, 2014:
I will agree with Dave & Vítor, In this case, without the stretch before that one, anything suggested will be a guess.
Vitor Pinteus Nov 15, 2014:
@Sibanhez David is right: KudoZ isn't supposed to be a quizz...and the context usually comes from behind, not from the front!
O mais certo é este "Importa..." significar "É de realçar/relevar...", mas ainda assim...I would say that it isn't fair!
David Hollywood Nov 15, 2014:
no info no way
David Hollywood Nov 15, 2014:
would help to clarify
David Hollywood Nov 15, 2014:
what goes before this?

Proposed translations

12 days

It matters the result statement...

It matters the result statement...
Something went wrong...
19 days

Concerns the Income Statement...

Something went wrong...
19 days

"On the income statement ..." ou "Concerning the income statement..."

Julgo que a expressão significa algo como "Diz respeito à demosntração de ..." ou "Relativo/Em relação à demonstração...".
Nestes termos, creio que as seguintes sugestões são adequadas e possíveis:
1. "It concerns the income statement..."
2. "Concerning the income statement..."
3. "On the income statement ..."
4. "Regarding the income statement..."
5. "Relative to the income statement..."

vd link:
1. "Importar" »» "Dizer respeito a"):
Something went wrong...
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