Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

asas rotativas

English translation:

rotary wings

Added to glossary by Michael Powers (PhD)
Jul 18, 2011 23:47
13 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Portuguese term

asas rotativas

Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Aerospace / Aviation / Space Brasil
12.5 SEGURO AERONÁUTICO: A FORNECEDORA manterá as seguintes apólices, se ou quando utilizar, contratar ou fornecer aeronaves, inclusive de asas rotativas, ou prestar serviços aéreos em suas operações nos termos deste Contrato:

Proposed translations

5 mins

rotary wings

rotary-wing aircraft

Note added at 18 mins (2011-07-19 00:06:48 GMT)

I see your point! Here 'asas rotativas' is translated to 'rotorcraft' a few times:

Note added at 28 mins (2011-07-19 00:16:32 GMT)

I think 'rotativa' and 'giratória' are used interchangably in this context. I know this is not quite an 100% method, but if you look up 'rotorcraft' in Wikipedia and click 'español' it says 'aeronave de alas giratorias'. Seems to me to suggest it's all the same thing when you compare it to those lists in Linguee.
Note from asker:
Thank you. You may very well be right, and of course "asas" are wings, but if "asas rotativas" are "rotary wings" how does that vary from "asas giratórias"? Obviously I don't know much about planes.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jennifer Levey : (agree converted to neutral)
15 mins
agree Spiridon : Yes
12 hrs
Thanks, Spiridon!
agree Antonio Barros :
19 hrs
Thanks for the links, Antonio!
agree Mark Thompson
19 hrs
Thanks, Mark!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Lindasy, Gilmar and Nick - Mike "
25 mins


aeronave de asas rotativas = rotorcraft

This is the term used by the FAA (for whatever it's worth) and the Brazilian equivalent ANAC pretty much follows their terminology in English, according to the PDF below.
Lindsay's answer is also correct. 29.pdf

Para concessão de certificados de tipo para aeronaves de asas rotativas categoria transporte, será adotado integralmente, na língua inglesa, o regulamento Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 29, Emenda 29-51, efetiva em 31 de março de 2008, da autoridade de aviação civil, Federal Aviation Administration – FAA, do Department of Transportation dos Estados Unidos da América, o qual é republicado no Apêndice A-I deste RBAC a partir do contido no
sítio de publicação do regulamento adotado em pauta:
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey : Yes - in the absence of unambiguous context favouring one or the other, the translation should cover both heli- and gyro-copter wings.
1 min
Thanks MM :)
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9 hrs

non fixed wing aircraft

non fixed wing aircraft (as it is a clause)
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Reference comments

31 mins

gyro/heli-copters = rotorcraft

Contrast and compare: (= gyrocopter) in which the wing turns under its own power, and which has an engine to turn the wing.
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