Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

cordão arenoso

English translation:

sandy ridge

Added to glossary by Andre Lange (X)
Apr 26, 2018 21:05
6 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term

cordão arenoso

Portuguese to English Science Geography
No sentido deste parágrafo:

A restinga é um espaço geográfico formado sempre por depósitos arenosos paralelos à linha da costa, de forma geralmente alongada, produzido por processos de sedimentação, onde se encontram diferentes comunidades que recebem influência marinha, podendo ter cobertura vegetal em mosaico. Esse tipo de vegetação também pode ser encontrado em praias, cordões arenosos, dunas e depressões em diversos estágios sucessionais existentes fora da restinga na parte interiorana do continente.


Matheus Chaud May 2, 2018:
ridge (2) Also
ridge = a long narrow natural elevation or striation
ridge = any long raised strip

sandy ridges - 28,300 hits on Google Books alone:

By the way, we had 3 agrees for cordão = ridge on this question:

I really don't know if it's the best choice, but I do believe it's a valid choice.
airmailrpl May 2, 2018:
ridge ridge
a long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed.
"the northeast ridge of Everest"
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Apr 27, 2018:
sandy strip vs. sand spit It depends on the geographical contour. See the following on sand spit:

Proposed translations

3 mins

sandy ridge

Peer comment(s):

agree Cornelius Gillen : from the context, this seems most appropriate version
3 days 14 hrs
Thank you, Cornelius!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigado!"
2 hrs

sandy strip / sandy landstrip

Peer comment(s):

agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : Sandy strip. If it's a peninsula, it's a sand spit.
7 hrs
Thank you, Muriel!
agree Claudio Mazotti
10 hrs
Obrigado, Cláudio!
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9 hrs

sand belt

cordão arenoso => sand belt

The Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the History of the Great ...
Frank Leverett, ‎Frank Bursley Taylor - 1915 - ‎Geology
Considerable parts of the drift have been removed, leaving bowlders on the eroded surface, and sands and gravels have been deposited in extensive beach ridges and sand belts. The finer sediments were carried away and deposited in deep water.

U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper - Google Books Result
1990 - ‎Geology
... barrier); (2) shelf and open-bay deposits consisting of shelly, clean to muddy sand sheets adjacent to and seaward of the beaches; (3) backbarrier deposits consisting of muddy sand bodies landward of the barriers; and (4) fluvial deposits consisting of sinuous, muddy sand belts oriented typically 45 to 90° to the coastline.
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