Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

(metros) de profundidade

English translation:

(meters) in length/depth

Added to glossary by Julio Cinquina
May 11, 2020 01:11
4 yrs ago
33 viewers *
Portuguese term

de profundidade

Portuguese to English Other Real Estate
IMÓVEL: APARTAMENTO Nº XXX, e a respectiva fração ideal de 1/22 de todo o terreno que mede no seu todo 13.50m de frente, por 23.50m de profundidade, fazendo divisa pelo lado direito com XXX; pelo lado esquerdo com XXX; e pelos fundos com XXX.
Change log

May 20, 2020 00:06: Julio Cinquina Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

38 mins

meters in depth


"This land measures 13.55 meters in front and 33 meters in depth, with access and electricity."

"The house sits on a site that measures 2.5 meters in width and 11 meters in depth."

"This section being Lot 34 has a 40 meter frontage and 102 meters in depth."

"LOT DEPTH: The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line of a lot, measured within the lot boundaries."

Note added at 1 hr (2020-05-11 02:11:18 GMT)

They use "feet in depth" in the United States, in case you need to convert the units.

"Rectangular parcel with 778 feet of frontage on Salt Road with 1,329 feet in depth."

"This home site features 70 feet at the front with 165 feet in depth and 88 feet across the back."
Peer comment(s):

agree David Hollywood : if for the US ok
2 hrs
Thank you, David!
agree Mark Robertson
6 hrs
Thank you, Mark!
agree Paulinho Fonseca
10 hrs
Thank you, Paulinho!
agree Amábile Deretti
11 hrs
Thank you, Amábile!
neutral Lara Barnett : Some of these EN links are not native English translations. They are not valid and they sound odd overall. If you provided only English native translations the samples given would not sound so odd and incomprehensible.
13 hrs
neutral Douglas Bissell : To me, depth means in a downwards direction, not away from the road, though I do agree depth is used to describe appliance dimensions H/W/D etc
16 hrs
agree Leonardo Locatelli
1 day 17 hrs
Thank you, Leonardo!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigada!"
4 mins
4 hrs

in legth

The longest side of a terrain is the length and the shirtest side is the width. I don't think we use "depth" in English for this purpose.

Note added at 5 hrs (2020-05-11 06:55:03 GMT)

** Length !!! Sorry.
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : length not legth.. & shirtest ??
9 mins
Indeed, this is what happens when you post stuff after 3:00 am, lol. Thanks, Robert!
agree Nick Taylor : bad night huh?
1 hr
Yup, it's the wine for sure. I should get to bed. Cheers, Nick!
agree Cristina Mantovani : Never 'depth' if it doesn't refer to the depth hehe
1 day 18 hrs
That's what I think! Obrigado!
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7 hrs

goes back

The flat has a frontage of 13.50 m and it goes back 23.50 metres.
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16 hrs

metres long

Metres wide = largura ou frente
Metres long = comprimento (distância para trás da rua)
Mesmo se a frente for maior que o comprimento.
50 metres long by 10 metres wide = frente de 50 metros e profundidade de 10 m.
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