Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
regime de sequeiro
English translation:
in a non-irrigated base
Added to glossary by
Marlene Curtis
Sep 16, 2013 00:55
11 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Portuguese term
regime de sequeiro
Portuguese to English
O teor de óleo nas sementes é elevado em regime de sequeiro nas condições semi-áridas da região nordeste.
Proposed translations
4 | in a non-irrigated base | Marlene Curtis |
3 +1 | non-irrigated regime | T o b i a s |
Change log
Oct 14, 2013 15:43: Marlene Curtis Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
10 mins
in a non-irrigated base
[...] regime de regadio, o saldo da superfície em hectares sera atribuído, para a mesma campanha, aÁ superfície de base correspondente cultivada em regime de sequeiro.
If the irrigated base area is not reached in a given marketing year, the balance of hectares shall be allocated for the same marketing year to the corresponding non-irrigated base area
If the irrigated base area is not reached in a given marketing year, the balance of hectares shall be allocated for the same marketing year to the corresponding non-irrigated base area
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 hrs
non-irrigated regime
Oregon State
The irrigation regime compliant with the City of Portland provided increased plant survivorship over the non-irrigated regime, yet plant aesthetics were less for the same species compared to the highest watering regime.
Pod yield, farmer stock grade, and partial economic returns were determined for three growing seasons (2002 to 2004).
Surface drip irrigated peanut had greater yield, market grade, and gross revenue compared with non-irrigated regimes.
Pod yield, farmer stock grade, and economic returns were determined for the 2002 to 2004 growing seasons. Peanut irrigated with surface drip had greater yield, grade, and gross revenue compared with the non-irrigated regime.
Oregon State
The irrigation regime compliant with the City of Portland provided increased plant survivorship over the non-irrigated regime, yet plant aesthetics were less for the same species compared to the highest watering regime.
Pod yield, farmer stock grade, and partial economic returns were determined for three growing seasons (2002 to 2004).
Surface drip irrigated peanut had greater yield, market grade, and gross revenue compared with non-irrigated regimes.
Pod yield, farmer stock grade, and economic returns were determined for the 2002 to 2004 growing seasons. Peanut irrigated with surface drip had greater yield, grade, and gross revenue compared with the non-irrigated regime.
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