Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

direcţii de cercetare

English translation:

lines of inquiry

Added to glossary by Peter Shortall
Apr 5, 2007 08:46
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Romanian term

direcţii de cercetare

Romanian to English Science Science (general)
aş avea nevoie de ajutor cu următoarea frază:

Proiectul propus are trei direcţii de cercetare: a, b, c

Mai jos am şi o propoziţie:

Aceste direcţii sunt prezentate în capitolul ...
Change log

Jun 27, 2007 23:06: Peter Shortall Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

23 mins

lines of inquiry

Two ideas come to mind:

"lines of inquiry"

or (if the text is not particularly formal) a rephrase:

"...will focus on three areas: a, b, c"

"These areas are presented/outlined in chapter..."

I'd be slightly more inclined to go with "lines of inquiry", though.

e.g. "The team's work has contributed massively to the debate and opened up several *lines of inquiry* and a number of other laboratories around the world have also detected MAP in the bowels of Crohn's disease sufferers."

"Memorandum submitted by the Academy of Medical Sciences...

The Academy would like to suggest the following *lines of inquiry*:—


(a) What are the numbers of applications for programme and project grants made to the MRC under its response mode mechanisms over the past five (or perhaps eight) years? ...

(b) Is the apparent loss of response mode funding the result of a deliberate policy towards in-house (unit and institute) funding? If so, what is the reasoning behind this policy and what is seen as the endpoint of these trends? ... etc.

Note added at 4 hrs (2007-04-05 12:57:20 GMT)

Another (possibly more relevant) example:

"The project will follow two major lines of enquiry in order to achieve the study objectives..."

And I should add that I'd rather use something like "will follow/pursue/address" for "are" here, if they fit with the register, since "has" doesn't sound quite right to me here alongside this phrase.
Peer comment(s):

agree Elena Iercoşan : Agree! Happy Easter, Peter! :)
22 mins
Mulţumesc, Elena! Şi ţie la fel :)
agree Emina Popovici : Desigur!
42 mins
Mulţumesc, Emina!
agree David Wright (X)
1 hr
Thanks, David!
agree Bogdan Burghelea
6 hrs
Mulţumesc, Bogdan!
agree Dan Barbulescu
6 hrs
Mulţumesc, Dan!
agree Valentin Alupoaie
5 days
Mulţumesc, Valentin!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc mult"
22 mins

scope of research

scope = The area covered by a given activity or subject.
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