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4 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 21 pages Completed: May 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
English to Romanian translation of EU documents
Government / Politics
positive Blue Board outsourcer (5 to 10 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 22496 words Completed: Jan 2007 Languages: Romanian to English
Translation of the analysis of risks related to management quality
Romanian to English translation of the analysis of the major risks related to management quality
Finance (general), Business/Commerce (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 7990 words Completed: Nov 2006 Languages: Romanian to English
Romanian to English translation of the report on external financing agreement
Report on the external financing agreement signed between two banks.
Finance (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 1496 words Completed: May 2006 Languages: English to Romanian
Youth project website presentation
Website presentation of a pan-European youth project
International Org/Dev/Coop, Government / Politics, Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Romanian: EU
Source text - English Negotiations are closed. The effects are to come.
- Wages will rise related to Euro, but the same thing will happen with prices. In the end, the expenditure will only be possible to grow within the limits of economic growth.
- According to the European Institute the increase of income will be followed by the increase of income taxes.
- The unemployment rate will be bigger due to the better efficiency of the enterprises. The fired labor force will have to re-qualify in order to work in more advanced areas. In the long term, the labor market deficit will be recovered.
- Romanians will be able to travel and work without any restrictions in all European states, but in some cases this right will not come into effect right after accession. Every member state may ask for a transition period of 5 to 7 years
Translation - Romanian Negocierile au fost incheiate. Rezultatele urmeaza sa apara.
- Salariile vor inregistra o crestere in functie de cursul Euro, insa acelasi lucru se va intampla si cu preturile. In final, cheltuielile vor putea creste doar in limita cresterii economice.
- Conform Institutului European, cresterea veniturilor va fi urmata de cresterea taxelor pe venituri
- Rata somajului va fi mai mare datorita eficientei crescute a intreprinderilor. Personalul disponibilizat va trebui sa urmeze cursuri de recalificare pentru a se putea incadra in domenii mai avansate. Pe termen lung insa, deficitul pietei muncii va fi recuperat.
- Romanii vor putea calatori si munci fara nici o restrictie in toate statele europene, dar in anumite cazuri acest drept nu va intra in vigoare imediat dupa integrare. Fiecare stat poate reclama o perioada de tranzitie cuprinsa intre 5 si 7 ani.
English to Romanian: Cultural Perspectives Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Different people have different perspectives on how we relate to each other and the world around us. All of these perspectives are valuable. Differences in perspectives have the potential to bring new and better solutions to organizational problems.
In this survey, you will see a series of statements. Please show the extent to which you agree with each by marking a number from 1 to 7.
There are no wrong responses to any of these statements; it is most important that you record your own true ideas for each one. For each of these statements, some people agree strongly, others disagree strongly, and still others fall between these two extremes. All of these perspectives add important value to organizations.
Part A: What people do and how they do it.
1 Regardless of the situation, it is always worth the extra time it takes to develop a comprehensive plan.
2 A realistic time horizon for organizational planning is five years or more.
3 What the future holds is more important than what happens today.
4 People should work only when they feel like it.
5 Leisure and play should wait until after work has been done.
6 Time away from work is best used to accomplish something.
7 Hard work is rewarding in itself.
8 A realistic time horizon for organizational planning is one year or less.
9 The best decision is the most logical one.
10 It is always better to stop and plan than to act quickly.
11 Decisions should be made based on analysis, not intuition or emotion.
12 People should show their emotions freely.
13 When allocating resources in an organization, it is very important to base the decisions on current and short-term needs.
14 It is important to honor traditions.
15 People should only do what they really enjoy.
16 People always need to approach life thoughtfully.
17 When allocating resources in an organization, it is very important to base the decisions on long term future needs.
18 It is usually better to act quickly than to take too long to think something through.
19 Taking action is often more important than worrying about how people feel about a decision.
20 Today is more important than yesterday and tomorrow.
Oamenii au puncte de vedere diferite în ceea ce priveşte modul de relaţionare interumană şi cea cu restul lumii înconjurătoare. Toate aceste puncte de vedere sunt preţioase. Diferenţele dintre acestea pot aduce soluţii noi şi îmbunătăţite pentru problemele organizaţionale.
În studiul de faţă veţi vedea o serie de afirmaţii. Vă rugăm arătaţi gradul în care sunteţi de acord cu fiecare din următoarele afirmaţii, încercuind un număr de la 1 la 7.
Nu există nici un răspuns greşit în aceste afirmaţii: cel mai important este să reţineţi adevăratele idei proprii referitoare la fiecare din acestea. Pentru fiecare din aceste afirmaţii unii oameni arată un acord puternic, unii sunt în total dezacord, iar alţii se încadrează între cele două extreme..Toate aceste perspective sunt valoroase pentru organizaţii.
Part A: Ce fac oamenii şi modul în care o fac
1 Indiferent de situaţie, un plan cuprinzător merită întotdeauna timpul alocat întocmirii acestuia.
2 O plajă de timp real pentru planificare organizaţională este de cinci ani sau mai mult.
3 Ceea ce ne rezervă viitorul este mai important decât prezentul.
4 Oamenii ar trebui să muncească doar atunci când au dispoziţiade a face acest lucru.
5 Relaxarea şi joaca ar trebui să aibă loc după muncă.
6 Timpul petrecut în afara muncii este cel mai bine folosit în realizarea unor lucruri.
7 Munca asiduă este plină de satisfacţii prin ea insăşi.
8 O plajă de timp real pentru planificare organizaţională este de un an sau mai puţin.
9 Cea mai bună decizie este şi cea mai logică.
10 Este mai bine să te opreşti şi să te gândeşti decât să acţionezi pripit.
11 Deciziile ar trebui luate pe baza analizei, nu pe baza intuiţiei sau a sentimentelor.
12 Oamenii ar trebui să-şi exprime liber sentimentele.
13 Momentul alocării resurselor în cadrul unei organizaţii este foarte important ca deciziile luate să fie bazate pe necesităţile pe termen scurt.
14 Respectarea tradiţiilor este importantă.
15 Oamenii ar trebui să facă doar ceea ce le face cu adevărat plăcere.
16 Oamenii trebuie să abordeze viaţa întotdeauna cu înţelepciune.
17 Momentul alocării resurselor în cadrul unei organizaţii este foarte important ca deciziile luate să fie bazate pe necesităţile pe termen lung.
18 De obicei este mai bine să acţionezi rapid decât să stai să analizezi.
19 Uneori este mai important să acţionezi decât să-ţi faci griji pentru părerea oamenilor despre decizia luată.
20 Ziua de astăzi e mai importantă decât cele de ieri şi de mâine.
English to Romanian (West University of Timisoara, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (West University of Tmisoara, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
I'm a native Romanian speaker and certified Translator and Interpreter with 14 years' experience in translation and proofreading. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Geography and English Language and Literature from West University of Timisoara, Romania (2001) and have been an authorized translator by the Romanian Ministry of Justice since 2004.
Ever since 2007 I've been living and working in Sweden, so Swedish and English have become my working languages. I have also taken a few language courses at the Linköping University here in Sweden.
I'm a fluent speaker of Swedish, English, Romanian and Serbian. The fact that I speak four languages fluently makes me a language-oriented professional, who sets high focus on communication, giving the right touch to the final product, be it translation or any other written text.
My translation areas of specialization and experience are, but not limited to:
- Advertising
- Banking
- Business
- Environment
- Insurance
- Legal
- Medical
- Tourism
If you want good quality manual translation or proofreading please don't hesitate to contact me.
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