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The translation workplace |
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(1) Bringing health care information to new languages (2) Welcome moderator class of 2012-2013 (3) Feature spotlight: Translation news (4) Protect yourself from translation-stealing scammers (5) How is the translation market looking for you? (6) Free ProZ.com webinars for August (7) Tradução: profissionalização e mercado - Rio de Janeiro (8) II Conferencia Latinoamericana en Lima - Perú (9) Dernière chance de s'inscrire aux TARIF REDUIT ! (10) Call for speakers - ProZ.com 2012 virtual conference series
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Bringing free medical and health care information to new languages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Translation Task Force is a collaborative effort that began in 2011 to first improve important health care topics in English and then to translate them to simple English and on to as many other languages as possible. It is an undertaking initiated by WikiProject Medicine, Wikimedia Canada, and Translators without Borders. See work being done in this project and opportunities to help at the link below.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Announcing the release of SDL Trados Studio 2011 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Highlights include: Open MS Word docs with active tracked changes in the source, edit source content & easier external review.
Learn why SP2 is more than just a service pack. New functionality will significantly improve the way you work - http://proz.me/FreelanceSDLTradosSP2 ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Announcing the release of SDL Trados Studio 2011 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Highlights include: Open Microsoft Word documents with active tracked changes in the source, edit source content & easier external review.
Learn why SP2 is more than just a service pack. New functionality will significantly improve the way you work - http://proz.me/SDLTradosSP2 ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) Welcome moderator class of 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next cycle of site moderation is about to begin. Welcome to all those who have volunteered so far to participate in the moderator class of 2012-2013!
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Free digital subscription to Multilingual for the first 2,000 registrants to sign up at http://proz.me/MultilingualSubscription
MultiLingual Computing, Inc. is the leading source of information for the language industry. Multilingual digital is delivered in an interactive format that allows you to get the same great content found in the print magazine.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ AlignFactory is the most powerful alignment tool on the market. Create multiple bilingual files in a few seconds, leverage past translation data & enhance your TM! Features an alignment editor, filters & attributes to customize your output files in TMX & HTML. See AlignFactory in action at http://www.youtube.com/user/Terminotix or http://www.terminotix.com/ ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) Feature spotlight: Translation news ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stay on top of news of interest to language professionals. In the ProZ.com translation news area you can read up on what is happening in the world of translation, submit stories, discuss, and more. You can find translation news under the "Member activities" menu tab.
Advertisement ------------------------------------
Atril Déjà Vu X2 - Other tools have users, Déjà Vu has fans! New Machine Translation Module for combining your databases with Machine Translation intelligently for more productivity! Test Déjà Vu X2 now – 30-day free trial version available at http://www.atril.com
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Atril TEAMserver - Empower your teams with TEAMserver, the most effective and affordable all-in-one solution on the market! New Machine Translation Module for combining your databases with Machine Translation intelligently for more productivity! Learn more here: http://www.atril.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) They offer you work. They take your translation. They disappear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Check out a new article in the ProZ.com series on Risk Management: "Scammers who steal translations". These scams affect both translators and translation clients. Make sure you know how to see them coming and protect yourself.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Big or little, new or old, we’ve got you covered.
Whether you are starting out as a Freelancer or you are the owner of your own agency, we try very hard to meet your needs through our intuitive and powerful solutions.
Fluency: Words are your business, giving you the tools to grow is ours.
http://fluencytranslation.com/ ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) How is the translation market looking for you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A recent forum topic asked translators to share how they see the translation market at the moment. Are things up? Down? Steady? Share your take in the thread and see what others are saying.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Save 40% on annual freelance subscriptions, code: XTM4040
http://www.xtm-intl.com/buy Sign up today and start translating immediately.
Translate all major file types using our online CAT tool and TMS with powerful flexibility, functionality and security. Benefit from collaborating with colleagues and sharing TMs in real time.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Save 20% on all subscriptions, code: XTMSUMMER12
http://www.xtm-intl.com/buy Manage and translate your projects in XTM Cloud, the powerful, flexible and secure online CAT tool and TMS. Low cost, easy to use and completely scalable XTM is designed for your business, allowing you to improve collaboration and share TMs in real time.
sales@xtm-intl.com ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Free ProZ.com webinars for August ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Meeting clients at ProZ.com" is a series of free webinars which cover strategies to help you get the most out of your ProZ.com experience. Each webinar includes a hands-on workshop session with site staff.
* July 5th: http://www.proz.com/translator-training/course/7042 * July 26th: http://www.proz.com/translator-training/course/7045
Other free webinars:
Free webinar on localization of images and graphics - August 10th - This webinar is an official trailer of a two-course webinar series, with interactive workshops on localization of images and graphics.
"Risk management for freelance translators and interpreters" - August 14th - Learn about risk management procedures that freelance translators and interpreters can follow when doing business.
"Getting started in translation" - August 21st - Learn how to become a professional translator and how to use ProZ.com to pursue translation as a career.
"Expanding your translation business" - August 28th - Learn how to use ProZ.com to expand your translation business.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ memoQ 6.0 will be released soon
memoQ 6.0 will enable real-time preview of Trados TagEditor files, predictive typing of translation results, importing Microsoft Word and Excel files without Microsoft Office installed, and much more!
Attend free webinars, download a free 45-day trial at http://kilgray.com and join the ever-growing team of memoQ users! ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ memoQ 6.0 is now released
memoQ 6.0 enables real-time preview for Trados TagEditor files, predictive typing of translation results, importing Microsoft Word and Excel files without Microsoft Office installed, and much more!
Attend our free webinars, download the free 45-day trial from http://kilgray.com and join the ever-growing team of memoQ users!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) IV Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com - Rio de Janeiro, 21, 22 e 23 de setembro de 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A Conferência tem o intuito de promover todos os setores da tradução, proporcionando novos aprendizados, discussões, aprimoramento técnico, networking, conhecimento de mercado e, é claro, momentos de alegria e descontração com colegas de profissão.
O Rio de Janeiro é conhecido pelas suas belezas naturais e pelas noites animadas, principalmente embaladas pelo samba. No entanto, hoje, o Rio já é palco de grandes negócios que movimentam contratos importantes e entrou definitivamente no eixo de negócios do Brasil e do mundo com os eventos internacionais de grande porte que acolherá: a Copa de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.
Aproveite a oportunidade para aprender com profissionais tarimbados e descontrair com os colegas de profissão. Venha rever amigos antigos, conhecer outras pessoas e conversar pessoalmente com aquele colega com o qual você só tem contato virtualmente. Programe sua vinda com antecedência para aproveitar melhores condições de traslado e hospedagem e poder se organizar para conhecer a Cidade Maravilhosa. É o momento de abrir uma pausa na agenda de trabalho para se renovar.
A organização da Conferência e o ProZ terão imenso prazer em recebê-los, bem como nosso Keynote Speaker: Renato Beninatto (www.l10n411.com/) e nossa Mestre de Cerimônias: Isabel Vidigal (www.proz.com/profile/93899).
O Early Bird está chegando ao fim. Garanta já a sua vaga!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (8) II Conferencia Latinoamericana de Traducción e Interpretación en Lima - Perú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
En noviembre 2012, la cita es en Lima, Perú.
Recuerda registrarte haciendo clic sobre el botón en la columna de la izquierda para que recibas toda la información de la conferencia y para que estés al tanto de posibles cambios.
Si quieres participar como conferencista, haz clic aquí o sobre el botón de llamado de conferencistas (call for speakers) para considerarte y comunicarnos contigo.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (9) Dernière chance de s'inscrire aux tarif réduit pour les Formations et Rencontres ProZ.com à Lyon ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Il ne vous reste plus que 24 HEURES pour profiter du tarif réduit des Formations et Rencontres ProZ.com qui se tiendra à Lyon les 7 et 8 septembre 2012 ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et bénéficiez d’un tarif très avantageux par rapport au tarif normal, qui s’appliquera à compter du 31 juillet.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10) ProZ.com announces call for speakers for the September virtual conference series 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A call for speakers for ProZ.com's 4th annual freelance translator virtual event series, celebrating International Translation Day is now open.
Speakers, panelists and presenters are able to participate in this event series from the comfort of their own office or home.
If you are interested in presenting on a topic that would fit any of the themes listed above, please complete the speaker application.
Each day of the event series will feature a different focus:
* Sept. 24th: Advanced translator skills day
* Sept. 25th: ProZ.com day: the professional ProZian
* Sept. 26th: Recruitment day (a chance for freelancers and clients to meet)
* Sept. 27th: 2012 Freelance translator live online conference: "The freelance translator as a professional CEO"
* Sept. 28th: CAT Tool and software day
Thanks for reading, and a big thank you and congratulations to those who chose to start investing in ProZ.com membership in the month of July.
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