ProZ.com Newsletter
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Join now:
http://www.proz.com/join(1) Mid-year report to ProZ.com members
(2) ProZ.com International Conference - last minute registration
(3) Translation in an underground bunker: would you participate?
(4) Localization spotlight: the Italian localization team
(5) What's the next move in your translation business?
(6) Wirtualna konferencja ProZ w j. polskim — 27 czerwca 2013
(7) Konference Virtuální Jeronýmek - konanou 28. května 2013
(8) Site du congrès ProZ.com en France 2013
(9) V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com
(10) First ProZ.com conference in India - November 15-16
(11) Conferencia regional de España, 2013
(12) Formations Wordfast Pro à Nice
(13) Translators without Borders reaches 10 million words donated
(14) Improve your presentation, negotiation skills, productivity
(15) Grow and diversify your language based business
(16) Risk management in the online translation industry
(17) Terminologie juridique pour traducteurs juridiques débutants
(18) Direito brasileiro: Família e sucessões
(19) ¿El cliente siempre tiene razón?
(1) Mid-year report to ProZ.com members
The mid-year report to ProZ.com members for 2013 has been published. These reports are published bi-annually to inform ProZ.com members of news and advances on the site.
Thanks goes out to all ProZ.com members for making these advances possible, and for their continuing support of the site.
(2) Last minute to register for the ProZ.com International Conference in Porto, Portugal
There's still time to sign up for this year's ProZ.com International Conference in Porto, Portugal, which will take place on June 8th and 9th. Over 170 ProZians are planning on attending the event. Don't miss a chance to network with colleagues, attend two days' worth of sessions, and meet Alejandro Moreno-Ramos, author of the MOX series, for an exclusive book signing.
memoQ 2013 will be released soon. Join Kilgray for its second Virtual memoQ Day and learn more about the most exciting concepts behind the latest development.
To attend and take advantage of special conference discounts visit
We look forward to e-meeting you on 30 May, 2013!
Shorten translation turnaround times, cut costs through innovation, work with clients and translators using other tools, manage licenses and devise unique workflows using the memoQ server.
The fully functional memoQ server is available for a 30-day evaluation. Contact Kilgray at sales@kilgray.com.
(3) Translation from a secret underground bunker: would you participate?
A news item that has been commented on and shared widely recently had to do with eleven translators who spent nearly two months in an underground bunker in Italy, translating Dan Brown's latest novel for simultaneous release in different languages.
Would you be willing to spend two months working in a secret bunker, with no contact with friends and family, if you could choose the translation project and the compensation was excellent? Share your opinion and be sure to vote in the poll on the Translator T.O. blog.
Upload all your files automatically from Déjà Vu X2 and manage your projects from the web-based TEAMserver Project Platform!
The all-new web-based platform contains both a project management tool for translation activities & a communication platform for all players involved in the projects.
(4) Localization spotlight: the Italian localization team
Each month, the ProZ.com newsletter features an article highlighting one of the ProZ.com localization teams and the work they are doing to bring the ProZ.com site to their native languages.
This month's spotlight is on the the Italian localization team:
Nicole Maina --
http://www.proz.com/profile/72494Giuliana Buscaglione --
http://www.proz.com/profile/24193Valeria Monti --
http://www.proz.com/profile/1405841Stefania Greci --
http://www.proz.com/profile/959116Davide Grillo --
http://www.proz.com/profile/1354825Giovanni Borriello --
http://www.proz.com/profile/871564Sara Pisano --
http://www.proz.com/profile/101757Milena Gerboni --
http://www.proz.com/profile/942257Sebastiano Alicata --
http://www.proz.com/profile/1585753Sarah D'Angelo --
http://www.proz.com/profile/687066PMastrorilli --
http://www.proz.com/profile/1450528Raffaella Berry --
Valeria Monti, a member of the Italian localization team, had this to say about the team's work:
"Being part of the localization team has been a real honour, an experience that really paid my time and effort back. It's good to be part of something that my own professional community can enjoy and enhance through this ongoing project."
If you are a ProZ.com member and you would like to join a localization team in your native language, contact site staff to volunteer.
Save time & money with Wordfast's user-friendly and affordable translation memory software for Windows, Mac and Linux. Whether you wish to translate inside of MS Word, handle a wide variety of file formats, or work on projects from your mobile device, Wordfast has a solution to fit any translator's workflow and budget. Visit
(5) What's the next move in your translation business?
1. Are you serious about finding new clients and collaborators?
2. Are you looking for ways to otherwise expand or improve your translation business?
3. Are you fully-booked right now, but interested in keeping your name out there to keep future opportunities open?
If you can answer "Yes" to any of these questions, ProZ.com membership might be for you. And the price for new membership will never be better.
MemSource is a cloud-based CAT tool that lets you work online as well as offline. On Windows and Mac. And MemSource Personal edition is completely FREE! Why not give it a try?
Sign up for the free Personal edition:
MemSource is becoming increasingly popular with LSPs. Why?
For instance: All your freelancers get a free CAT tool – MemSource Editor – for both online and offline translating. And it’s so easy to use. What a relief...
Start a 30-day free trial now:
(6) Zapraszamy do udziału w pierwszej polskiej konferencji wirtualnej ProZ 27 czerwca 2013 r.!
Zapraszamy do udziału w pierwszej polskiej konferencji wirtualnej ProZ 27 czerwca 2013 r.!
Program konferencji obejmie tematy związane m.in. z budowaniem marki tłumacza, tłumaczeniem tekstów specjalistycznych (w kilku specjalizacjach), oraz praktycznym zastosowaniem narzędzi CAT. Na pewno cennym punktem konferencji będzie dyskusja o tym, w jaki sposób skutecznie wybić się na rynku. Co można i co powinno się robić, by wyróżnić się z tłumu? Liczymy na Państwa udział!
Udział w konferencji jest całkowicie bezpłatny!
(7) Konference Virtuální Jeronýmek - máme už kompletní program
Máte už jen pár týdnů, abyste se stihli zaregistrovat na nadcházející konferenci Virtuální Jeronýmek, konanou 28. května 2013.
Kompletní program této konference, pořádané serverem ProZ.com a JTP už je k dispozici.
Kompletní program zobrazíte , zde jen stručně:
Jak začít? – Úvod pro začátečníky, přednáší: Lenka Martinkova
Budoucnost překladatelské a tlumočnické profese, přednáší: Tomáš Svoboda
Proč je užitečné být na překladatelských a tlumočnických portálech, přednáší: Martin Janda
Akce je zdarma a začíná 28. 5. 2013 v 16:00 českého letního času.
(8) Vous allez bénéficier d’un service 5 étoiles pour ce sixième Formations et Rencontres de ProZ.com en France
Dans un cadre enchanteur ouvert sur l’Océan, vous allez bénéficier d’un service 5 étoiles pour ce sixième Formations et Rencontres de ProZ.com en France.
Au Sofitel Biarritz Le Miramar Thalassa Sea & Spa***** savourez une cuisine d’émotion, inspirée par les saveurs locales, au rythme des saisons. Profitez d’une pause bien-être en accédant à l’espace détente : piscines, rituels de thalassothérapie et beauty spa, salle de fitness, hammam et sauna.
Toutes les formations, pauses, repas de midi et cocktail networking de vendredi soir auront lieu au Sofitel.
Un nombre de chambres limitié a été réservé pour les congressistes au tarif de groupe. Réservez aujourd'hui !
(9) O Early bird já está aberto! Aproveite para pagar menos e ganhar muito conhecimento.
Aproveite o período de inscrições antecipadas da V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do Proz, que acontecerá em Recife, nos dias 24 e 25 de agosto.
Todos os anos a organização da conferência privilegia os participantes que increvem-se antecipadamente, oferecendo um desconto no valor a ser pago pelos dois dias de evento.
Se as taxas de cartão de crédito e transações cambiais te assustam, esse ano trouxemos uma novidade. Para facilitar o pagamento de brasileiros, o pagamento pode ser feito em REAL (R$). Acesse o site da conferência e confira todos os detalhes.
Ainda essa semana serão divulgados os nomes de mais palestrantes que estarão compartilhando suas experiências e aprendendo junto conosco.
(10) ProZ.com announces first ProZ.com conference in India - November 14-15
ProZ.com is pleased to announce the first ProZ.com conference ever held in India taking place in Calcutta, IND November 15 - 16.
The exciting event will be organized by ProZ.com trainer Pritam Bhattacharyya --
http://www.proz.com/profile/86364 -- under the theme of: Challenges and Opportunities in the pan-Indic translation industry.
A call for speakers is open now with more information available on the conference page.
(11) Serie de conferencias en Barcelona y Madrid, noviembre y diciembre
Para este 2013 y con el objectivo de adaptarnos a la difícil situación económica que estamos viviendo, quermos proponer un nuevo formato de conferencia regional para facilitar la asistencia a todos los autónomos y pequeñas empresas.
La idea es organizar dos conferencias de un día cada una en dos ciudades distintas. Las ciudades elegidas son Barcelona, el lugar donde se suelen llevar a cabo las conferencias regionales de Proz.com en España, y Madrid, la capital y punto céntrico, geográficamente hablando, del país.
Para poder ofrecer una conferencia que sea del gusto de todos, os animamos a que entréis en la página de la conferencia a la que queráis asistir y rellenéis el cuestionario que hemos preparado para saber cuáles son vuestras preferencias e intereses.
(12) Formations Wordfast Pro à Nice
ProZ.com organise des formations au logiciel de TAO Wordfast Pro prochainement à Nice
Formation Initiation à Wordfast Pro – Niveau 1 — Mardi 04 juin 2013
http://www.proz.com/translator-training/course/8441Formation Wordfast Pro Intermédiaire – Niveau 2 — Mercredi 05 juin 2013
Pour les participants exerçant en France (traducteurs salariés, indépendents et auto-entrepreneurs), ces formations peuvent faire l'objet d'une demande de prise en charge par le FIF-PL ou dans le cadre du DIF.
Inscrivez-vous pour deux journées et bénéficiez d'une remise. La capacité étant limitée, veuillez réserver votre place dès maintenant !
(13) Translators without Borders reaches 10 million words donated
In May, Translators without Borders reached a milestone of 10 million words translated by volunteers through the Translators without Borders Workspace. A big thanks to all of the volunteers who have given of their time and work to help make this happen!
(14) Improve your presentation and negotiation skills. Translate more, more easily
New "Making More Money" training series by Konstantin Kisin:
June 4 - Present Yourself Professionally to Attract Clients. Learn how to present yourself professionally online and in your dealings with clients. Includes psychological tips and tricks to come across like a serious business owner!
June 18 - Negotiation and Communication Skills. Learn how to understand the psychology of interpersonal communication and negotiations; improve the effectiveness of your verbal and non-verbal communication; increase your rates without losing clients; negotiate with confidence and style; elegantly gather information about your clients and their requirements; deal with challenging clients and resolve disagreements and ensure that you are respected and valued by your clients.
Jul 18 - Translate More, More Easily. This session is intended for freelance translators who want to earn more while working less, have more free time without paying for it and be more motivated and focused:
Aug 20 - Build Win-Win Relationships with Clients. Want to ensure that you have equal relationships with clients? Ensure that you're not taken advantage of and discover how to keep both parties happy!
Launch of SDL Academy
Join our online hub of learning resources for freelance translators.
* SDL Trados Studio 2011 Plus
* SDL AutoSuggest Creator
* SDL Certification
* Termbase template
* And more!
http://www.proz.com/tgb/754SAVE €529, only a few spaces left!
Build your business
The Build Your Business series provides some thought-provoking support for the LSP who is looking to create strategies to build their own successful brand and grow their business.
Studio discounts
http://www.proz.com/tgb/754* 10% OFF Professional
(15) Grow and diversify your language based business
May 31 - Grow your business and income faster. Learn a new strategy to attract higher-paying clients and quality work consistently and continuously:
June 7 - Boost your business with email. Learn to market to a large number of potential clients with a simple email system:
June 14 - Extreme outsourcing for bigger profits. Learn how to maximize your profit through strategic outsourcing to grow your business:
June 21 - Secrets to create multiple income sources. Learn how to create predictable cashflow to have income even when you are not working. No more slow months:
(16) Risk management in the online translation industry
Translators take risks every time they start work for a new client. Risk is inherent in all businesses and the translation industry is no different. How can freelance translators and small to medium sized translation companies keep their risks under control?
Learn more on June 11th.
http://www.proz.com/training/8305 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(17) Terminologie juridique pour traducteurs juridiques débutants
Souhaitez-vous créer ou élargir votre répertoire terminologique du droit des brevets ? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous. Terminologie juridique pour traducteurs juridiques débutants : la terminologie du droit des brevets est la première session d'un cours en cinq parties enseigné par Suzanne Deliscar, juriste-linguiste canadienne. C'est une première étape pour comprendre la terminologie juridique des brevets. Ce cours a été approuvé pour conférer un (1) point au titre du programme de formation continue de l'American Translators Association (“ATA”).
(18) Direito brasileiro: Família e sucessões
Neste breve workshop, discutiremos os principais temas de interesse para tradutores jurídicos que se dedicam à tradução nesta área – seja para sentenças de divórcio no exterior, guarda de filhos, separação de bens ou testamentos. Examinaremos as diferenças entre tutela e curatela, regime de bens, testamento e arrolamento; trataremos de terminologia específica como bens aquestos, formal de partilha, etc. Aberto a tradutores de todos os idiomas que tenham o português do Brasil como uma de suas línguas de trabalho. Junho 19 -
Veja também:
Vídeo: Direito brasileiro e legislação
Vídeo: A hierarquia dos tribunais e os recursos
Vídeo: Um estudo sobre contratos
(19) ¿El cliente siempre tiene razón?
Esta sesión compara el trabajo del traductor con otras profesiones para sacar conclusiones de cómo tratar a los clientes, tanto directos como agencias. Incluye temas como: negociar tarifas, recomendaciones, Blue Board y otras listas, la visibilidad, clientes «difíciles», y servicios extra que podemos proporcionar antes y después de entregar el texto.
Don't forget to nominate your favorite translators and interpreters for the ProZ.com community choice awards. Voting begins soon!
Thanks for reading, and best wishes for a productive month of June.
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