| ProZ.com Newsletter: October 2015 « return to the newsletter archive
The translation workplace |
--------------------- ProZ.com Newsletter ---------------------
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(1) Congratulations to the Community choice awards winners (2) New service agreement tool for members (3) Free webinars week, November 2-6 (4) NYU School of Professional Studies (5) Learn more about the translation center powered by ProZ.com (6) Petition seeking protection for interpreters and translators (7) Have you heard about the ProZ.com mentoring program? (8) Conferenza italiana di ProZ.com a Maranello, Modena (9) Seminario marplatense para autónomos y estudiantes (10) Регіональна конференція ProZ.com у Харкові, Україна (11) Are you making the most out of what ProZ.com offers? (12) Upcoming powwows
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Congratulations to the Community choice awards winners, and thank you for voting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The winners of this year's Community choice awards have been announced, recognizing outstanding professionals in translation and interpretation in different media. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who put in their nominations and votes!
Advertisement ------------------------------------ What type of translator are you?
Wise like an owl or speedy like a gazelle?
Take our fun personality quiz to find the animal in you. Share your results and pass the link on to your friends to find out more about their personality types too!
Take the quiz http://translationzone.com/translator-quiz
ProZ.com special offers http://proz.com/pages/SDLTGB ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ What animal are you most like at work?
Wise like an owl or speedy like a gazelle?
Take our fun personality quiz to find the animal in you. Share your results and pass the link on to your colleagues to find out more about their personality types too!
Take the quiz http://translationzone.com/lsp-quiz
3 for 2 offer http://translationzone.com/lsp-shop ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) New service agreement tool for members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ProZ.com members can now create, send and track service agreements online through a new "Service agreement" tool. ProZ.com members can create as many service agreements as they wish, and any site user can be invited to review and accept them.
Check out this new tool by going to the "Service agreements" link located under the site's "Tools" menu tab, or directly at http://www.proz.com/service-agreement/
More information is also available in the FAQ section: http://www.proz.com/faq/service_agreements.html
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Kilgray is traveling the world to meet you!
Meet Kilgray at the ATA (4-7 November 2015) and tekom/tcworld conferences (10-12 November 2015).
Visit our booth for memoQ demos and special prices, make an appointment with our team at sales@kilgray.com, and get firsthand information on memoQ.
We look forward to meeting you in Miami and in Stuttgart! ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Let WordFinder open a new world of opportunities – get access to millions of words and translations from the best dictionaries, on your computer, via a web browser, on your smartphone or tablet. Stuffed with lots of smart features.
WordFinder has what you need as a translator in your everyday work – anywhere, anytime! http://www.proz.com/WordFinder ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) Free webinars week, November 2-6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Another free webinar week is approaching. Sign up for a variety of webinars on various software tools for translators, from November 2nd through the 6th.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) NYU School of Professional Studies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
NYU School of Professional Studies
The 36-credit MS in Translation, delivers rigorous curricula that prepares you to become an effective professional translator by providing an in-depth overview of translation theory, while addressing the more practical aspects of translation as applied to a variety of professional fields. Study online, specializing in French to English, Spanish to English, or English to Spanish; or study on-site, specializing in Chinese to English translation.
MS in Translation:
French to English; Spanish to English; English to Spanish; Chinese to English
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MateCat is an open source online CAT tool, which is free for both LSPs and freelance translators, including free and fast technical support.
Translate faster using machine translation and the world's largest public TM.
Use it now! http://go.matecat.com/use-matecat ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MateCat is an open source online CAT tool, which is free for both LSPs and freelance translators, including free and fast technical support.
It lets you outsource to 120,000 professional translators in one click and it integrates machine translation and the world's largest public TM.
Use it now! http://go.matecat.com/use-it-now ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Learn more about the translation center powered by ProZ.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A new information center been created for the translation center powered by ProZ.com, including images and explanations of how it works, features, testimonials, news and videos.
The translation center was created for Translators without Borders and has now been made available, free of charge, to ProZ.com corporate members who would like to use it to manage their own project workflows.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MasterWord monthly e-newsletter
We deliver industry news, free online resources, and creative, original content for linguists straight to your inbox. Be the first to find out about online training courses, conferences, and new blog posts. Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/FYeQj View the most recent edition here: http://bit.ly/1ka0SRd ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MasterWord Language+Interpreter Assessments:
Make use of our assessment offerings to increase bilingual staff potential & improve client satisfaction. First, determine which assessment best meets your needs: visit http://goo.gl/8xM3fE or call 1-866-716-4999 today to get special rates for organizations + all assessment and training offerings! ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Petition seeking protection for interpreters and translators at risk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Red T is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of translators and interpreters in conflict zones and other adversarial settings. Comprising a team of volunteers, Red T advocates worldwide on behalf of linguists at risk, raises awareness of their plight and promotes their safety.
One current initiative of Red T is a petition to extend international legislative protection to translators and interpreters at risk. You can read the petition and add your signature at the following link:
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Created by a translator for translators, Déjà Vu X3 is an advanced CAT tool and the only one offering Dynamic AutoWrite, Advanced Fuzzy Match repair and Multifile Live Preview. DVX3 is also the most compatible with its SDXLIFF,
XLZ and MQXLZ filters. ProZ.com members enjoy 20% off. Test the difference, download the free trial: http://www.atril.com/download ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Trusted by thousands of translators and teams worldwide, TEAMserver is a powerful TMS. Improve your workflow thanks to the integrated project management platform – with web-based LookUp and a NEW User Tracking module, Divide & Dispatch, and reduce your costs with the unique fuzzy match repair technology. For more information: contact@atril.com ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) Have you heard about the ProZ.com mentoring program? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sixty-four professionals are currently offering mentoring in a variety of areas through the ProZ.com mentoring program.
If you are an established language professional interested in passing along your knowledge and experience, or if you are just getting started out and would like to find a mentor, consider joining the ProZ.com mentoring program.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Meet us at MT Summit XV in Miami! http://tinyurl.com/pjt5yvr
STAR MT and Transit NXT Translation Memory: The Best of Both Worlds
MT-enhanced authoring with STAR GRIPS, MT-enhanced workflows with STAR CLM, MT-enhanced language services, and MT-enhanced human translation with STAR Transit.
www.star-group.net ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (8) Conferenza italiana di ProZ.com a Maranello, Modena ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mancano solo tre settimane alla Conferenza italiana di ProZ.com a Modena e x colleghi di x diversi paesi si sono già registrati:
L'argomento della conferenza è "Le Istituzioni europee: esigenze consolidate e nuove opportunità per la traduzione", e consiste di sette sessioni su vari temi che includono:
- Sviluppo e crescita delle opportunità per i traduttori, nel contesto delle Istituzioni europee
- Ricerca terminologica, terminografia e qualità della traduzione
- Corporate Social Responisbility (CSR), ovvero Responsabilità Sociale d'Impresa
- Gestione dei progetti di traduzione urgenti
- La pensione del traduttore
- Disposizioni amministrative, contabili e fiscali per traduttori
- e altro ancora!
Offerta speciale fino al 1 novembre 2015: € 90 (invece di € 150)
I prezzi includono colazione, pranzo, pausa caffè pomeridiana, materiale della conferenza e certificato di partecipazione.
Per prenotare visita http://www.proz.com/conference/661?action=require_payment_registration_box&store_item_id=25321
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (9) Seminario marplatense para autónomos y estudiantes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Por primera vez en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, ProZ.com llevará a cabo la séptima edición del seminario para traductores noveles y estudiantes de traducción que tanto éxito ha tenido en ediciones anteriores:
Algunos de los temas que se van a tratar durante este seminario de jornada completa son:
* La traducción como profesión y como negocio, y en comparación con otra profesiones y negocios.
* Posibilidades de trabajo para un traductor en sectores públicos y privados, organizaciones internacionales o de manera autónoma.
* Trabajo independiente versus trabajo en relación de dependencia, ventajas y desventajas.
* La informática al servicio del traductor.
* Herramientas útiles y necesarias para traductores.
* El traductor como Manager.
* Riesgos y responsabilidades de un traductor.
* Estrategias para evitar estafas y otras amenazas al bolsillo.
* Tips y estrategias para atraer clientes.
Ver programa completo: http://www.proz.com/conference/673?page=schedule
El seminario tiene una única entrada general de $250 pesos argentinos que pueden abonarse con cualquiera de estos métodos: PagoFácil, RapiPago, Cobro Express, Provincia Pagos, Visa, MasterCard, Cabal, American Express, Argencard, Tarjeta Shopping, Tarjeta Naranja, PayPal, Skrill o transferencia bancaria, en efectivo (solo en las oficinas de ProZ.com en La Plata).
El pase incluye:
1. Acceso a todas las charlas durante la jornada de día completo.
2. Acceso gratuito e ilimitado a un curso online sobre "Marketing techniques for translators" (el costo de este curso es normalmente de 50.00 USD).
3. Descuento en la compra de membresía full profesional de ProZ.com.
4. Apuntes y material de referencia,
5. Certificado de asistencia.
Para reservar tu lugar, seguí estos pasos:
- Iniciá sesión en tu cuenta de ProZ.com: https://www.proz.com/?sp=login
- Visitá este enlace y seguí los pasos para abonar tu entrada: http://www.proz.com/conference/673?action=require_payment_registration_box&store_item_id=24643
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10) Регіональна конференція ProZ.com у Харкові, Україна ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Лише чотири тижні залишилося до початку конференції ProZ.com у Харкові:
Шістдесят колег з чотирьох різних країн зареєструвалися і вже готуються до конференції, щоб завести корисні знайомства, дізнатися про тенденції в сфері перекладів, ознайомитися з новими програмами для перекладачів та обмінятися досвідом з колегами.
Програма конференції включає доповіді щодо:
* монетизації знань, умінь та навичок перекладача;
* секретів послідовного перекладу;
* труднощів перекладу рекламних текстів;
* контролю якості перекладу;
* відносини між перекладачем та редактором.
Дізнатися більше щодо повної програми конференції можна тут: http://www.proz.com/conference/665?page=schedule
Зареєструйтесь на конференцію зі знижкою сьогодні:
590 грн. (замість 640 грн.)
Пропозиція дійсна до 31 жовтня.
Натисніть тут, щоб дізнатися про існуючи методи оплати: http://www.proz.com/conference/665?show_mode=conferences#methods
Пакет учасника конференції включає:
1. Повний і необмежений доступ до всіх сесій конференції.
2. Обід та перерви на каву.
3. Необмежений доступ до онлайн тренінгу на тему "Marketing techniques for translators" (дізнатися більше про тренінг)
4. Шанс безкоштовно отримати один рік повного членства на сайті ProZ.com (ми проведемо жеребкування під час конференції).
5. Можливість підтвердити вашу особу та дипломи на сайті ProZ.com.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (11) Are you making the most out of what ProZ.com offers? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fernanda Rocha -- http://www.proz.com/translator/773644 -- is a ProZ.com member, moderator, localizer, conference speaker, and also a volunteer with Translators without Borders. On November 2nd, she will be giving a webinar on ways to use ProZ.com to its fullest for your benefit. Seats are limited, so sign up now.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ CafeTran - The feature-rich CAT tool that is fun to use. Translate faster and easier, using a sophisticated CAT tool built by a translator / developer.
Accept jobs from clients who use SDL Trados, MemoQ, Wordfast and other major CAT tools.
Download and start using CafeTran Espresso -- for free -- today! https://www.cafetran.com/ ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (12) Upcoming powwows: Ukraine, Iran, Belarus, Italy, UK, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
30: Yazd, Iran (1 member) http://proz.com/powwow/5759 30: Minsk, Belarus (7) http://proz.com/powwow/5735 31: Torino, Italy (19) http://proz.com/powwow/5731
7: Cardiff, UK (14) http://proz.com/powwow/5743 7: Manchester, UK (11) http://proz.com/powwow/5755 13: Modena, Italy (8) http://proz.com/powwow/5581 14: Modena, Italy (6) http://proz.com/powwow/5695 19: Stuttgart, Germany (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5756 19: Barcelona, Spain (10) http://proz.com/powwow/5762 20: Kharkiv, Ukraine (12) http://proz.com/powwow/5710 20: Kharkiv, Ukraine (19) http://proz.com/powwow/5656 21: Kharkiv, Ukraine (23) http://proz.com/powwow/5657 26: Dublin, Ireland (7) http://proz.com/powwow/5749 28: Mar del Plata, Argentina (12) http://proz.com/powwow/5702
11: Cardiff, UK (9) http://proz.com/powwow/5747
Full list of powwows (including those after Oct: http://www.proz.com/?sp=event/powwow_board&r_id=544
Thanks for reading this month, and have a great November!
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