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The translation workplace |
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(1) Do you remember your first translation project? (2) New translation industry events calendar (3) Do you have an emergency plan? (4) Are you in any Facebook groups for language professionals? (5) Using the System Recovery Image in Windows 10 (6) Семінар ProZ.com для перекладачів-початківців (7) Upcoming powwows
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Do you remember your first translation project? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What was your first translation project about? Translators looked back in a recent poll discussion to the first projects they can remember, and shared their stories. Take a peek and add yours to the forum thread:
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MateCat is an open source online CAT tool, which is free for both LSPs and freelance translators, including free and fast technical support.
Translate faster using machine translation and the world's largest public TM.
Use it now! http://go.matecat.com/use-matecat ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ MateCat is an open source online CAT tool, which is free for both LSPs and freelance translators, including free and fast technical support.
It lets you outsource to 120,000 professional translators in one click and it integrates machine translation and the world's largest public TM.
Use it now! http://go.matecat.com/use-it-now ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) New translation industry events calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are more and more options than ever when it comes to translation-related events. If you are interested in upcoming events for language professionals, take a look at the ProZ.com translation industry events calendar:
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Webinar with limited places!
How do I adapt the look of my TermStar dictionary?
In this webinar you will see how you can decide for yourself what you can view and edit in a TermStar dictionary.
To register, simply send an e-mail to transit@star-group.net
www.star-group.net ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Transit NXT – the ideal tool for translation and localization!
Transit NXT offers you an optimized translation memory and terminology management
solution that easily interfaces to all standard file formats, workflow and content management
To get a fully-functional trial version, please contact: transit@star-group.net ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) Do you have an emergency plan? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Are you prepared in the event of a computer or software crash? What happens if you are in the middle of a project and you or a family member needs to go to the hospital? ProZ.com member Christina Baier -- http://www.proz.com/profile/1975900 -- recently brought up the idea of having a plan for emergencies, to help minimize any negative impact on your work. Do you have a plan of your own, or would you add anything to the considerations mentioned in the forum thread below?
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Free online seminars and articles from top localization professionals
SDL has invited top localization professionals, business development advisors and personal wellbeing coaches to present live webinars and write articles to inspire you to enhance your professional health, wealth and happiness.
Discover more » http://translationzone.com/proz2016 ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Optimize the use of your translation assets.
Your business can benefit from efficiencies & quality improvements by using SDL Studio Groupshare. Manage projects from within SDL Trados Studio & gain workflow improvements, making your translation results more consistent & cost effective.
Contact us to try » http://translationzone.com/proz-groupshare-trial ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) Do you belong to any Facebook groups for language professionals? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Many Facebook groups for language professionals have sprung up over the past few years, where you can meet with others working in translation and get help. If you are a translator and you are on Facebook, you might be interested in the group "Standing Out." From the group's description:
"The focus here is broadly on what's going right in our working lives, and on the philosophy that makes that happen: the values, attitudes and beliefs which help people get ahead, assuming they have decent professional skills.
We believe there is room online for an upbeat space, as it's when in a more positive and relaxed frame of mind that we find the best and most creative solutions to our questions. Humour, imagination, letting go and inventiveness are key tools in facing the daily realities of freelance life."
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Easy-to-use & dependable: DVX3 is the must-have CAT tool for all translators. Achieve high-quality translations easily, quickly and efficiently with our all-star features: Automatic fuzzy-match repair (DeepMiner), on the fly assembly (TM with MT), Dynamic AutoWrite, Customizable QA, and unmatched interoperability. 20% discount: http://goo.gl/edA0A ------------------------------------
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Atril's TMS is the ideal solution for translator teams to increase productivity. Discover the new 'productivity & quality tracking' feature – alongside the favorites: real time resource sharing across different locations, web-based project management platform, secure web-based LookUp, and Floating license system. Learn more: http://goo.gl/ItrbPA ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Keep your system healthy by using the System Recovery Image in Windows 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you are using, or considering updating to Windows 10 on your computer, you may want to check out the article by ProZ.com member and trainer "Fi2 n Co" -- http://www.proz.com/profile/1610984 -- titled "Keep your system healthy by using the System Recovery Image in Windows 10."
Advertisement ------------------------------------ CafeTran - The feature-rich CAT tool that is fun to use. Translate faster and easier, using a sophisticated CAT tool built by a translator / developer.
Accept jobs from clients who use SDL Trados, MemoQ, Wordfast and other major CAT tools.
Download and start using CafeTran Espresso -- for free -- today! https://www.cafetran.com/ ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Практичний семінар ProZ.com для перекладачів-початківців ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ми раді запросити вас на семінар ProZ.com для перекладачів-початківців, який відбудеться 30 квітня у Харкові: http://www.proz.com/conference/682 . На семінарі студенти, які тільки навчаються перекладу, та перекладачі-початківці дізнаються від провідних експертів галузі про те, що повинен знати кожний перекладач-початківець:
* як налагоджувати роботу з зарубіжними замовниками;
* як швидко та якісно управляти замовленнями та планувати рік;
* як можна швидко підвищити якість перекладу;
* як підтримувати і підвищувати кваліфікацію усного перекладача;
* що очікує на перекладача завтра: ризики та можливості.
Дивіться повну програму заходу тут: http://www.proz.com/conference/682?page=schedule
Не пропустіть цю можливість навчатися у провідних спеціалістів галузі перекладу, поспілкуватися з колегами та успішно почати свою кар'єру в якості перекладача.
Зареєструйтесь на семінар та скористуйтеся знижками ранньої реєстрації до 23 березня. Способи оплати та ціни, доступні за адресою: http://www.proz.com/conference/682
Пакет учасника семінару включає:
1. Участь y семінарі протягом усього дня (з 10 ранку до 6 вечора).
2. Знижку 20% на повне членство на ProZ.com для користувачів сайту або 3 місяці повного членства на ProZ.com, якщо ви вже є членом сайту.
3. Сертифікат учасника семінару.
4. Матеріали, надані лекторами на семінарі.
5. Безкоштовний і необмежений доступ до одного з трьох тренінгів.
6. Закуски та кава під час перерв.
7. Можливість підтвердити вашу особу та дипломи на сайті ProZ.com.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) Upcoming powwows: France, UK, Colombia, Turkey, Malta ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4: Bordeaux, France (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5884 5: Cardiff, UK (11) http://proz.com/powwow/5876 11: Medellin, Colombia (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5888 11: La Plata, Argentina (7) http://proz.com/powwow/5807 12: Arrecife, Spain (5) http://proz.com/powwow/5834 17: Madrid, Spain (34) http://proz.com/powwow/5866 18: Toronto, Canada (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5885 19: Sheffield, UK (3) http://proz.com/powwow/5890 19: Plymouth, UK (8) http://proz.com/powwow/5842 23: Liverpool, UK (3) http://proz.com/powwow/5861 25: Sliema, Malta (1) http://proz.com/powwow/5873 26: Stockholm, Sweden (6) http://proz.com/powwow/5869 26: Rome, Italy (6) http://proz.com/powwow/5879 26: Douglas, Is..., UK (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5864
10: Izmir, Turkey (2) http://proz.com/powwow/5854 16: Prague, Czech Republic (18) http://proz.com/powwow/5819
Full list of powwows (including those after Mar: http://www.proz.com/?sp=event/powwow_board&r_id=553
Thanks for tuning in, and have a great month of March!
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