envoi, envoy (2) recomendaciones (finales), conclusiones
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Definition / notes: | Definition envoi m 1. (expédition: d'un paquet, d'une lettre) sending; (d'une marchandise, commande, de vivres) dispatch 2. (colis) package; (courrier) letter; ~ contre remboursement cash on delivery; ~ recommandé registered post Cambridge Dictionaires ================================================ En base a toda la información anterior, entiendo que son las recomendaciones finales dirigidas al público, las que pueden incluir elegías hacia determinados personajes o instituciones. Reference: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9124883?query=envoi&... envoi the usually explanatory or commendatory concluding remarks to a poem, essay, or book. The term is specifically used to mean a short, fixed final stanza of a poem (such as a ballade) pointing the ... also see: http://http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1183958 |
URL: | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Envoi |
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