Translation glossary: Alcoholism / alcoolisme

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
a problem with alcoholun penchant pour l'alcool 
English to French
bingeingse soûler 
English to French
emotional toll it takes on...lourd tribut affectif infligé aux... 
English to French
eye-openerun petit remontant 
English to French
has overindulgeds'est livré à des excès 
English to French
how much is too muchoù se situera votre limite 
English to French
lethal toxinpoison mortel 
English to French
lowered inhibitionsmanque de retenue 
English to French
overdrinkingl'abus d'alcool 
English to French
skewed judgmentjugement faussé 
English to French
English to French
take actionprendre des mesures 
English to French
verbal and physical abusemaltraitances verbales et physiques 
English to French
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