Translation glossary: All Medical

Showing entries 1-50 of 300
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-20 and -70 C'-4 and -94 F' 
Spanish to English
0.5 ml de sangre esteril de carnero0.5 ml of sterile calf's blood 
Spanish to English
1-2cm del borde1/3 to 3/4 inch from the edge 
Spanish to English
acceso al cultivoaccess to the culture 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
aditamento indicador de crecimiento bacterianobacterial growth indicator accessory 
Spanish to English
agar base columbia e infusion cerebro y corazonbrain-heart infusion agar, (with) columbia base 
Spanish to English
agar chocolatechocolate agar 
Spanish to English
agar MacComkeyMacComkey agar 
Spanish to English
agar sangreblood agar 
Spanish to English
agar sangre sin suplementosblood agar without supplements 
Spanish to English
agar tripticasa-soyatrypticase-soya agar 
Spanish to English
agares cromogenicos especificosspecific cromogenic agars 
Spanish to English
agitadores tipo vortexvortex type agitators 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
agua destiladafiltered water 
Spanish to English
al enriquecer el medio de cultivoby enriching the culture medium 
Spanish to English
alarma sonorasound alarm/audible alarm 
Spanish to English
alcohol etilicoethyl alcohol 
Spanish to English
alicuotarate, percentage/spread plate 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
ambulatorioambulatory, outpatient 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
aprobacion desarrollo producto investigadoapproval of development of investigated product 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
aspirado de medula oseaBone marrow aspirate 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
bacterias colonizadoras de pielskin colony bacterias 
Spanish to English
bandas impregnadas del antimicrobianoantimicrobial impregnated strips (strips impregnanted with antimicrobial [solution]) 
Spanish to English
barra de agitacionstir bar 
Spanish to English
barrio cubaneighborhood in San Jose, Costa Rica 
Spanish to English
bitacora de cultivosculture (medium) log 
Spanish to English
bitacora de tamizaje y enrolamientoscreening and enrollment log 
Spanish to English
bitacora de traslado de expedientespatient history transfer (shipment) log 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Bordes romosIndistinct borders 
Spanish to English
botellabottle, flask 
Spanish to English
botella bactecBactec bottle 
Spanish to English
Caja Costarricense de Seguro SocialCosta Rican Social Security Institute 
Spanish to English
catalasa negativacatalase negative 
Spanish to English
catalasa positivacatalase positive 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
CCSSCaja Costarricense de Seguro Social 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
celulas plasmaticasPlasma cells 
Spanish to English
CENDIEISSSCenter for the Strategic Development and Information in Health and Social Security 
Spanish to English
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