Translation glossary: CJC Glossary

Showing entries 1-29 of 29
AnestesiklinikenDepartment of Surgery and Intensive Care 
Swedish to English
avropssvarresponse to specification 
Swedish to English
AxelledShoulder joint 
Swedish to English
ömsesidigt samspelmutual interaction 
Swedish to English
balkrörbeam tube 
Swedish to English
Boca del estomagoStomach/I have a stomach ache 
Spanish to English
ejes grúascrane axles 
Spanish to English
equipos programáticos de saludhealth policy teams 
Spanish to English
eviga fridsbonin gärnalikely ... in the eternal dwellings of peace 
Swedish to English
Swedish to English
extremt höglägeextreme elevation 
Swedish to English
formvagnsbultmold/molding bolt 
Swedish to English
gångträningwalking therapy 
Swedish to English
herida punzo penetrante inferior izquierdalower left penetrating puncture wound 
Spanish to English
informationsmottagareinformation officer 
Swedish to English
Ni sitter löstYou're skating on thin ice 
Swedish to English
opåfallande yttreoutwardly unremarkable 
Swedish to English
r.t.related to 
Swedish to English
recepciones forzadas de repuestosacknowledgement required for receipt of spare parts 
Spanish to English
seno sigmoideosigmoid sinus 
Spanish to English
sockentingparish/community assembly/meeting (or court) 
Swedish to English
stadsägacity property 
Swedish to English
tillgodogöra kalori intagetto benefit from caloric intake 
Swedish to English
traviesa exterior/interior de la cabinacab exterior/interior beam 
Spanish to English
utsuddade kärldegenerated vessels 
Swedish to English
vårdtillfällemedical care event 
Swedish to English
vbhas needed 
Swedish to English
ytterfallsdagday(s) of extended care 
Swedish to English
ytterlägeextreme position 
Swedish to English
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