Translation glossary: Latin to English

Showing entries 1-15 of 15
Estote bono animo, responsum dignum viro sapienti.Take courage, answer worthy of a wise man 
Latin to English
habentemthat has, with, possessing, having 
Latin to English
Insanire putas sollemnia me neque ridesYou think I suffer a common madness, and you don't laugh 
Latin to English
inter moderatoresamong the experts 
Latin to English
invidus homo hoc fecitan envious man did it 
Latin to English
iuridicae doctorisof a Doctor of Juridical (Science) 
Latin to English
Lucinam nonies nonies paritura vocabatWhen she was going to give birth she would invoke nine times plus nine times to Lucina 
Latin to English
Mors ante infamiamDeath before dishonor 
Latin to English
munera quæ tacite que sine teste deditgifts which she gave silently, without a witness 
Latin to English
officiis scholaribus praestitishaving fulfilled the academic duties 
Latin to English
per potestatem suaviter disponentemby power that gently orders 
Latin to English
quoad sacraconcerning sacred matters (for sacred matters) 
Latin to English
repraesentoshow, present 
Latin to English
Virtus Animum Alicui AddereVirtue inspires courage in someone/Excellence instills courage in someone/ Courage gives energy to a man 
Latin to English
Vita LunaLife in the moon 
Latin to English
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