Archived polls

5899 polls, displaying 5151 through 5200
Have you made any professional resolutions for 2008?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 31, 2007
Yes (please share) 34.0%
No and I won't 32.2%
No, but I will 27.9%
Other - N/A 5.9%
1281 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Looking back on the year 2007 professionally, I think my expectations were
By anonymous - featured on Dec 28, 2007
Met 39.4%
Surpassed 33.6%
Not met 15.7%
I'd rather not think about it 7.4%
Other - N/A 3.9%
1250 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Did you end up working on Christmas Eve/Day?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 27, 2007
No 58.2%
Yes, as planned 25.9%
Yes, an urgent job came up 7.5%
No, the job fell-through 5.1%
Other - N/A 3.4%
1218 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When I travel to a foreign country, it's generally to
By anonymous - featured on Dec 26, 2007
Go on vacation 56.5%
Visit family 20.2%
Work 12.4%
Other - N/A 10.9%
1307 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you plan to raise your rates for 2008?
By Christine Schmit (X) - featured on Dec 23, 2007
Maybe, haven't decided yet 28.2%
Yes, but only for new clients 26.2%
No 18.4%
Yes, for all my clients 15.1%
Haven't thought about it / Other 7.2%
Other - N/A 4.9%
1442 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you receive season's greetings from your clients?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 21, 2007
Yes, only from a few 48.3%
Yes, from most of them 34.9%
No 14.1%
Other / N-A 2.7%
1323 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Will you be working over the holidays?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 20, 2007
Partly, between Boxing Day & the New Year. 23.3%
I don't know yet. 21.2%
Yes, it's just like any other time of the year 20.8%
No, of course not. 17.8%
Yes, due to my workload. 13.8%
Other - N/A (Please explain) 3.0%
1502 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many projects have you worked on in 2007?
By Josée Desbiens - featured on Dec 19, 2007
0 - 20 22.3%
> 200 19.7%
20 - 50 19.2%
50 - 100 19.0%
100 - 200 15.2%
Other - N/A 4.5%
1383 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a freelancer, what is your main wish for 2008?
By Csaba Ban - featured on Dec 18, 2007
Higher rates 26.3%
More work in general 24.1%
Professional development 15.6%
More big projects, fewer small ones 14.3%
More free time 13.1%
Other - N/A 4.6%
A new career 2.0%
1524 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My favorite quote / famous saying
By John Cutler - featured on Dec 17, 2007
contains wisdom 31.6%
is humorous 20.5%
Other - N/A 18.9%
is inspirational 14.6%
is about human relationships 10.0%
is about a work ethic 3.2%
is about money 1.3%
1236 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What has been the most common cause of the incorrect, unfair revision of your translations?
By Todd Field - featured on Dec 15, 2007
End clients who think they "know better" 34.1%
Overzealous editors 20.2%
The subjective nature of translation itself 15.5%
N/A 12.1%
Agencies with poor quality control 11.1%
Other (please explain) 7.0%
1248 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are direct clients more difficult / demanding to work with than agencies?
By Thomas Johansson - featured on Dec 14, 2007
No, they are easier 33.3%
They are about the same 25.6%
Other - N/A 15.7%
Yes, a little bit 15.6%
Yes, a lot more 9.8%
1359 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What kind of music do you listen to while working?
By Anne Diamantidis - featured on Dec 13, 2007
I need absolute silence while translating 44.6%
A little bit of everything 20.3%
Rock & Pop 12.8%
Other - N/A 10.0%
Classical 8.8%
Movie Soundtracks 1.4%
Rap, Funk, R'nB 1.2%
Opera, Musicals 0.8%
1461 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Knowing that maybe the best option is to use all of them at some point, I prefer…
By José Miguel Braña Montaña - featured on Dec 12, 2007
Online Dictionaries & Glossaries 48.8%
CD-Rom Dictionaries 24.3%
Printed Dictionaries 18.3%
KudoZ term help 5.4%
Other - N/A 3.2%
1364 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What's your average monthly output?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 11, 2007
10k - 50k words 47.3%
50k - 100k words 22.7%
< 10k words 11.9%
Other - N/A 8.7%
100k - 150k words 4.6%
150k - 200k words 2.3%
> 200k words 2.3%
1407 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Is being open-minded an essential prerequisite for being a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 10, 2007
Yes 75.0%
No 19.8%
Other - N/A 5.3%
1447 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you could afford a gap year, you'd...
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Dec 8, 2007
travel around the world 52.8%
start studying something new 13.1%
enjoy your hobbies 12.5%
keep working anyway 8.5%
Other - N/A (please share) 5.2%
use it for reasearch 3.8%
think of a career change 1.6%
do absolutely nothing 1.4%
do only manual work 1.2%
1390 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have your own business cards?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 7, 2007
Yes 43.2%
No, I don't need them 21.3%
No, but I'd like to 21.0%
Yes, but I don't use them 13.6%
Other - N/A 0.9%
1483 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How long does it take you to proofread a 250 word page?
By Amira El-Wattar - featured on Dec 6, 2007
15 min 45.6%
30 min 25.5%
Other (please comment) 19.3%
45 min 4.8%
one hour 3.1%
> 1 hour 1.7%
1375 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The most times I've ever read the same book for enjoyment was
By anonymous - featured on Dec 5, 2007
3 - 5times 36.4%
Twice 30.8%
> 7 12.3%
Just once 10.8%
6 - 7 times 6.3%
Other - N/A 3.3%
1583 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you write a personal e-mail, which of these do you let slide the most?
By Nicholas Ferreira - featured on Dec 4, 2007
I always write properly. 63.7%
Capitalization 14.7%
Punctuation 6.4%
SMS abbreviations 4.9%
Spelling 3.9%
Grammar 3.5%
Other - NA 2.8%
1444 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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An interesting subject for a long-term study of issues affecting translators would be their:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 3, 2007
Work volume fluctuations 28.8%
Income fluctuations 17.3%
Sleeping / eating habits 14.7%
Timetable / schedule 14.3%
Marketing skills 10.9%
Geographical concentration 6.1%
Other (suggest one) 4.4%
N/A 3.4%
1304 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I have been working for my oldest client for:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 1, 2007
1 - 5 years 53.0%
6 - 10 years 19.6%
< 1 year 11.9%
11 - 15 years 6.0%
> 15 years 5.5%
Other - N/A 4.0%
1247 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The longest it's ever taken me to translate a difficult word/term was...
By anonymous - featured on Nov 30, 2007
1 - 5 hrs 34.8%
< 1 hr 23.1%
I'm still working on it... 8.6%
> 48 hrs 8.3%
24 - 48 hrs 7.9%
5 - 10 hrs 5.6%
Other - N/A 5.2%
15 - 24 hrs 5.1%
10 - 15 hrs 1.3%
1323 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If not otherwise specified, what's your personal definition of “urgent"?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 29, 2007
Must be done right now 38.0%
Must be done today 35.2%
Must be done by tomorrow a.m. 15.4%
Other 6.9%
Must be done in ≤ 3 days 3.5%
N/A 1.1%
1401 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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To keep up in my second language (s), I mainly:
By anonymous - featured on Nov 28, 2007
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Would you cringe now if you looked at some of the first work you produced as a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 27, 2007
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What do you give most importance to when you receive a job offer?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 26, 2007
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Clients tend to treat freelancers more like ...
By anonymous - featured on Nov 25, 2007
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By how much have CAT tools increased your daily productivity?
By Crystal Samples - featured on Nov 23, 2007
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Do you think of yourself firstly as a business person?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 22, 2007
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Do you ever think of funny, literal & obviously wrong translations of words while translating?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 21, 2007
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A colleague you get on well with asks for a short translation, would you bill them?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 20, 2007
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I believe networking with other translators (virtually or in person) is
By anonymous - featured on Nov 19, 2007
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How often do new clients request to see copies of your credentials?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 16, 2007
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Do you notice other people's pet expressions?
By Romina Bona - featured on Nov 15, 2007
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What part of your translator qualifications do you think attracts the most clients?
By Crystal Samples - featured on Nov 14, 2007
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Do your neighbors know what you do for a living?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 13, 2007
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Are you easily distracted from translating?
By Colin Ryan (X) - featured on Nov 12, 2007
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The fastest payment I've ever received was within
By anonymous - featured on Nov 11, 2007
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Have you ever wished you could personally meet the author of the text you were translating?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 9, 2007
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After many years of working in the same translation field
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Nov 8, 2007
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At what time of day do you get most jobs?
By Heinrich Pesch - featured on Nov 7, 2007
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Greetings in my culture include:
By anonymous - featured on Nov 6, 2007
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If I finish a big project in the morning or the middle of the day, I
By anonymous - featured on Nov 5, 2007
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How many windows / tabs do you have open at the moment?
By Hikmat Gumilar - featured on Nov 3, 2007
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Do you change people's names according to the language you're speaking (e.g. Helen vs. Elena)?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 2, 2007
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The funniest (incorrect) translation I've ever read was in / on
By anonymous - featured on Nov 1, 2007
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What font do you use when translating scanned documents / non-standard formats?
By Marie-Hélène Hayles - featured on Oct 31, 2007
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Which of these words is part of your profile tagline?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 30, 2007
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5899 polls, displaying 5151 through 5200