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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Sightseeing tour and good food

September 7, 2007, 1:30 pm
NetherlandsMaastrichtIn personDutch
I thought it would be fun to organise a powwow in my native city.

The idea is to gather and get to know each other somewhere in a bar over a cup of coffee and of course real "Limburgse vlaai". Then I would like to show you some of the interesting sites of the city (for example where you can buy the best chocolates...). And then we will have a nice dinner somewhere.

And since we are close to the Belgian and German borders: colleagues from Belgium and Germany are of course very welcome to join us!

13.30: Meet at Brasserie Bonhomme
Brasserie Bonhomme (thanks for the suggestion, Pascale!) is located at the Maasboulevard and offers a nice view of the river (hopefully the weather will be nice so we can sit outside!). Brasserie Bonhomme offers lunch and "Limburgse vlaai".
It's easy to find from the railway station: just go straight ahead along the Stationsstraat and cross the Servaasbrug, then turn right on to the Maasboulevard.
If you are travelling by car: the closest parking garage is the one at the Onze Lieve Vrouweplein. For more information, see this list of parking garages

± 14.30: Sightseeing tour
I'll take you on a tour of the city. This will take about 1.5 hour.
After the walk, there will be some time left before we have dinner, for example to do some shopping. I'm a native speaker of "Mestreechs", so I'll be able to act as interpreter if necessary. ;-))

17.00-20.00: Dinner
I have made reservations for dinner at Grand Café de Perroen, located at the famous Vrijthof. I chose it not just for the wonderful location, but also for sentimental reasons: the main building of the School for Translation and Interpreting used to be right across the road, and "De Perroen" used to be the favourite pub among students. ;-)
I chose their "Servaas diner" (€15.50 excluding drinks), which allows you to choose between several meat and fish dishes. There's also a vegetarian option, which is not listed.
Partners, even non-linguistic ones ;-), are welcome too. Just make sure you indicate that you are bringing someone, so I will know exactly how many people will turn up.

Pascale and Inge have posted some suggestions for accommodation for those of you who want to stay in Maastricht for the weekend.

Identity verification
If you want your identity verified (see the FAQ for more information): Henk Peelen and Hester Eymers, who will both be attending the powwow, can verify your identity, so just ask them. You'll need to bring an identity card with a passport photo and you have to make sure your real name is displayed on your profile.
Event Organizers:

Linda Ferwerda

Margreet Logmans (X)

Albert Stufkens

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (30) / Confirmed: 13 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
XPercy Balemans (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Linda Ferwerda  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Leuk, ik heb alleen die dag een bruiloft.....  n
XMargreet Logmans (X)  \"Organizer\" Een vrijdag komt mij niet zo goed uit, maar ik houd het in mijn achterhoofd.  n
Albert Stufkens  \"Organizer\" Het belooft een gezellig Maastrichtpakket te worden. Ik ga de Boot(el) nemen.  y
Hester Eymers   Mmm... klinkt goed! Ik breng mijn partner mee (Bert). Wij eten geen van beiden vlees (wel vis).  y
Andreea Ciurea   Good idea..and I'd like to visit Maastricht too  m
Antoinette Verburg   Ik moet helaas toch afhaken... Volgende keer beter!  n
XMieke Tulp (X)   Ja maar, ja maar, dan ben ik er niet! Nu ga ik huilen.  n
XAllisonK (X)   Thought it was on Saturday - pity!   n
Inge Dijkstra   Gezellig, en ik kan deze dag toch omruilen, dus da's geregeld! Kan ik het weekend meteen wat familiebezoekjes afleggen!  y
Evelyn Leenen-van Dijk   Door een onverwacht groot project gaat het me toch niet lukken. :-(  n
Kim Steenbergen   Dit wordt dan mijn eerste Powwow, en nog dichterbij kan bijna niet ;-)  y
srpen   ...  
XSwalmen   I live and work in Germany close to M-Gladbach. Can my English non-linguistic partner, join in the evening?  y
Arnold van Druten   Helaas, een opdracht verhindert mijn deelneming aan deze mooie dag :-((  n
Pascale Pluton  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" Very good initiative Percy, I will attend this pow-wow with pleasure. Let me know if there is anythng I can do.  y
Jean-Pierre Coeurnelle   ...  
udacha   I just came to Holland. Would like establish some contacts with translators here... looking forward!   m
Henk Peelen   denk het wel  y
XMonic Lammers (X)   ik probeer erbij te zijn, nog even onder voorbehoud  n
Suzanne Deveson   Helaas het gaat mij niet lukken die dag vrij te nemen. Volgende keer hoop ik!  n
Els Spin   Op zich een perfecte reden om een vrijdagje vrij te nemen, maar mijn collega is op vakantie, dus ik kan niet weg. Helaas!  n
vixen   De powwow valt in mijn laatste vakantieweek. Weet op dit moment nog niet of ik kan komen.  m
Ellis Jongsma   ik kom graag naar de Powwow!  y
XLeen Antwerpen (X)  \"Photographer\" Ik zal er zijn, het is vlakbij  y
Andre de Vries   I expect to be there  y
XTessa Slingerland (X)   Ben nog nooit bij een Powwow geweest. Als mijn man de middag vrij kan nemen om op de kinderen te passen ben ik van de partij!....... Helaas, helaas, het gaat niet lukken. Volgende keer beter hoop ik.  n
XInterlangue (X)   Would you accept a latecomer from across the border? Meaning, like just for the dinner part?  y
katerina turevich   May I come with my daughter (8years old)? I would have to check first at her school if she can skipp a day.   
Hans van Leeuwen   ...  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Maastricht - Netherlands
English to Dutch
Ook mannen? Jul 15, 2007

Vanaf M-Gladbach is Maastricht niet ver en tevens een mooie stad die ik als Limburger goed ken. Zijn er geen mannelijke tolken/vertalers in de buurt van Maastricht dan? Niet dat ik wat tegen vrouwelijke collega's heb, integendeel!

AllisonK (X)
AllisonK (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Dutch to English
+ ...
Perroen Jul 30, 2007

excellent choice! I eat lunch there often......;)) Thanks Percy!

Pascale Pluton
Pascale Pluton  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
English to French
+ ...
Accomodation Jul 30, 2007

For those thinking of making a weekend out out of this PowWow without spending too much, I would advise or Stayokay

I can also accomodate up to 4 persons.

Inge Dijkstra
Inge Dijkstra  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Dutch to English
+ ...
Another option for accommodation Jul 30, 2007

Hierbij nog een andere optie voor (niet-dure) accommodatie: Hotel De Hamer in (Limburgs) Mechelen, ca. 20 minuten rijden vanaf 'Mestreech'. Gezellig familiehotel met ruime tuin en prachtig uitzicht op het Geuldal! Voor meer informatie, zie Een aanrader, ik heb al geboekt!

Pascale Pluton
Pascale Pluton  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
English to French
+ ...
Het Parcour - start of the cultural season in Maastricht that weekend Jul 30, 2007

Dear all, this weekend is the start of the Cultural season in Maastricht. There will be many (free) things hapening in the street (including me dancing in a belly-dance costume) (check and that is the reason why it is worth staying a weekend. Be warned, cheap accomodation will be hard to come by!

Percy Balemans (X)
Percy Balemans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Preparations Sep 1, 2007

One more week to go before the powwow. According to the weather forecast, the weather will improve towards the end of next week, so let's keep our fingers crossed... Maastricht is so much more beautiful in the sun!icon_wink.gif

Here's a link I wanted to share with you, it contains a list of words in "Mestreechs", th
... See more
One more week to go before the powwow. According to the weather forecast, the weather will improve towards the end of next week, so let's keep our fingers crossed... Maastricht is so much more beautiful in the sun!icon_wink.gif

Here's a link I wanted to share with you, it contains a list of words in "Mestreechs", the dialect spoken in Maastricht:

You never know when it might come in handy...icon_wink.gif

Nelly Nio
Nelly Nio  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Chinese to Spanish
+ ...
last minute´s question Sep 1, 2007

Hi everybody, am attracted by this powow, thanks Percy for yr infor. Whether I can make this trip out or not still depend on the last minute´s air ticket. Urgently need advice about which is the best way to reach Masstricht, as far as I know there is no direct flight from my small town. So welcome any good idea and advice. Thanks.

Margreet Logmans (X)
Margreet Logmans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
English to Dutch
+ ...
Nelly, I suggest you take a train Sep 1, 2007

Hi Nelly, I won't be at the powwow, but in response to your question: assuming you arrive at Schiphol, I suggest you take a train to Maastricht. You will have to change trains, via Amsterdam, but the journey should take less than an hour. Good luck and maybe see you some other time!

Linda Ferwerda
Linda Ferwerda  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
English to Dutch
+ ...
Schiphol-Maastricht Sep 1, 2007

I agree with Margreet. Take the train to Maastricht! But it is not less than an hour...Amsterdam-Eindhoven is one hour, so you will need at least another 45 minues, but you can check it on

Nelly Nio
Nelly Nio  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Chinese to Spanish
+ ...
thanks Sep 1, 2007

Thanks, Margareet, wish me luck!

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 00:08
English to French
+ ...
Tx Sep 7, 2007

Was nice to meet you all and very interesting to chat with the people on my side of the table. I probably would've met more of you if I could've made it earlier... Next time!

Hans van Leeuwen
Hans van Leeuwen  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
English to Dutch
+ ...
Enjoyed the meeting Sep 8, 2007

I very much enjoyed the meeting. Thanks everyone, especially Percy.

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Dutch to English
+ ...
Unique happening Sep 10, 2007

This powwow made me stay in Maastricht for the weekend and resulted in an altogether unique and learning experience!
In the professional field I also heard about new matters.

Andre de Vries
Andre de Vries  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 23:08
Dutch to English
+ ...
Good powwow Sep 10, 2007

I have attended several powwows, and this was certainly the best. The locations for lunch and dinner were well chosen and the tour was excellent. Hope to invite you to Oxford one day!

Hester Eymers
Hester Eymers  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
Member (2005)
English to Dutch
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Bedankt, Percy! Sep 10, 2007

Het was een geslaagde en gezellige powwow. Bedankt voor het organiseren, Percy (en Pascale)!

Hartelijke groeten,
ook namens Bert,

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