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A professional full-time English to Croatian freelance translator with great experience. M.A. degree in English,Spanish and Literature. Sworn translator for English, Croatian and Spanish.Translation team member of DGT, Brussels.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Croatian: Press release General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - English About the EOS Survey: „European Payment Practices“
In the spring of 2016, EOS, in cooperation with the independent market research institute TNS Infratest polled 3000 companies from 14 European countries about the prevailing payment practices in their respective countries. 200 companies from UK, Spain, France, Austria, Greece, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Belgium and 400 from Germany answered questions about their own payment practices, the economic trends in their country and about risk and receivables management. EOS Matrix independently carried out this survey for three times in a row and this year Croatia was for the first time included in the EOS international survey. Results from the survey are available online at:
Translation - Croatian O EOS istraživanju: „European Payment Practices“
U proljeće 2016. u suradnji s neovisnim institutom za istraživanje tržišta TNS Infratestom, EOS je ispitao 3000 tvrtki u 14 europskih zemalja o prevladavajućim navikama plaćanja u njihovim zemljama. 200 tvrtki iz Ujedinjene Kraljevine, Španjolske, Francuske, Austrije, Grčke, Rumunjske, Rusije, Slovačke, Bugarske, Poljske, Mađarske, Hrvatske i Belgije te 400 tvrtki iz Njemačke, odgovorilo je na pitanja o vlastitim navikama plaćanja, ekonomskim trendovima u njihovoj zemlji te općenito o pitanjima vezanima za rizik te upravljanje potraživanjima. Tri puta za redom EOS Matrix je samostalno provodio ovo istraživanje, a ove godine Hrvatska je prvi put uključena u internacionalno istraživanje EOS Grupe. Rezultati istraživanja dostupni su na mrežnoj stranici:
English to Croatian: What is OLS? General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English What is the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS)?
Erasmus+ is the new European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014 2020. Erasmus+ offers opportunities to study, train, gain work experience or volunteer abroad and one of its strategic objectives is to strengthen linguistic skills and support language learning.
The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) has been designed to assist Erasmus+ participants in improving their knowledge of the language in which they will work, study or volunteer, before and during their stay abroad, to ensure a better quality of learning mobility.
As a lack of language competence remains one of the main barriers to the participation in European education, training and youth mobility opportunities, the OLS makes linguistic support accessible in a flexible and easy way.
Translation - Croatian Što je to mrežna jezična potpora ?
Erasmus+ novi je program Europske unije za obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, mlade i sport za razdoblje od 2014. do 2020. Erasmus+ nudi mogućnosti studiranja, osposobljavanja, stjecanja radnog iskustva ili volontiranja u inozemstvu, a jedan od njegovih strateških ciljeva je jačanje jezičnih vještina i pružanje potpore u učenju jezika.
Mrežna jezična potpora (Online Linguistic Support - OLS) osmišljena je kao pomoć sudionicima u programu Erasmus+ da poboljšaju svoje znanje jezika kojim će se koristiti tijekom studiranja, rada ili volontiranja prije i tijekom njihovog boravka u inozemstvu u cilju osiguranja bolje kvalitete mobilnosti učenja.
Budući da je nedostatak jezičnih vještina i dalje jedna od glavnih prepreka za sudjelovanje u europskim aktivnostima obrazovanja, osposobljavanja i mobilnosti mladih, OLS čini jezičnu potporu dostupnom na fleksibilan i jednostavan način.
English to Croatian: Your right under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English
Your Rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that no person in the United States, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Translation - Croatian
Vaša prava u skladu s Glavom VI. Zakona o građanskim pravima iz 1964.
Prema Glavi VI. Zakona o građanskim pravima iz 1964. mijedna osoba u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama ne smije na temelju rase, boje kože ili nacionalnosti biti isključena iz sudjelovanja u programima ili aktivnostima za koje se prima savezna novčana pomoć, ne smiju joj se uskratiti koristi tih programa ili aktivnosti, niti u sklopu tih programa ili aktivnosti smije biti podvrgnuta diskriminaciji.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Zagreb,Faculty of Humanities &Social Sciences -Department of English and Spanish
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Mar 2009. Became a member: Mar 2009.
English to Croatian (Certified translator County Court in Zagreb, verified) Croatian to English (Certified translator County Court of Zagreb, verified) Spanish to Croatian (Certified translator County Court in Zagreb, verified) Spanish to Croatian (County Court of Zagreb, Resolution No. 4Su-611/10, verified) English (University of Zagreb , verified)
Spanish (University of Zagreb , verified)
Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ WebTrans, Smart Editor, Powerpoint
I hold a Master's degree (MA) in English and Spanish language and Literature from the University of Zagreb, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department for Languages. I am a full time English/Spanish to Croatian freelance translator. I am also a certified (sworn) translator for English, Croatian and Spanish language. I am a translation team member for the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT), Brussels, Belgium. Among other large projects, I translated the project Comenius Programme Individual Pupil Mobility 2012 for the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. Translations from English into Croatian include: EU affairs (EU directives, Regulations, Policies, Documents of the European Union and the European Commission, Public Administration, etc.); Certified translations for obtaining Croatian citizenship,Birth and Marriage Certificates, Criminal Records, Powers of Attorney,Diplomas, Transcripts of Grades etc. from English/Spanish to Croatian; Chemistry (Safety Data Sheets, Technical characteristics of products, Chemical products, Certificates of product compliance and quality, Analyses, etc.); Law and Legal documents (all kinds of contracts, Powers of attorney, Resolutions, Decisions, Decrees, Last wills, Minutes, Notarized documents, Sworn translations, etc.); Education (Erasmus+Online Linguistic Support project, Guides, etc.); Economy (Contracts, Documents for incorporation and registration of companies, entire financial statements and auditor's reports, etc.); Fashion (catalogues, articles in the area of fashion)
Veterinary datasheets for products and other texts; Environment (Environment Catalogues, Environmental Protection Measures, etc.); Prospectuses, Brochures, Web sites; Some of my recent projects:
• Translation from English into Croatian of 2012 Guide to Comenius Individual Pupil Mobility for European Commission, Directorate General for Translation, Brussels, Belgium
Volume: 72 pages
• Translations + revision from English into Croatian of a large project on the Erasmus+Online Linguistic Support (OLS). I help to translate the entire web site into Croatian. (What is the Erasmus+Online Linguistic Support, who can benefit from it and how does it work? What are the advantages of the Erasmus+OLS language courses and when is the Erasmus+OLS language assessment compulsory? Technical questions and answers on the Erasmus+ OLS) for ALTISSIA INTERNATIONAL S.A., Belgium
• Translations from English into Croatian in the area of European and interregional cooperation (Terms of Reference for the Call for Urban Innovative Actions and the detailed description of the Initiative Urban Innovative Actions for ONCALL EUROPA LANGUAGE SERVICES, Brussels, Belgium
• Translation from English into Croatian of the Commission’s White paper on the future of Europe
for ACP Traductera, Czech Republic
• Translation from English into Croatian for the European Commission. • Translation from English into Croatian of the Court project for the International Criminal Court(ICC), Office of the Prosecutor, the Hague, The Netherlands (Jacqueline Postma).• Translation from English into Croatian of fashion projects (catalogues, e-commerce, specifications etc.)
• Translation and proofreading from English into Croatian on chemical and pharmaceutical patents and the evaluation task of potential translators' tests for SeproTec, 28230 las Rozas/Madrid, Spain • Translations from English into Croatian of the legal documentation of the Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union /OHIM/for Gevers Legal, European Intellectual Property Architects, Holidaystreet 5-B 1831 Diegem, Belgium. • Translation from English to Croatian of articles and catalogues in the area of fashion for fashion companies.
• Translations from English into Croatian on chemical products (Safety Data Sheets, Technical characteristics of the products, Certificates of products compliance and quality, Chemical Manuals, Analyses) and chemical patents for the gas company Montcogim Plinara based in Croatia. • Translations from English into Croatian on ECHA Reports /European Chemical Agency/ for the Translation Agency Paspartu from Athens, Greece. •
Certified (sworn) translations from Spanish to Croatian and vice versa for Hungarian company Debrecin Benedictum and Romanian translation company Serious Business.
Published books:
Patricia Highsmith: Ripley's Game – translation EN-HR
Monography of Rogaska Slatina – translation HR-EN
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Keywords: Translations/Certified translator/High-quality professional translator from English to Croatian/ English to Croatian translations, English to Croatian Certified Translator