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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Source text - Slovak Úloha školského sociálneho pracovníka pri vytváraní „ bezpečnej školy ”
V posledných rokoch sa stretávame s pojmom školský sociálny pracovník. Školský sociálny pracovník je odborník, ktorý v školskom prostredí zastáva dôležitú úlohu. A to aj napriek tomu, ž e v školskom zákone chýba jeho zadefinovanie. Nová doba prináša príliv nových informácií, nových trendov, ktoré smerujú aj k prudkému nárastu sociálno- patologických javov v školskom prostredí. Tu školský sociálny pracovník využíva rôzne metódy, techniky, ktoré zmierňujú, eliminujú sociálno- patologické javy v školskom prostredí a tým prispieva k vytvoreniu „ bezpečnej školy ”. „ Bezpečná škola ” je školské prostredie, kde má jedinec vytvorené optimálne podmienky pre svoj bio- psycho, sociálny a spirituálny vývoj.
Translation - English The purpose of the Social Worker in creating “safe school”
In recent years we are encountered with the concept of the social worker. School social worker is an expert that has a significant and important role in the school environment, in spite of the fact he is not specifically defined in the school law. New times bring alongside with it new information and new lifestyles which lead to the high increase of socio-pathological phenomena in the school environment. The main goal of school social worker is to use various methods and techniques to eliminate these phenomena and therefore contribute in creating of “safe school”. The term “safe school” is considered a school environment where the individual has proper conditions for his biological, psychological, social, and spiritual development.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Hunter College, CUNY, New York
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Apr 2009.
I am a double major from Hunter College, CUNY, NYC. Ba major in Anthropology, minor in Archaeology graduated 2009 from Hunter College, CUNY, New York. Thomas Hunter honors program graduate as well.
I have also State Language Examination Certificate for English from Slovakia, my birth country.
I am looking forward to work as a translator online because it allows more flexibility and management for myself. As well, I am waiting for proper responses and job offers as an interpreter.
Thank you for your time
Keywords: English, Slovak, Spanish, Social Sciences, Art