Working languages:
German to Russian
English to Russian
German to English

Julia Heath
DE/EN-RU, DE/RU-EN, Masters in Business

Aurora, Colorado
Local time: 14:01 MST (GMT-7)

Native in: Russian Native in Russian
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2 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling
Specializes in:
Advertising / Public RelationsPsychology
Poetry & LiteratureLaw: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Law (general)IT (Information Technology)
Chemistry; Chem Sci/EngMedical (general)

German to English - Standard rate: 0.20 USD per word / 25 USD per hour
Russian to English - Standard rate: 0.20 USD per word / 25 USD per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 71, Questions answered: 73, Questions asked: 7
Blue Board entries made by this user  3 entries

Glossaries Economics
Translation education Other - certified German to Russian translator
Experience Years of experience: 10. Registered at Jun 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials German to Russian (Saratov State Socio-Economic University, verified)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume please find my resume below
Events and training
Professional practices Julia Heath endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
I was born in Russia, lived in Germany for several years, currently reside in the US.
I speak fluently all 3 languages: Russian (native language), German and English.
I graduated with honors from Economical State University of Saratov, Russia, (Major International Management) - I am very proud of earning a scholarship (DAAD) for studying at a German University (Philipps University of Marburg), which allowed me to live in Germany for 4 years. I wrote my diploma for Economical State University of Saratov, while working for Nutrinova Ltd., (Frankfurt am Main) in Marketing Research. After that I went back to Russia and graduated from the university, then I continued studying in Germany. I am very fortunate to learn closely all three cultures, which gives me an advantage as a translator for localization projects.
I strive to find the best possible formulation in the language that I am translating to. For all the projects I do, where English is a target language, I work with a proofreader who is a native English speaker. This service is included in my rates.

Projects accomplished:

5/4/2012 - 5/26/2012 face-to-face consecutive interpreting for Montana National Guard: Medical Training, Military

3/4/2010 - translation from English to Russian for Aflatoun, Child Social & Financial Education (7,500 words).

5/20/2007 - translation of Corporate design presentation of Lukoil Corp., Russia, from Russian to English (4,000 words).

3/22/2007 - translation of list of laws from German to English (16,000 words) and others.

1/10/2007 - 2/13/2007: working with Anna Bowman Translations Ltd.: translation from English to Russian in economics, finance, banking, investments.

10/2/2004: proofreading of a Dissertation "Corporate Risk and Crises'' in English.

6/20/99 - 9/20/99: Translating of technical and legal documents from German to Russian and vise versa for Bosch -Saratov Ltd., Engels, Russia

Language pairs:

English - Russian
German - Russian
Russian - English
German - English


Present - Freelance Translating with various companies

Nelles Translations, Freelance Translating, 2/1/02 – present
- Translating technical, medical, business, patents & legal documents from German to English, Russian to English

08.2010 – 10.2011
The Big Word, NY
Phone interpreting, English-Russian-English

Viessmann Werke Ltd., Allendorf/Eder, Germany, Direct Marketing 8/1/00-10/15/00
- Handling of correspondence in German
- Preparations of print presentations, according to Viessmann design guidelines in German and Russian
- National and international Direct-mail campaigns in German and Russian
- Direct advertising actions for customer commitment in German
- Preparation of software packages for Viessmann Software-service in German

Bosch -Saratov Ltd., Engels, Russia, Contract Translator 6/20/99-9/20/99
- Translating of technical and legal documents from German to Russian and from Russian to German

Nutrinova Ltd., Marketing Research, Frankfurt am Main, 9/7/98-3/6/99
- Collecting, sorting and processing of data in the field of "Competitive Intelligence" in German and English
- Presentation in PowerPoint of the turnovers in the European region in German

SKV (Hessen), Financial Analysis, Marburg, 3/2/98-3/27/98
- Analysis of the costs of SKV's trucks. Comparing them to the cost of trucks, which were rented by other companies, German

High School, #21, Engels, Russia, graduated with honors, 9/84-6/94
Masters of Art in Economics, Saratov State Socio-Economic University, Russia, Major International Management, graduated with honors, 9/94-6/99
Philipps University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany, DAAD Scholarship for 2 semesters (10/97 – 7/98), 10/97-7/01
- Business Administration
- Anglistics

• Speaking and writing skills in Russian, German and English. Certified Translator from German to Russian. SDL Trados 2009 Certified.
• Knowledge of Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, Macintosh
• Experienced with MS Office 97, 2000, NT and XP, Adobe Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, CorelDraw 9, Quark Express, Trados 2009
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 71
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
English to Russian38
Russian to English16
German to English15
German to Russian2
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 1 more fld >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)8
Transport / Transportation / Shipping8
Medical (general)8
Medical: Instruments6
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion4
Human Resources4
Pts in 8 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Russian1
Specialty fields
Education / Pedagogy1
Poetry & Literature1
Finance (general)1
Other fields
Keywords: Russian, русский, Russisch, English, английский, Englisch, German, немецкий, Deutsch, patents. See more.Russian, русский, Russisch, English, английский, Englisch, German, немецкий, Deutsch, patents, патенты, Patenten, science, наука, Wissentschaft, Law, юриспруденция, Gesetzgebung, medicine, медицина, Medizin, marketing, маркетинг, Absatzwesen, literature, литература, Literatur, English to Russian translator, Russian to English translator, переводчик с английского на русский, переводчик с русского на английский, Russian to English translator, Russian translator, Russian interpreter, IT, telecommunications, military, government, politics, law, patents, business, financial, marketing, social sciences, games, video games, gaming, casino, sports, native speaker of Russian, translation, proofreading, editing, reviewing, interviewing, англо-русский переводчик, ИТ, телекоммуникации, экономика, финансы, юридический перевод, медицина, военный перевод, политика, маркетинг, реклама, общественные науки, игры, видеоигры, казино, носитель русского языка, консолидированная финансовая отчетность, interpreter, translator, court interpreter, Russian legal translator, law, English to Russian court interpreter, confidentiality agreement, visa, immigration, resume, escort interpreter, contracts, finance, advertising, marketing, transcript, criminal, government, переводчик в Денвере, устный переводчик, перевод в суде США, судебный переводчик, diploma, birth certificate, green card, certified Russian, court, by-laws, litigation, motion, Russian translation, film production, entertainment, legal translator, trial, deposition, medical evaluation, apostilled documents, Branding, brokerage agreement, consulting agreement, consulting contract, household appliances, home appliances, newspaper articles, translation service, translation of Russian documentation, Russian translation, translate to Russian, patents, patent description, professional translation, Trados, Trados 2009, language translation, language translation services, Russian native speaker in Denver, CO, memorandum and articles of association, nutrition, lottery, chemistry, biology, presentations, Fond, Investment Fond, investment funds, purchase and sale contracts, loan contracts, contracts of transfer of interest, investment agreements, investment management agreements, exchange contracts, contract for services, supply contracts, contract of guarantee, contract of agency, confidentiality agreements, contractor agreements, contract termination agreements, cooperation contracts, contracts of gift, joint venture agreements, letter of intent, LOI, heads of terms, certificate of incorporation, certificate of registered office, certificate of directors and secretary, certificate of shareholders, double taxation certificates, power of attorney, laws, regulations, billing documents, minutes, resolutions, financial statements, Consolidated Financial Statement, demand letters, notice of AGM, notice of sale of shares, legal analyses, legal recommendations, legal opinions, declaration of trust, mandate letter, memorandum of understanding, engagement letters, discussion papers, indemnity letters, deed of accession, passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, diplomas, property valuation reports, appraisal reports, package of documents on bond issue, company philosophy, policies and procedures, corporate design, training, corporate guidelines, corporate policies and procedures, controlling, IT, human resources management, training, sales, security, delegation of authority, business correspondence, business plans, financial reports, auditing reports, economical analysis, reviews, business proposals, feasibility study, consulting materials, retail, corporate design, corporate identity, questionnaires, investor perception surveys, Investment Management Agreements, booklets, leaflets, issue prospectus, market reviews, press releases, advertising brochures, PR programmes, CVs, websites, project descriptions, questionnaires, estimates, proposals, interior design, master plan reports, drawings, market reviews, landscape design statements, laws, planting plans, planting schemes, retail centers, home appliance manuals, dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, kitchen hoods, ovens, new generation networks, price lists, Hotels, traffic management systems, surveillance systems, scenarios, private correspondence, poems, poetry, real estate, video scripts, microwave ovens, Software localization, handbook, license agreement, mortgages, tourism, web sites, web-sites Absichtserklärung, Agenturvertrag, Angebot, Ankündigungen, Auftrag, Ausfallbürgschaften, Ausschreibungen, Bedienungsanleitung, Bedienungsanweisungen, Beitrittsverträge, Beratervertrag, Berichte, Betriebsanweisung, Bescheinigung, Beschluss, Bevollmächtigungsvertrag, Bewertungsgutachten, Broschüren, Bürgschaftsvertrag, Checklisten, Dienstleistungsvertrag, Diplome, Dokumentenpaket zur Anleiheemission, Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherservice, Doppelbesteuerungsbescheinigungen, Durchführbarkeitsstudien, Eintragungsurkunden, Einzelhandel, Entertainment-Zentrum, Erscheinungsbild des Unternehmens, Expertengutachten, Finanzbericht, Finanzberichte, Firmendokumente, Firmenphilosophie, Firmenrichtlinien, Firmenvorstellung, Firmenvorstellungen, Fragebogen, Gebrauchsanweisungen, Geburtsurkunden, Gedichte, Gerät, Gesamtabschluss, Geschäftsplan, Geschirrspüler, Gesellschaftsvertrag, Gesetze, Gründungsdokumente, Handelskorrespondenz, Handelsregisterauszug, Händlervertrag, Hausgeräte, Heiratsurkunde, Hypotheken, Immobilien, Impulspapiere, Informationsauskunft, Informationsbericht, Instandsetzungsanleitungen, Investitionsvertrag, Joint-Venture-Vertrag, juristische Analysen und Empfehlungen, Kaufvertrag, Kochfelder, Kooperationsvertrag, Kostenangebote, Kostenvoranschlag, Kreditvertrag, Lebenslauf, Liefervertrag, Lizenzvereinbarung, Lizenzvertrag, Lokalisierung, Lotto, Lotterie, Mahnungen, Maklervertrag, Mandatschreiben, Marktberichte, Marktübersichten, Masterplanberichte, Mikrowellen, Mikrowellenofen, Netzwerke der neuen Generation, Pass, Präsentationen, Preislisten, Pressemitteilungen, Projektbeschreibungen, PR-Programme, Prospekte, Protokolle, Publizistik, Rechtsgutachten, Reklamezettel, Reparaturanleitungen, Reparaturhandbuch, Russische Muttersprachler in Denver, CO, russische Übersetzer, Satzungen, Schenkungsvertrag, Softwarelokalisierung, Software-Lokalisierung, Spedition, Sprachendienst, Tauschvertrag, Treuhanderklärungen, Tourismus, Verpflichtungsbriefe, Vermögensbewertung, Vertraulichkeitsvertrag, Videoskripten, Vollmachten, Vorschriften, Vorvertrag, Übersetzer, Übersetzung ins Russische, Unternehmenserscheinungsbild, Webseiten, Werbung, Werkvertrag, Wirtschaftsanalysen, Wirtschaftsprüfungsbericht, Zahlungsdokumente, Zeichnungen, Zeitungsartikel, Zeugnisse. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 11, 2023