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Translation Volume: 345 chars Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Spanish
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Translation Volume: 2500 chars Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
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Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Spanish: Medical article
Source text - English Dystrophin Expression in Myofibers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients Following Intramuscular Injections of Normal Myogenic Cells
MOLECULAR THERAPY Vol. 9, No. 3, March 2004
Three Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients received injections of myogenic cells obtained from skeletal muscle biopsies of normal donors. The cells (30 X106) were injected in 1 cm3 of the tibialis anterior by 25 parallel injections. We performed similar patterns of saline injections in the contralateral muscles as controls. The patients received tacrolimus for immunosuppression. Muscle biopsies were performed at the injected sites 4 weeks later. We observed dystrophin-positive myofibers in the cell-grafted sites amounting to 9 (patient 1), 6.8 (patient 2), and 11% (patient 3). Since patients 1 and 2 had identified dystrophin-gene deletions these results were obtained using monoclonal antibodies specific to epitopes coded by the deleted exons. Donor dystrophin was absent in the control sites. Patient 3 had exon duplication and thus specific donor-dystrophin detection was not possible. However, there were fourfold more dystrophin-positive myofibers in the cell-grafted than in the control site. Donor-dystrophin transcripts were detected by RT-PCR (using primers reacting with a sequence in the deleted exons). Therefore, significant dystrophin expression can be obtained in the skeletal muscles of DMD patients following specific conditions of cell delivery and immunosuppression.
Translation - Spanish Expresión de distrofina en miofibras de pacientes con Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne después de la inyección intramuscular de células miogénicas normales.
MOLECULAR THERAPY Vol. 9, No. 3, March 2004
Tres pacientes con Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne recibieron inyecciones de células miogénicas obtenidas de biopsias musculares de donantes normales. Las células (30 X106) se inyectaron en 1 cm3 del tibial anterior mediante 25 inyecciones paralelas. Como controles se realizaron inyecciones de suero fisiológico con un patrón similar en los músculos contra laterales. Los pacientes recibieron tacrolimus como inmunosupresor. A las 4 semanas se efectuaron biopsias musculares de los sitios inyectados. Observamos miofibras distrofina-positivas en los sitios injertados registrando 9 (paciente 1), 6,8 (paciente 2), y 11% (paciente 3). Como los pacientes 1 y 2 tenían delecciones de la distrofina identificadas, estos resultados se obtuvieron usando anticuerpos monoclonales específicos de epitopes codificados por los exones deletados. No se encontró distrofina del donante en los sitios controles. El paciente 3 presentaba duplicación de un exón, por lo tanto no se pudo realizar la detección de la distrofina del donante. Sin embargo, había cuatro veces más miofibras distrofina-positivas en el sitio injertado respecto al sitio control. Los transcriptos de la distrofina del donante se detectaron por RT-PCR (usando primers de la secuencia de los exones deletados). Por lo tanto, se obtuvo expresión significativa de distrofina en los músculos esqueléticos de pacientes con DMD siguiendo un protocolo específico de inyección de células e inmunosupresión.
English to Spanish: Industrial method oil
Source text - English Method of olive oil production waste processing.
In a two-phase system, the decanter does not need much water to be added to the olive paste out of which two phases are separated. One is represented by the oil and the other is a combined outflow of pomace and residual water. As a consequence, the pomace is damper than the pomace from the three-phase system and is called two-phase pomace, or “alperujo” in Spanish, whose treatment is more complex for extractors, needing special curing sheds.
This novel system of two-phase olive pomace (“alperujo”) drying process consists of a mechanical liquid phase separation, which is afterwards evaporated by direct mixing with other gases by the use of low temperature residual thermal energy from burning of gases already utilized in other thermal processes (or other source of similar characteristics).
Alternatively, in the two-step method, the condensation latent heat from part of the previously evaporated water in the gaseous phase of the final concentration stage of the product is used as thermal source. So, the unique component of this first evaporation step is vacuum steam. The second step is vacuum steam condensation in wet tower refrigeration water or any other environmental thermal dumping.
Translation - Spanish Método de procesamiento de deshechos de producción de aceite de oliva.
En el sistema de dos fases, el decantador no necesita mayor agregado de agua a la pasta de oliva de la cual se separan las dos fases. Una es el aceite y la otra es un sobrante de orujo y agua residual. Por esto, el orujo es más húmedo que el obtenido en los sistemas de tres fases y se llama orujo de dos fases o alperujo. Su tratamiento en extractores es más complejo, necesitándose tratamientos especiales de desechos.
Este sistema novedoso de secado de alperujo consiste en una separación mecánica de la fase líquida, que posteriormente es evaporada mediante un proceso directo de mezcla con otros gases por empleo de energía térmica residual de baja temperatura a partir de gases de combustión ya empleados en otros procesos térmicos, u otra fuente de similares características.
O bien, en el método de dos etapas, el calor latente de condensación de parte del agua evaporada previamente en fase gaseosa en la etapa de condensación final del producto, se emplea como fuente térmica, de manera que el único componente de esta primera fase de evaporación es vapor a vacío. El segundo paso es la condensación de este vapor a vacío con agua de refrigeración de torre húmeda o cualquier otro sumidero térmico ambiente.
Spanish to English: Influencia de la dieta en la aparición de cáncer colorrectal
Source text - Spanish Influencia de la dieta en la aparición de cáncer colorrectal
La determinación de las causas ambientales vinculadas a la aparición del cáncer proporciona valiosa información para reducir al mínimo la exposición a agentes carcinógenos. En este trabajo se utilizó un cuestionario estandarizado como medio de asegurar la comparabilidad de la información obtenida en los casos y en los controles. El cuestionario de frecuencia FFQ se ha usado en numerosos estudios de casos y controles y de cohortes.
Bingham realizó un estudio con 200 sujetos que fueron seleccionados de forma aleatoria entre los primeros 2.000 incluídos en el estudio EPIC (estudio prospectivo europeo en el que se usa el citado cuestionario), y concluyó que la correlación entre el nitrógeno procedente de la dieta (estimada por recuerdo) y la excreción en orina de 24 horas era alta (r: 0,78-0,87). La obtención de datos sobre el consumo alimentario se centró en la intensidad de la exposición y no en la duración, basándonos en el supuesto de que la exposición ha sido relativamente constante en el tiempo. Además, desde el punto de vista de la relación causal interesa una evaluación de la dieta a nivel individual, pero no el consumo alimentario puntual de un día concreto, sino la exposición sostenida en el tiempo.
Translation - English Influence of diet in colorectal cancer occurrence
The determination of environmental causes related to cancer advent provides valuable information in order to reduce the exposure to carcinogenic agents to a minimum. In this study, a standardized questionnaire was used to ensure the comparability of information between cases and controls. The frequency questionnaire FFQ has been used in several case-control and cohort studies. Bingham performed a study with 200 subjects that were selected at random among the first 2000 included in the EPIC study (prospective European study which uses the mentioned questionnaire), and concluded that the correlation of diet born nitrogen (estimated by memories) and the urine excretion were high (r: 0.78-0.87). The data collection on food consumption was focused in the intensity of exposure and not in the duration, assuming that exposition has been relatively constant along time. Moreover, an individual evaluation of the diet is interesting from the causal relationship point of view, not the particular food consumption of a certain day, but the time-sustained exposure.
Portuguese to English: Medical Scientific paper Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Portuguese Resultados
No ano de 1998 foram atendidas 3.273 crianças na
emergencia e 1.635 nas enfermarias do XXX. Um
total de 482 amostras de SNF foi coletado durante o período
de estudo, em uma média mensal de 40 espécimes,
sendo o máximo de 78 e o mínimo de seis amostras
coletadas por mês. Um ou mais vírus forarn identificados
em 154 amostras. A taxa de prevaléncia de IRAs virais foi de
31,9% (154/482). A ordem decrescente de freqüência dos
vírus identificados foi a seguinte: VSR (54,5%), influenza A
(17,5%), parainfluenza 3 (16,2%), adenovírus (7,2%),
influenza B (3,8%) e parainfluenza 1 (0,6%).
A IF1 e a CC foram positivas em 146 e 41 amostras,
respectivamente. Um total de 30 VSR e 11 adenovírus foi
isolado em cultura de células. Dos 30 VSR identificados
por cultura de células, três não foram detectados através
de IFI, o mesmo acontecendo com três adenovírus. Mais
de urn vírus foi identificado em seis amostras. Nestes casos
as associações encontradas foram: VSR-parainfluenza
3, influenza A-parainfluenza 3 (dois casos); VSR-influenza
A, adenovírus-parainfluenza 3, VSR-adenovírus.
Translation - English Results
3273 children were treated in the emergency room and 1635 in the dispensaries of XXX during 1998. A total of 482 NPS samples were collected during the research period, with a monthly mean of 40 specimens. Numbers ranged from a maximum of 78 to a minimum of 6 samples per month. One or more viruses were identified in 154 samples. The prevalence rate of viral ARIs was 31.9% (154/482). According to a descending frequency order, the identified viruses were: RSV (54.5%), influenza A (17.5%), parainfluenza 3 (16.2%), adenovirus (7.2%), influenza B (3.8%) and parainfluenza 1 (0.6%).
IIF and CC were positive in 146 e 41 samples respectively. A total of 30 RSV and 11 adenoviruses were isolated from CC. From the 30 RSV found by the CC technique, 3 were not identified by IIF; the same outcome took place to 3 adenoviruses findings. From 6 samples, more than one virus was isolated. In those cases the associations were: RSV-parainfluenza 3, influenza A-parainfluenza 3 (2 cases); RSV-influenza A, adenovirus-parainfluenza 3, RSV-adenovirus.
I have two native languages and love to connect people. I have six years experience in translation and proofreading, and some interpretation work done.
English > Spanish
Spanish > English
I also work as English as a second language teacher for children and adults in Montevideo, Uruguay.
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