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English to Portuguese: How do our fellow species communicate? Como nossos amigos bichos se comunicam? General field: Science Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English However, as noise pollution interferes with animal communiqués all across the globe, many animals' ability to communicate effectively comes under threat. Increased shipping traffic over the last century has dramatically affected the transfer of whale song around the ocean basin. Studies have found that songbirds, too, suffer from noisy (albeit terrestrial) urban environs. Some species have had to modify their singing styles, producing songs that are louder and shriller, in order to be heard above the clamour. Pumped up volume usually leads to simpler and somewhat inferior styles of singing that female birds seem to find less attractive.
Translation - Portuguese Contudo, a comunicação animal está ameaçada pela poluição sonora que se agrava ao redor do mundo e interfere na transmissão de informação. São preocupantes os efeitos do aumento do transporte marítimo no último século na comunicação das baleias. Estudos indicam que o canto dos pássaros também está sofrendo com o barulho (ainda que terrestre) presente nas zonas urbanas. A alteração ambiental exigiu que algumas espécies aumentassem o volume para poderem ser ouvidas pelas fêmeas. O canto “vitaminado” geralmente provoca uma alteração, dando origem a sons mais simples, que não têm o mesmo poder de atração para as fêmeas.
English to Portuguese: The Art and tradition of story telling - A arte e a tradição de contar histórias General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English The Art and tradition of story telling
The task is to learn and understand the art and tradition of story telling
"Africa has a rich oral tradition. Long before the written word, stories were how information was passed down to new generations.
Stories were mainly told in the evenings, around a fire, under moonlight skies, by the elders in the village. The story teller controlled the moment with the crescendo and decrescendo of their voice. They also employed sing-along songs that captured the attention of even the youngest listeners. Drums provided the sound effects. They would prompt their listeners to groan and grunt and be an active part of the story.
Story tellers came in all shapes and sizes, but they all had one thing in common; they ability to cast a spell over their listeners. Time seems to stand still as they draw you into their story.
Some cultures had particular dress associated with the story teller, but this was not universal.
Some story tellers were very good, others not so good. Listeners often asked for a good story teller to re-tell stories because the listeners enjoyed the way they told their stories.
Poems, songs, aphorisms, riddles, rituals, taboos and chants were all employed to provide variety. Most of the stories had animal characters that could think and talk. The most popular characters in Zambian stories are Kalulu (the hare), turtle, hyena, the elephant and Lion, the King of the Jungle. Each story usually had a moral behind it.
While times have changed, the functions of the story teller are needed now, perhaps more than ever. The story teller has got to adapt to the changing needs of the listener and to the changing times. Thus the story teller in the village will be plying his trade pretty much the way he always has, while the story teller in Kitwe may find himself or herself including internet cafes in their stories."
So, why should we, in our modern world deal with story telling?
For one thing, there is the social aspect of it. Sitting there, listening to and being gripped by a good story, is good time spent together.
Stories also give the possibility to develop a richer language, for the person telling the story, and to learn a richer language for the listeners. Think of how good children are in retelling stories they have heard.
Storytelling is also a way to preserve some of the local culture, that could otherwise easily disappear in our world, dominated by soap operas, Hollywood movies, and so many other products dominated by the main motive – profit.
2. Students: write a story and put it on the notice board for others to get inspiration and to prepare comments. 2 hours
3. All: Discuss the stories, and decide on a number of elements a good story should have to make it good. 30 min
FILES: No files
Translation - Portuguese A arte e a tradição de contar histórias
A tarefa consiste em estudar e entender a arte e a tradição de contar histórias
“A África tem uma longa tradição de oralidade”. Muito antes da palavra escrita, as informações eram transmitidas de uma geração a outra por meio de histórias.
As histórias eram contadas principalmente à noite, ao redor de uma fogueira, sob um céu estrelado e na companhia dos anciãos da vila. O narrador determinava os momentos cruciais dependendo da energia expressada na voz. As canções escolhidas eram fáceis de serem cantadas e captavam a atenção até dos mais pequenos. Tambores garantiam os efeitos sonoros. Era esperado que o público exprimisse alegria, medo ou descontentamento, que brincasse e que tomasse parte nas histórias.
Havia contadores de histórias com todos os tipos de repertório, mas com algo em comum: a habilidade de enfeitiçar o ouvinte. O tempo parecia parar à medida que os ouvintes eram conduzidos ao mundo que se revelava.
Em alguns grupos havia um tipo de vestimenta específica associada ao contador de histórias. Mas não era algo universal.
Alguns contadores de histórias eram muito bons em sua arte, outros nem tanto. Em muitos casos, os ouvintes pediam a eles que contassem as histórias novamente, pois gostavam da maneira como as contavam.
Poemas, cantigas, aforismos, enigmas, rituais, temas considerados tabus e cancões de amor: todos presentes para propiciar várias opções de entretenimento. A maioria das histórias incluíam animais que pensavam e falavam. Os personagens mais queridos nos contos zambienses são Kalulu (a lebre), a tartaruga, a hiena, o elefante e o “Leão, o Rei da Selva”. Todas as histórias continham geralmente uma lição de moral.
Embora hoje seja um pouco diferente, as atribuições do contador de histórias fazem-se necessárias atualmente, quem sabe mais do que nunca. O contador de histórias tem que se adaptar às transformações – os ouvintes de ontem e hoje não são os mesmos – e à transição para os tempos atuais. Assim o contador de histórias estará efetivamente exercendo sua atividade como sempre o fez, embora os contadores no Kitwe talvez incluam os Internet cafés nas histórias."
Por que se dedicar a atividade de contar histórias?
Pelo aspecto social. É um ótimo jeito de se divertir: você lá sentado, ouvindo uma história emocionante, junto com pessoas tão ávidas como você por saber o que virá a seguir.
Histórias também contribuem para enriquecer o vocabulário, tanto da pessoa que conta a história, como do ouvinte, que aprimora o conhecimento do idioma. Pense em como as crianças recontam histórias com facilidade.
Histórias também são um ótimo jeito de se proteção da cultura de um povo, ameaçada neste mundo atualmente regido por novelas, filmes e tantos outros bens de um comércio movido unicamente pelo dinheiro.
Alunos: escrever uma história a ser afixada no mural, com o fim de inspirar outros colegas e propiciar a elaboração de comentários. 2 horas
Todos: Discutir sobre as histórias e definir quais são os diversos elementos que uma boa história deve ter. 30 minutos
Nenhum arquivo
Translation education
Other - Certificate Translator Qualification Course
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Jan 2010.
I have been working as a professional freelance translator since 2010, from English into (Brazilian) Portuguese.
Most of my working experience was gained localizing websites and software applications and manuals.
I have also translated many texts in law, business, life sciences, social sciences, travel & tourism, medicine and technology for a number of organizations, including NGOs and multinational information technology companies.
I offer a variety of linguistic services, such as proofreading (technical and linguistic), transcription, localization and quality assurance testing.
I have also worked for a couple of years as a community interpreter for a local council in the UK.
I have worked with a number of CAT and tEnT tools, such as memoQ, SDL Trados Studio (SDLX, Tag Editor, Termbase, Multiterm), Passolo 2011, XBench, among others. I hold licenses to work with all of the above.
I have completed a course in theory and practice of translation which is recognized by ATA and ABRATES. After completion of my course I did an internship at Oxfam GB, where I worked as a translation assistant for 6 months translating human rights texts and other general content for NGOs, proofreading, subtitling, creating translation guides and glossaries for other translators, as well as managing projects.
I completed my degree in law at the Federal University of Pelotas, a recognized university by the Brazilian governmental body for education.
I am a ProZ Certified PRO member. This means that I hold a certification in translation issued by ProZ. This process involved checking my professional and linguistic abilities. Thus my references have been checked and I have passed the required translation test.
I have had my references also checked by the ITI, thus gaining access to the appropriate association membership category as an associate member.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information or to request a quote.
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Keywords: portuguese, brazil, law, localization, international relations, NGOs, third sector, human rights, business, travel. See more.portuguese, brazil, law, localization, international relations, NGOs, third sector, human rights, business, travel, tourism, finance, SAP, CRM, ERP.. See less.
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