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Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator. This translator is helping to localize into Indonesian
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12 projects entered 6 positive feedback from outsourcers 1 neutral feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Interpreting Volume: 1 days Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: English to Indonesian English
Business Meeting
Quick response.
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: English to Indonesian
Localization of
Localization of
Internet, e-Commerce
positive No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 1 days Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: English
Business Meeting
Excellent communication with agency.
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4461 words Completed: May 2006 Languages: Indonesian to English
Statement of Income
Statement of Income translation from Indonesian to English.
Finance (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Fast and Accurate
Harry Hermawan: Thank you, will gladly be waiting for more cooperation.
Translation Volume: 7773 words Completed: Apr 2006 Languages: English to Indonesian
URGENT Earth Moving Equipment Manuals
Powershift Transmissions, Fluids, ICD Transmissions. Translation on Caterpillar equipment. Urgent project. Worked as individual translator.
High standard criteria: "Quality is Job #1 with this manufacturer. We want only the best."
Helpful outsourcer, provided reference.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
positive : Very pleased with Harry's contribution to the project and availability.
Harry Hermawan: Thank you, hope to work again on a different project.
Translation Volume: 1645 words Completed: Mar 2006 Languages: English to Indonesian
Interesting translation of manual/guideline on trade/commerce via-computerized-network.
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 11378 words Completed: Feb 2006 Languages: English to Indonesian
Oil Related Materials Translation
Oil and Gas Related Materials Translation
Petroleum Eng/Sci
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Harry learns meanings of special technical terms quickly.
Harry Hermawan: Thank you pak, semoga ada proyek terus...
Translation Volume: 3049 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Indonesian
Module on Marketing from a young energetic client.
An interesting translation project from an outstanding young individual.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 561 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Indonesian
General correspondence translation projects from Belgium
General field (general letter, opening remarks, etc) rendering for a translation agency based in Brussels, Belgium.
1)PM Jasmine Pepin Job 601-0396 for 24/01/2006 16:00 from Production SA/NV. OVERDUE.
2a)PM: Isabel Ruiz Job 602-0034 for 03/02/2006 17:00 from Production SA/NV b)Job 602-0060 for 03/02/2006 15:00 from Production SA/NV. PAID.
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 500 words Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: English to Indonesian
Two pages translation on instruction procedure.
Got a phone call from a Project Manager (PM), Client Services then an intro letter was emailed. I confirmed the deal. Another PM emailed the project, I did the work and sent the invoice to a different email address cc-ing the 2nd PM that sent the work. Unfortunately, I still haven't been provided payment due the small amount of work. UNPAID.
IT (Information Technology)
neutral : I came to CSOFT much later after that (2 years after the incident) happened, but I did my best to solve that issue
Translation Volume: 6999 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: English to Indonesian
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Speedy reply, hassle free, very professional.
Medical: Health Care
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No comment.
Harry Hermawan: Thank you for the positive input.
Translation Volume: 881 words Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: Indonesian to English
Two pages translation of articles, blogs, mailist etc.
Very small work, but swift on payment.
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): Nice Work, timely delivery, Very professional
Harry Hermawan: First client since joining, a great person to work with.
Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), U. S. dollars (usd)
Sample translations submitted: 7
Indonesian to English: Indonesia Case
Source text - Indonesian Peristiwa lalu ini terjadi setelah musibah yang menimpa Indonesia dimana nama-nama komersial pada spanduk dan papan iklan di jalan sepanjang kota Jakarta, yang merupakan Ibukota, berbahasakan selain bahasa Indonesia. Saat itu merupakan keputusan bijak untuk mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengindonenesiakan Bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya untuk masalah ini. Banyak pro dan kontra yang dibicarakan di media, radio dan televisi. Para ahli dari berbagai industri, unversitas dan lainnya menyertakan pendapatnya.
Translation - English This turn of event came after a spell that shocked Indonesia in which most commercial names on billboards and advertisements along the street of Jakarta, its capital, were in utterance other than its own, Indonesian. It was wise, then, to take drastic measures to Indonesianize the English or other foreign tongue for that matter. Many pros and cons were being talked about in the press, radios and television. Experts from renowned institution, university and other shared their views.
English to Indonesian: Outsourcer's Sample Text
Source text - English "We work specifically with teenagers and their families when there is conflict in the family. This is a confidential, neutral process."
Translation - Indonesian Kami berupaya khususnya dengan para remaja dan keluarganya saat terjadi konflik di dalam keluarga. Isu ini sangat pribadi dan rahasia, suatu proses yang alamiah.
English to Indonesian: Internet Instruction Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Source text - English Enter your Hotmail, Yahoo or other supported email login to see your contacts. On the next page, you will have the opportunity to see who is already on, invite and connect them to your Mobile Homepage and add them to your Address Book. Learn More (Note: Importing contacts may take a minute)
Translation - Indonesian Masukkan login email Anda (Hotmail, Yahoo, dan email lain yang kami dukung) untuk melihat kontak. Pada halaman berikut, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melihat siapa yang sudah bergabung dengan, undang dan hubungi mereka ke Homepage Mobile Anda serta tambahkan nama mereka ke Buku Alamat. Silahkan cari informasi lebih lanjut (Catatan: Memindahkan kontak akan berlangsung beberapa saat)
Indonesian to English: Indonesian to English: Indonesia Case
Source text - Indonesian Peristiwa lalu ini terjadi setelah musibah yang menimpa Indonesia dimana nama-nama komersial pada spanduk dan papan iklan di jalan sepanjang kota Jakarta, yang merupakan Ibukota, berbahasakan selain bahasa Indonesia. Saat itu merupakan keputusan bijak untuk mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengindonenesiakan Bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya untuk masalah ini. Banyak pro dan kontra yang dibicarakan di media, radio dan televisi. Para ahli dari berbagai industri, unversitas dan lainnya menyertakan pendapatnya.
Translation - English This turn of event came after a spell that shocked Indonesia in which most commercial names on billboards and advertisements along the street of Jakarta, its capital, were in utterance other than its own, Indonesian. It was wise, then, to take drastic measures to Indonesianize the English or other foreign tongue for that matter. Many pros and cons were being talked about in the press, radios and television. Experts from renowned institution, university and other shared their views.
English to Indonesian:, Localization
Source text - English All: 10 strings found (93 source words).
(Note: only several parts are shown here)
The translation of the web site is provided by the following team of volunteers. wishes to thank these translators for their contribution to the site.
Please note that the entire site has not yet been translated. Site localization is proceeding in stages, with the most active site areas being translated first. If you find an error in the translation of any part of the site that has already been localized, please notify one of the localization coordinators below.
Would you like to help localize
If so, please contact us. Site localizers are compensated with significant promotion on the site when the language is complete and released to the public. For more information on the localization project and the benefits of participating, please read this short article.
Translation - Indonesian Total: 10 strings ditemui (93 sumber kata).
(Catatan: hanya sebagian diperlihatkan di sini)
Penerjemahan situs Web dilakukan oleh tim sukarelawan berikut ini. mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para penerjemah tersebut untuk kontribusinya bagi situs ini.
Harap dicatat bahwa situs belum selesai diterjemahkan seluruhnya. Pelokalan ke bahasa setempat situs dilakukan secara bertahap, di mana halaman situs yang paling aktif, diterjemahkan terlebih dulu. Bila Anda melihat kesalahan dalam terjemahan di bagian mana pun dari situs yang telah dilokalkan, harap informasikan ke koordinator pelokalan di bawah ini.
Ingin berpartisipasi melokalkan
Jika ingin, segera hubungi kami. Peserta pelokalan mendapat kompensasi promosi signifikan di situs ketika bahasa yang bersangkutan telah selesai dan dipublikasikan kepada khalayak. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai proyek pelokalan dan manfaat berpartisipas, mohon baca artikel ringkas ini.
English to Indonesian:, Localization, Blue Board (bb)
Source text - English All: 424 strings found (3052 source words)
(Note: only several parts are shown here)
The Blue Board: A database of translation agencies, companies and outsourcers (with feedback)
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It works like this: a user (a "service provider") can enter a number from 1 to 5 corresponding to his or her "likelihood of working again" with a given outsourcer (an "LWA", for short). By way of explanation, a line of text (a "comment") may be entered along with the number. An outsourcer may enter one line of text (a "reply") in response to entries.
Over time, a number of entries and replies may be collected for an outsourcer; together these are referred to as a "record". Blue board records are accessible via URLs of this form: Within each record, in addition to entries and replies, contact information for the outsourcer and the average LWA is also shown.
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Translation - Indonesian Total: 424 strings found (3052 source words)
(Catatan: hanya sebagian diperlihatkan di sini)
Blue Board: Pangkalan data agen penerjemahan, perusahaan, dan agen outsourcing (dengan masukan)
Pesan Anda telah disimpan di pangkalan data.
Catatan: Pesan Anda akan diperiksa kembali oleh moderator sebelum dipublikasikan.
Klik di sini bila Anda merasa data agen outsourcing ini salah/tidak mutakhir hubungi moderator untuk diperbaharui.
Ini berarti bahwa informasi dengan warna tersebut tidak diperlihatkan untuk publik
- (Para Moderator adalah mereka yang dapat menutup keterangan ini, moderator dan individu terkait data Blue Board adalah mereka yang dapat melihat kotak tersebut)
- Moderator Pekerjaan juga memiliki akses untuk menutup keseluruhan kolom, misalnya, hal ini akan dilakukan ketika agen outsourcing tidak menginginkan telpon atau alamat diperlihatkan kepada publik, Anda dapat menutup keseluruhan kolom informasi dengan menekan link "[tutup]" di atas nama tombol
- Info individu dapat ditutup, ini akan dilakukan ketika salah atau tidak mutakhir (tekan link "[tutup]" di atas dengan info tunggal)
Anda telah menerima surat elektronik ini karena Anda memilih untuk menerima penawaran freelance.
Guna menghentikan penerimaan penawaran ganti penyetelan di pusat kendali Outsourcing Anda:
Beginilah cara kerjanya: pemakai (suatu "penyedia jasa") boleh memasukkan jumlah dari 1 hingga 5 yang seiring dengan "keinginan untuk bekerja kembali" dengan agen outsourcing yang dimaksud (atau "LWA", singkatnya). Dengan penjelasan, satu baris teks (suatu "komentar") dapat dimasukkan bersamaan dengan angka. Outsourcing dapat memasukkan satu baris teks (suatu "balasan") menanggapi lema.
Pada jam kerja tambahan, beberapa masukan dan balasan dapat dikumpulkan untuk diberikan kepada agen outsourcing yang merupakan suatu "catatan data". Catatan data Blue Board dengan mudah dapat diperoleh via URL yang ada pada formulir ini: Dalam setiap catatan data, di samping masukan dan balasan, kontak informasi untuk agen outsourcing dan LWA rata-rata juga diperlihatkan.
Anda mengajukan permintaan untuk menghapus masukan Blue Board Anda terkait dengan agen outsourcing ini. Berikan alasan permintaan menghapus di dalam kotak di bawah dan kemudian ajukan agar permohonan Anda itu diproses.
English to Indonesian: Internet Instruction
Source text - English Enter your Hotmail, Yahoo or other supported email login to see your contacts. On the next page, you will have the opportunity to see who is already on, invite and connect them to your Mobile Homepage and add them to your Address Book. Learn More (Note: Importing contacts may take a minute)
Translation - Indonesian Masukkan login email Anda (Hotmail, Yahoo, dan email lain yang kami dukung) untuk melihat kontak. Pada halaman berikut, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melihat siapa yang sudah bergabung dengan, undang dan hubungi mereka ke Homepage Mobile Anda serta tambahkan nama mereka ke Buku Alamat. Silahkan cari informasi lebih lanjut (Catatan: Memindahkan kontak akan berlangsung beberapa saat)
Intro - An individual immersed in the language industry and loving it. Started out with providing service in the teaching English as a second language i.e. language training; then took a leap of faith and went to translation, interpreting and localization - language pair EN ID <> ID EN - service: proofreading, editing, review, language validation, subtitling, dubbing, interpreting (consecutive and simultaneous) since 2005. What I've done: lead onsite reviewer, lead editor for website localization, lead translation workplace localization, Internet-based travel agency, UI testing, mobile advertising marketplace, working knowledge of SEO and pursuing coding. Experienced with leading CAT tools in the language industry. Translated variety of texts, from safety manuals for oil industry, e-learning management modules, website of world's local bank, Indonesian banking regulations, employment agreements, translation workplace localization, subtitling motivational videos, linguistic validation, game localization, marketing surveys, dubbing film, etc.. Interpreting: conferences, seminars, trainings, workshop, in courts, business meetings, trials, etc. Team lead: I don't work alone. If you have projects that will need a team, I have a team of translators, editors, proofreaders to help you sort things out. Writing and other stuff - Blogs. Up for challenges in quality management, managing terminologies and glossaries, utilisation of tools to enhance production, post editing in machine translation, language consultancy, and other skill development to enhance a smooth running production from start to finish, with a can do attitude.
Updated CV available upon request. Not for profit - Fundraiser/treasurer for a family owned school in Bogor, Indonesia. Check it here: ayosekolahdong dot blogspot dot com - How my second name is pronounced - Harry "Hermawan" read aloud Harry "Herr Ma' One" - Thinking of taking photography - again... :D Tools: SDL Trados 2017, MemoQ, Wordbee, Crowdin, Smartling and many more - How to contact me: You can contact me via the internal message system that ProZ provides or contact me at
Perlu terjemahan, perlu bantuan interpreting, dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia?
Saya dan tim penerjemah internal - siap membantu Anda
Silakan kirim pesan singkat ke WA 0812-8990-8544 atau hubungi 021-2781-3539
Untuk keperluan interpreting atau penjurubahasaan, silakan hubungi saya via email.
Keywords: indonesia translate, translate indonesia, indonesian translate, translate indonesian, indonesian translator, translator indonesian, indonesian translation, translation indonesian, indonesia interpret, interpret indonesia. See more.indonesia translate, translate indonesia, indonesian translate, translate indonesian, indonesian translator, translator indonesian, indonesian translation, translation indonesian, indonesia interpret, interpret indonesia, indonesian interpret, interpret indonesian, indonesian interpreter, interpreter indonesian, indonesian interpretation, interpretation indonesian, indonesia edit, edit indonesia, indonesian editor, editor indonesian, indonesian interpreting, interpreting indonesian, indonesia translate, translate indonesia, indonesia translation, translation indonesia, indonesian translation, translation indonesian, bahasa translator, website translator, website editor, indonesian translation, web translation, english indonesian translator, english translator indonesian, indonesian english translator, indonesian translator english, translator english indonesian, translator indonesian english, english indonesian interpreter, indonesian english interpreter, indonesian interpreter english, indonesian english interpreter, intepreter indonesian english, interpeter english indonesian, englih indonesian editor, english editor indonesian, indonesian editor english, indonesian english editor, editor english indonesian, editor indonesian english, indonesian translator professional, indonesian professional translator, translator professional indonesian, translator indonesian professional, professional indonesian translator, professional translator indonesian, indonesian interpreter professional, indonesian professional interpreter, intepreter professional indonesian, interpreter indonesian professional, professional indonesian interpreter, professional interpreter indonesian, indonesian consecutive interpreter, indonesian interpreter consecutive, consecutive interpreter indonesian, consecutive indonesian interpreter, interpreter consecutive indonesian, interpreter indonesian consecutive, indonesian simultaneous interpreter, indonesian interpreter simultaneous, simultaneous interpreter indonesian, simultaneous indonesian interpreter, interpreter simultaneous indonesian, interpreter indonesian simultaneous, indonesian editor professional, indonesian professional editor, editor professional indonesian, editor indonesian professional, professional editor indonesian, profesional indonesian editor, indonesian language interpreter, english to indonesian translation, bahasa indonesia linguist, english indonesian linguist, english indonesian translation, english indonesian translator, english indonesian interpreter, english indonesian interpreting, bahasa indonesia translate, indonesian translator jakarta, indonesian interpreter jakarta, indonesian copyeditor jakarta, indonesia linguist jakarta, indonesian consecutive interpreter, indonesian simultaneous interpreter, indonesian linguist in jakarta, bahasa indonesia translation company, indonesian simultaneous interpreter jakarta, indonesian consecutive interpreter jakarta, bahasa indonesia translator interpreter, english to indonesian language professional, english to indonesian language translator, indonesian to english language editor, editor for website in indonesian, indonesian website translation and editing, indonesian language vendor in jakarta indonesia, indonesian translator interpreter in jakarta indonesia, . See less.
This profile has received 516 visits in the last month, from a total of 343 visitors